David Wilcock 10-26-18… MOMENT OF TRUTH: Part 2… “The Political Stuff Nobody Wants to Talk About”

Part 2 looks into many of the “political operations” that are ongoing. I was particularly struck (and amused, now that I’m more awake than I was prior to 2016) by his description of “the Face” and “the Heel”, as it relates to deep state manipulated politics. Of course, the Alliance and Donald Trump threw a great wrench into the “Face vs. Heel” deep state machine.

David also confirmed one thing that I have “sensed” for some time now, that Fox News (which I NEVER used to watch when Bush (or Obama) was in office) is working with the Alliance (“they now co-operate with the Alliance”). I also recommend watching the video (with Sean Hannity) which David links to, that points out the extent of the “Corruption at the Highest Levels”, which has been ongoing for some time, both before and after Trump won the 2016 election.

I’m posting the text only, and some key highlights (from my view), primarily from the first half of this part. Please go to the original article to view links and images. (and, somewhere in here, I am mentioned in one of the updates!)

Also, I’ve save the entire article (pts 1 & 2, combined) for download as:
Text only; HTML only; Complete web page (zip file)

“In my previous article from September 8th, I made it very clear that I supported Obama when he was pushing for disclosure, just as I now support the Alliance initiative working through Trump… All along, I have seen Trump as the “battering ram” that was necessary to smash through the overwhelmingly violent resistance to disclosure that exists. The “Fearless Dominance” and strong motivation to be the best, and make history, have somehow led to him doing this.

“It should be very obvious to everyone that the mainstream media is in an absolute fight to the death with this administration… Benjamin Fulford pointed out that the Arch of Ba’al was erected in Washington, DC just as this nasty [Kavanaugh confirmation] fight reached its peak. This appeared to be another example of the satanic elites using “ritual magic” in an attempt to empower their plans… This same Arch of Ba’al has been on display in front of various gatherings of “globalists,”…

“Up until the 2016 election victory happened, the opposing candidates in previous elections were really nothing more than Wrestlemania… Wrestling… has an assigned role for each character: There is the “Face” and the “Heel.” The “Face” looks better, and deliberately tells the townspeople how amazing their village is… The more loved he is, the better. The “Heel” is less attractive, and deliberately insults the town and its people…

“[In 2016 election], Hillary was the “Face,” and Jeb Bush was the “Heel.”… The Deep State knew they had complete control of both candidates. Even in the unlikely event that the “Heel” won, [the deep state] still won the Election…

“The media has been in a non-stop assault against Trump ever since he joined the race, and particularly after it looked like he might win the Republican nomination. If you hear enough negative stuff about someone for a long-enough period of time, you’re probably going to hate them just because you’re so sick of it. Now you can’t even speak about anything other than the “official” party line of the mainstream media without being censored… The amount of slander and libel that is occurring in this case, directly from a media that is supposed to be unbiased by law, is absolutely staggering.

“The Alliance’s efforts date back to at least the Korean War, at which time the five-inch-thick binder called “The Plan” was created… The Alliance was aware that we were dealing with a genocidal, bloodthirsty cabal of individuals worshiping ancient gods and seeking to create total misery and death on earth. Top generals were on the verge of doing mass arrests during the Obama administration.

“Donald Trump was apparently approached by the Alliance because he was only one they could find who had any chance of carrying out their mission: [see this prior Kp blog post for the list of why Trump was asked to join the Alliance.]

“…if the Democrats really wanted to pick the most likely candidate to win, it would have been Bernie Sanders. He was FAR cleaner and vastly more likable. Hillary was very unpopular. She was caught in countless, provable crimes that dwarfed Watergate by orders of magnitude. Yet, the Deep State knew it had to be her. It was surreal in the extreme to watch how she was shoved down our throats.”


Part Two: The Political Stuff Nobody Wants to Talk About


In case you didn’t read Part One, I highly recommend it. We are discussing Q Anon briefings from September 19th confirming the existence of Secret Space Programs.

This is a tremendous development that suggests disclosure could be much bigger and better than many of us thought.

In my previous article from September 8th, I made it very clear that I supported Obama when he was pushing for disclosure, just as I now support the Alliance initiative working through Trump.

The Cabal is suppressing technologies that can resolve every single crisis that plagues our planet at this time.

We are already an interstellar, Star Trek civilization, with stargate and super-light-speed “warp drive” capability.

We are already interacting with hundreds of different species of extraterrestrials.

All along, I have seen Trump as the “battering ram” that was necessary to smash through the overwhelmingly violent resistance to disclosure that exists.

The “Fearless Dominance” and strong motivation to be the best, and make history, have somehow led to him doing this.


It should be very obvious to everyone that the mainstream media is in an absolute fight to the death with this administration.

One of the latest examples of this was the incredibly nasty fight surrounding the appointment of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, which went through on October 7th.

Unless you carefully follow alternative media, you might naturally believe Kavanaugh was a dangerous, sadistic rapist.

The Q Anon briefings made it clear that these were calculated, false smear attempts, since Kavanaugh was essential to the mass arrests working successfully.

With his presence on the Supreme Court, Q Anon indicated that the arrests can now move through without being obstructed.

Benjamin Fulford pointed out that the Arch of Ba’al was erected in Washington, DC just as this nasty fight reached its peak.

This appeared to be another example of the satanic elites using “ritual magic” in an attempt to empower their plans.

[This arch is also one of the most common “Illuminati symbols” that gets deliberately planted into a wide variety of Hollywood films, once you know what you’re looking for.

As one homework assignment, count how many times the arch appears in the movie Devil’s Advocate.]

I really wish I didn’t have to know about this stuff, but once you understand what is going on, you no longer have the luxury of ignoring these details:

10/15: Arch of Ba’al Erected in DC As Kavanaugh Fight Reached Its Peak


Please recall that the Arch of Ba’al was on display in Washington, DC as the fight to install Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh was reaching its climax.

“Jonathan Cahn, author of the book The Paradigm, has pointed out that Baal was a god of power, fertility, and child sacrifice,” according to this website and many other sources.

This same Arch of Ba’al has been on display in front of various gatherings of “globalists,” including a “World Government Summit” in the UAE in 2017.


The idea that Christine Blasey Ford could have been lying about Kavanaugh might have been completely insane to most people, particularly those on the left.

Nonetheless, there was abundant proof that she was lying about multiple things in her testimony, as this October 2nd article argued.

On September 29th, the Senate Judiciary Committee also caught someone else lying about Kavanaugh, only to later recant his false claims on a social media post.

This person could very well have been paid or otherwise influenced to say the things he said, before experiencing such a huge backlash.

We are not going into too much detail on these stories, for now, so I recommend studying the above links if you are not aware of these counter-arguments.

Again, you don’t have to like any of these characters. At all. What I do think you should like is the idea of Full Disclosure.

If you are a long-term visitor to this site, then I hope you realize the Alliance is getting closer and closer to completing its mission.


Up until the 2016 election victory happened, the opposing candidates in previous elections were really nothing more than Wrestlemania.

In the debates, they appeared to be against each other. However, just like at a carnival, after the match they laugh and drink beer together.

It’s like a classic saying one of my insiders loved to use in our conversations.

It starts with a question: “I can guarantee with 100 percent precision who will win the next Super Bowl. You want to know who it is?”

“Sure,” I said.

“The NFL!”

The equivalent, in this case, would have been, “Who will win the next election?”

“The Deep State!”


In carnival terms, this idea of a staged conflict between business associates is called “Kayfabe,” which is an encoded term for “Be Fake.”

Opposing carnival wrestlers are taught they must NEVER “Break the Kayfabe.” Any time they are seen in public by anyone, they must appear to hate each other.

If anyone gets wind of what is really going on, the carnival will quickly be confronted by police for fraud, shut down and run out of town.

Wrestling also has an assigned role for each character: There is the “Face” and the “Heel.”

The “Face” looks better, and deliberately tells the townspeople how amazing their village is. The more loved he is, the better.

The “Heel” is less attractive, and deliberately insults the town and its people — or at least some of them.

His job is to get the audience as close to a violent riot as possible, without having them actually erupt into physical violence.

Then, when the Heel appears to be defeated by the Face in the wrestling match, everyone cheers… and feels like they got their money’s worth.


The Deep State’s plan for the 2016 election, in light of this Carnival Logic, was very simple: Hillary was the “Face,” and Jeb Bush was the “Heel.”

Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in Jeb’s campaign. They were serious about it.

Jeb did not have the looks, charisma, public speaking chops or magnetism of Hillary. That was the point. He was the Heel.

This next image is from a Politico article on June 1st, 2015, scripting how this “boring” election was expected to go down:

The Deep State knew they had complete control of both candidates. Even in the unlikely event that the “Heel” won, who still won the Election?

The Deep State.

The media continued to attack Trump the entire time, making it look as if he didn’t even have a chance to beat Jeb, much less any of the others.

Each new leap forward he made in his candidacy was seen as a total shock. Yet he still won. Somehow.

So much hate has been piled upon him since then that it may be nearly impossible for people to see anything else.


The media has been in a non-stop assault against Trump ever since he joined the race, and particularly after it looked like he might win the Republican nomination.

If you hear enough negative stuff about someone for a long-enough period of time, you’re probably going to hate them just because you’re so sick of it.

Now you can’t even speak about anything other than the “official” party line of the mainstream media without being censored.

‘Defamation’ is false information that has been deliberately fabricated to attack someone’s reputation.

Slander is spoken defamation, and libel is written defamation.

The amount of slander and libel that is occurring in this case, directly from a media that is supposed to be unbiased by law, is absolutely staggering.


For just a moment, try this exercise. You may not like it. At all. But just think about it. Without using names, just consider the concepts.

You have more money than you could ever imagine. Your family is set for life. You are a celebrity. A billionaire.

You can do anything you want. You can live safely and protect your family.

For some reason, you willingly decide to take on a mission that is almost certain death — for you and your entire family.

The assassination threats will be overwhelming and constant. The level of hate that will be directed at you will be nearly unprecedented in Earth’s history.

You know you are not a perfect person. Issues from your past will inevitably come up that will be deeply disparaging and humiliating, if not damning, once revealed.

Your goal is to hold off the trouble for as long as you can, so you can complete the mission — and stay alive in the process.

The tension with your spouse is extraordinary. The in-fighting with your closest associates, along with the betrayals, is non-stop.

The media turns against you more extremely than any other figure in recorded history. Yet you still keep going.


The Alliance’s efforts date back to at least the Korean War, at which time the five-inch-thick binder called “The Plan” was created, as we discussed in the previous article, now with over 700,000 views.

The Alliance was aware that we were dealing with a genocidal, bloodthirsty cabal of individuals worshiping ancient gods and seeking to create total misery and death on earth.

Top generals were on the verge of doing mass arrests during the Obama administration.

We have been passing along multiple Alliance briefings about potential mass arrests ever since 2009, and it was extremely serious.

At the time it would have been severely traumatic, and would have looked like a literal military coup against the United States leadership.

The Deep State was aware enough of the Alliance that the Alliance was under constant attack. This included massive financial problems.

It was very much like the story of the Founding Fathers of the United States in that sense. The Alliance did NOT have a strong asset base.

I did not gain that information in briefings until fairly recently, and it helped to explain a LOT of things for me.


Donald Trump was apparently approached by the Alliance because he was only one they could find who had any chance of carrying out their mission:

1. He was an existing celebrity who was already popular with many people;

2. He had enough money to finance his own campaign without being bought out by special interests;

3. He was not personally involved in any of the most depraved acts of the Deep State, based on advanced Alliance surveillance;

4. He had a very strong sense of self, which would be necessary in the face of a hatred unprecedented in world history;

5. He had the qualities of “Fearless Dominance” necessary to face almost certain death against a murderous cabal.

Again… where so many people are getting hung up is that this is NOT all about the president. He is just one person in a much greater effort.

He has made outrageous gaffes that I would never dream of saying, publicly or privately, in a million years.

It is amazing that he hasn’t cracked any farther considering the awesome, worldwide pressure he is facing.

Trump was simply chosen to participate in a particular role within a vastly larger operation, which far predates him.

The Alliance attempted to coordinate with Obama to do disclosure as well, but Obama succumbed to the murderous pressure of the Deep State.

No one can accuse me of taking political sides here. My side is for Disclosure. I support whoever can actually make that happen.

And just like I said about the Law of One crew and my own insiders in Part One, deeply flawed people can still do things that contribute to disclosure.


Real life is not like a Disney movie. We don’t get perfect, crowd-pleasing heroes who perfectly embody every part of the hero archetype.

Thus we seem to be in a highly surreal situation right now, which in this case also stirs up bizarre ancestral memories of quirky kings from aeons past.

The amount of hate we see on a daily basis is utterly sickening, and deeply traumatic. If you believe everything the Cabal is putting out, things have never been worse.

It would appear that we are in a true All is Lost point, globally.

On the spiritual level, this is allowing everyone to process memories in the deep subconscious — from other lifetimes on earth.

These historical cycles are very important for the practice of forgiveness and soul evolution, as I argue in The Synchronicity Key.

Patterns of events keep repeating and repeating, in very precise cycles of time, until we integrate the lessons they offer.

These lessons invariably revolve around the concept of forgiveness of self and others.


Again, I have to laugh, as until I got the briefings and saw what the Alliance was doing, I would have never had a single good thing to say about Donald Trump.

There are still a huge number of things that have happened that upset me. Statements and decisions that made me cringe.

Public gaffes that are so outrageous I would audibly groan when I saw them. And so on. You’ve probably had the same experiences. They keep happening.

The media has tried to make it so that there is no middle ground. You are either a “Trump-Tard” or you wildly hate the man.

Anyone who even attempted to create any type of “Middle Path” was immediately and wildly attacked, defamed and shut down.

It amazes me how wildly some people hate me for simply being optimistic about the idea that this administration might fulfill the Alliance’s long-standing plan for Full Disclosure.

And with the awesome purges going on, the media elite are literally trying to make it impossible for you to hear any dissenting opinions.

That should also give you something to think about, if you can step back, take a breath and think differently for a moment.


The controlled media fought valiantly to argue that Trump didn’t actually win the popular vote.

Instead, the spoon-fed media sound-bite was that he must have ‘stolen’ the election. How?

Russia. Russia! RUSSIA!!!!

The great old nuclear enemy of the United States, back at it for one more title fight, gunning for the championship belt — the total control of America.

Russia… who made up all this really evil stuff about our Holy Immaculate Mother, Hillary, and smeared it all over the internet.

The irony of this was that most people didn’t like Hillary either. For many, it was a choice between two deeply flawed candidates.

Again… if the Democrats really wanted to pick the most likely candidate to win, it would have been Bernie Sanders. He was FAR cleaner and vastly more likable.

Hillary was very unpopular. She was caught in countless, provable crimes that dwarfed Watergate by orders of magnitude.

Yet, the Deep State knew it had to be her. It was surreal in the extreme to watch how she was shoved down our throats.


If you still have a hard time thinking anything positive could be happening with this administration, consider this.

The Deep State is now fighting so hard that you literally can’t even talk about this administration in any positive way, and be heard online.

The only way you can still have freedom of speech at this point is to run your own website on a private server and have a loyal, long-term following, like what is happening here.

Anything else, including a site where you have a sub-domain within a larger domain name, is utterly and completely vulnerable.

And if you are writing on any large social media platform or doing videos on YouTube, forget it. You’re done.

There is a massive, ongoing, non-stop bloodbath of censorship against ANYONE who dares to say anything that is other than total negativity.

This article from Natural News is one of many that are covering this massive purge just before the midterm elections. Here is an excerpt:

10/12: Massive, Coordinated Social Media Purge Before Midterm Elections


(Natural News) Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter are committing massive election fraud with a coordinated purge of conservative and libertarian accounts just weeks before the mid-term elections.

What follows are excerpts from Information Liberation (Chris Menahan) and The Organic Prepper (Daisy Luther):

…Hundreds of alternative media site administrators logged onto Facebook to discover that their accounts had been removed. Soon after, many of these sites and their writers found that their Twitter accounts had also been suspended.

Popular pages like The AntiMedia (2.1 million fans), The Free Thought Project (3.1 million fans), Press for Truth (350K fans), Police the Police (1.9 million fans), Cop Block (1.7 million fans), and Punk Rock Libertarians (125K fans) are just a few of the ones which were unpublished.

The fact that many of these accounts were also suspended by Twitter shortly thereafter should tell you that this is a coordinated effort to silence large swaths of the population….

Mark Zuckerberg just shut down 559 pages and 251 accounts — which include tons of massive independent media sites with millions of followers run by Americans — a few weeks out from the midterms.

Jack Dorsey followed it up by banning many of the same independent news sites and the journalists who ran them on Twitter.

The pages included The Free Thought Project, Press For Truth, Anti-Media, Cop Block, Filming Cops, Counter Current News, Right Wing News, Noisy Room, Gun Laws Don’t Work, Reverb Press, Nation in Distress, Clash Daily, Voluntaryist Veterans and many more.

If you are totally OK with reading the above, seeing this like a sports game in which the side you hate is losing, then you are missing the point.

We have a coordinated operation between mainstream media and social media tyrants literally conducting the largest mass censorship in recorded history.

Let’s say you hate Trump, hate the right, hate the whole thing. Are you still cool with it going this far?

Don’t you feel educated and powerful enough to make your own decisions about what to believe, without having dissenting opinions forcefully sanitized — so your eyes never see them?

Is Facebook’s excuse of “inauthentic behavior” reason enough to kill off “The Anti-Media,” with 2.17 million folowers?

How authentic is the idea of corporate giants completely shredding the freedom of speech guaranteed in our Constitution?

Are you even capable of allowing yourself to get mad about this, even if the victims are people you normally would not agree with?


A couple of months ago, I saw an article detailing how a wide variety of popular pages regarding organic food and healthy eating were also being banned.

If you can find the link to that research, please drop it in the comments and I will include it here. Thanks.

OK, we found it. Thank you, Melissa in Arcadia! The article appeared on Activist Post as of July 13th.

The list of “purged” sites, with huge followings, is 84 long. (This was before the new purge of a staggering 559 additional pages.)

We will just list the first 35 to give you a sense of who the Deep State was targeting. Most are about as far left as you could ever want:

7/3: Facebook Purges Over 80 Accounts in Sweeping Attack on Alternative Media

Here’s a list of all the pages I know of which have been deleted or unpublished indefinitely:

1.Collectively Conscious (915K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

2.Natural Cures Not Medicine (2.3M followers) – Deleted on June 11th, 2018.

3.I Want to Be 100% Organic (700K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

4.Viral Alternative News (500K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

5.Organic Health (230K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

6.Natural Cures From Food (120K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

7.Heart Centered Rebalancing (3.9M followers) – Deleted a few years ago.

8.Awareness Act (1.1M followers) – Deleted in mid-2017.

9.Conscious Life News (1.1M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.

10.Wake The F— Up (550K followers) – Deleted about a year ago.

11.Living Traditionally (570K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

12.Organic Wellness (600K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

13.Chocolate Socrates (608K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

14.Earth We Are One (1.7M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.

15.Meditation Masters (2.3M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

16.People’s Awakening (3.6M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.

17.Nikola Tesla (1.7M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.

18.Interesting Stories (1.5M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.

19.The Warrior (1.7M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

20.Natural Health Warriors (140K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

21.Tech Explorers (270K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

22.Universe Explorers (1.5M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

23.Area 51 (1.5M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

24.The Global Meditation (70K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

25.Video Explorers (780K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

26.Spiritualer. Com (80K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

27.Flower of Life (670K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

28.EWAO (30K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.

29.Global Freedom Movement (27K followers) – Deleted on June 19th, 2018.

30.Health & Alternative Medicine (550K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.

31.Pure Nature (1.7M followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.

32.Nature Gallery (654K followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.

33.Mesmerizing Nature (912K followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.

34.Nature’s Touch (150K followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.

35.We Really Like Animals (544K) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.


This is all starting to sound like a (thankfully) non-lethal version of Martin Niemöller’s classic poem, “First They Came for the Socialists.”

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Digg.com is a “content aggregator” site that takes the most popular stuff on the internet, from Reddit.com and elsewhere, and packages it in one page.

I hit Digg’s homepage every day, with a bookmark. It is one of my primary places to visit, other than Drudge Report. I do not visit social media at all except to make announcements.

Digg is pretty darn mainstream, but they still nonetheless have surprises. Consider this article from October 24th, where they were brave enough to speak “truth to power” in this situation:

10/24: Remember Bookmarks in a Time of Social Media Mass Brainwashing

Just within the past month:

50 million Facebook users had their personal information stolen,

Instagram is more than happy to prioritize growth over the mental health of their users,

Facebook faked video view metrics by up to 900%, which defrauded advertisers and ushered in waves of layoffs in the media industry, and;

The New York Times Editorial Board recently scolded Facebook and Twitter for relying on the media industry to moderate their platforms for them.

The sum total of this is, in the estimation of writer Adam Sternbergh who literally took a course on how to be happy, is that today’s internet is designed to make us upset.

“If science sought to create a Sadness Generator, it couldn’t do better than Facebook/Instagram,” tweeted Sternbergh.

I believe him.

We can’t leave our consumption habits up to algorithms developed by profit-seeking companies that claim to know us better than we know ourselves.

The feeds are destroying us. But buried within your web browser lies a solution. That solution is the bookmark….


Whether he was ‘real’ or a paid operative, as some have suggested, the case of Alex Jones in mid-August set a stunning precedent for what we are now seeing in mid-October.

Digg, again, was brave enough to ask the questions other media outlets refused to even address:

All Alex had left was Twitter, where he was using Periscope to post videos — and then they banned him on that platform as well:

Unilaterally, in a matter of days, Alex was banned from ALL social media.

Then when you tried to go to his website to hear what he had to say, guess what — it was not available due to an utterly massive hack. Interesting timing:

This is Nazi stuff. Old Soviet KGB strategy. Orwellian.


Is Old Alex really so terrifying that even hearing his words is a “thoughtcrime” that the poor, suffering public must be protected from at all costs?

Is it so hazardous to your health to hear an Alex rant that your ears will start bleeding and you must be rushed to the emergency room?

Is his one Big, Terrible Mistake — speculating if Sandy Hook was somehow not exactly as we were told — so terrible that he must lose his freedom of speech?

[Almost every single article that wrote about this multi-platform banning used this one argument as if it was all-encompassing.]

Are the social media giants public utilities, or simply good-old-boys’ corporate networks where “He who has the peso has the say-so?”

The Germans cheered when the last independent media source, not controlled by the State, was shut down by the Nazis.

Hardly anyone batted an eye when Q Anon was similarly “deplatformed” from Reddit and other such hosts soon afterwards.


The declassification of the FISA memos was something Q Anon had expected to be a mega-bombshell. Instead, thanks to this mass censorship, hardly anyone even heard about it.

The FISA memos showed absolute proof that the highest-level people in the FBI knowingly constructed an elaborate attack campaign against Trump to sway the election.

Top FBI officials fabricated a wealth of “fake news” stories about Russia collusion, where none actually existed.

They planted these stories out into the media, and then used paid, planted insiders to create mock outrage about the fake news.

They talked about this in their text messages with each other, patted each other on the back, and never thought they’d get caught.

The FBI fought mercilessly — to the death — to stop these FISA memos from being leaked, and yet they came out anyway.


For a long time I absolutely blasted Fox, and it still frankly gives me the chills even though they now co-operate with the Alliance.

Nonetheless, if you can tolerate it just long enough to get through about fourteen minutes, you should carefully watch this anyway:


Q flagged the quote that appears at the 13:35 mark in post number 2229, and it is important enough here to be repeated:

13:35 (transcript)
Joe DiGenova

“As I’ve been saying for two years, there’s been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump.

And that is exactly what these texts are about.

Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say [this:]

I know there is a grand jury underway. Testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case.

The reason we know it is that James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State’s evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury.

I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he’s going to be indicted.”


When I was talking with the female insider “Mega Anon” about things like this on the phone last year, I could easily get confused by all of the names.

So, in case this is happening to you, here is a basic orientation of what is going on:

Peter Strzok was Chief of the Counter-Espionage Section of the FBI. Strzok led the FBI’s softball investigation into Hillary’s use of a personal email server.

Andrew McCabe was the former deputy director of the FBI, from February 2016 to January 2018.

McCabe became the acting director from May 9th to August 2nd, 2017, after Trump dismissed James Comey as the FBI director for corruption charges.

Lisa Page was a top FBI lawyer who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with Peter Strzok, devising elaborate strategies to publicly defame him.

The new texts that are being released reveal Strzok, McCabe and Page committing far worse crimes than previously disclosed.

Even if you hate this president, bear in mind that tampering with a federal election at the level the FBI have provably done is a very serious crime.


The people who hate Trump are probably never going to change their minds. “But what about Russia?”

The US is more divided than it has been since the Civil War. Even mass arrests and disclosure is not likely to change that.

Please bear in mind that in no way do I support a totalitarian Trump-led dictatorship in the aftermath of mass arrests. Not at all.

If there is any sign that this is starting to happen after the big event occurs, believe me, I will be exposing it fearlessly.

My point is this: We absolutely need disclosure in order to survive. Our planet is in serious trouble. The suppressed Secret Space Program technologies will help immeasurably.

Even if you see this as a fight to the death between warring, negative factions, remember this: The one thing they always agreed upon was secrecy.

Once you reveal the kayfabe, once the public knows the whole thing was a scam, politics is forever destroyed. There is no turning back.

The public will be horribly betrayed — and it will take much, much more work to regain that trust than ever before.


In this next post from September 9th, we see an example where the Q Anon folks believed the FISA memos would have a much larger impact than they actually did, at the time:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fd0a4a No.2950995
Sep 9 2018 18:07:54 (EST)

How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?
You have more than you know.


The previous article has now had over 700,000 views, and therefore is a very public and popular piece of journalism.

On September 10th, Q warned that there should be no private communications from past, present or future about this mass arrest operation being put online.

It was also stated that the people involved in the operation should have no communications (comms) outside the Q platform.

From this point forward, I stopped seeking new briefings on what is going on. We are so close now that everything is very sensitive.

Eight days later, the silence paid off when Q dropped the Big One: Not just disclosure, but the Secret Space Program.

Here is where the warning about leaks was posted on September 10th. This is likely why Q has been totally silent since October 9th:


In the previous article, I had speculated about how many operatives may be involved in conducting the arrests.

This is an excerpt where I worked up some numbers:


If it took 500 officers from eight different police divisions to successfully round up 50 armed drug dealers, it may take half a million personnel to grab fifty thousand criminals all at once.

Furthermore, the Schenectady sting was all done in a few hours. The leaked plans for mass arrests suggest it could take nine days, or even up to two weeks.

This would give time for the same teams of operatives to pounce on multiple locations within a relatively short time window.

Let’s say it took about five days instead of one. In that case, you may only need 100,000 personnel instead of 500,000.

Bear in mind that I have been getting high-quality briefings — for years now — about huge covert teams that are already in position for this purpose.

They are living and working in plainclothes, but all they have been doing with the majority of their time is training for these operations.


This article went up on September 8th. The speculation was that there were somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 operatives involved in these pending actions.

Four days later, Q appeared to give a direct answer to this speculation.


The number of operatives involved in the pending mass arrests may well turn out to be 297,000 — and Q indicated that this was “Military planning at its finest.”

It makes sense that you would need this many operatives in order to safely and properly conduct an operation of this scope and complexity:

Given that our articles are intensely popular, and that Q revealed the Secret Space Program just a week later, this may well have been a response to our speculation.


Right in the middle of the worst of the hurricane heading towards Washington, DC, the president tweeted “the Swamp is trying to fight back:”


There have been MANY Q posts describing a state of panic in DC, and this one from September 19th included the UK as well:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 72b088 No.3093117
Sep 19 2018 18:45:07 (EST)


This certainly fits in with the mass-media censorship we are now seeing.

This is a totally desperate move, since millions of people are losing access to alternative media outlets they love.

You can’t conduct operations like this for very long without it blowing up in your face.


The Q Anon comment boards lit up with all sorts of hate against yours truly in the aftermath of this stunning verification of the Secret Space Program.

This included posts where my face was put next to that of Hitler on 8Chan — although this may have been by a supporter making a point about what he was seeing.


Another noteworthy event was Corey Goode coming forward on Jimmy Church’s radio show, two days after this announcement was made.

Here is a link where it was posted:

▶Anonymous 09/21/18 (Fri) 01:22:49 d6da9a No.3119242

This seems to fit right in here.

Corey Goode was live on Jimmy Church – Fade to black show after Q dropped ‘not alone’ and ‘programs exist outside of public domain.’


The film Above Majestic has been in development for nearly two years now, beginning with footage collected by Jordan Sather.

This includes seldom-seen footage of William Tompkins before his death, who reveals a variety of excellent points about the Secret Space Program.

I originally taped for this film back in April or thereabouts. Orchard Entertainment later wanted to distribute it as a theatrical movie.

I then requested that I be allowed to re-tape all of my sections of the film, once I saw the finished product and assessed what it needed.

The re-taping was done in very early August. I have since been able to view the finished product before its official debut next week.


I do feel very safe in saying this: Never before has there been an “all in one” burst of full disclosure like this in a single film.

The production company did an excellent job of adding a wide variety of B-roll, as it is called, including things I never expected them to find.

I will post another article that goes into more detail about the contents of the film on October 30th, when it premieres.

In light of the incredible, mass media censorship happening right now, the timing of the release of this film couldn’t be any better.

I will also be launching a five-week online conference in the near future, entitled Ascension Academy.

Before then, Above Majestic will be a shocking “truth bomb” you can share with people who are still asleep, at the normal cost of renting a movie.

It actually turned out much better than I thought it might. The message it conveys, from a variety of insiders, is highly compelling.


Please remember that renting a movie like this also supports disclosure financially at a time where it is needed most.

Despite all the problems and public attacks we have endured, this film stands on its own.

This is also the first time I have had a major starring role in a theatrical release.

I am very proud of everyone’s work on the film, and feel that it says many things that are extremely urgent and timely.

Sadly, the premiere had to be canceled due to very serious threats, which could have affected everyone at the party.

Nonetheless, it seems next to impossible that the Cabal will be able to stop you from renting this movie, regardless of all their advanced tradecraft and trickery.

Here is the first trailer, where you can see some of it for yourself:


With the sealed indictments now up to 55,000 and counting, we can certainly expect more “action” in the near future.

I have a bunch of interviews to conduct as part of my contract for the promotion of the film with Orchard, and will link to them here when they arrive.

The weird hurricanes, massive economic turbulence and “partial disclosure” drips in the mainstream media are all signs that a “Truth Tornado” is heading straight for us.

We can expect that things will be very interesting once Q Anon decides to start posting again. This is truly “the calm before the storm.”

Be on the lookout for the launch of Ascension Academy. I had hoped to do this earlier, but have had many very serious issues to contend with first.

Again, please drop us your email address in case we get de-platformed in this very ominous environment. Seriously:

I am also happy to report that we have now set up our own 501c3 foundation, so any donations you may send to keep us going are now completely tax-free:


Before we sign off here, I wanted to make one last statement about the Q Anon briefings on the Secret Space Program.

The Q Anon posts are widely respected and taken very seriously.

Many obvious efforts have been made in them to prove they are emerging directly from within the current US administration.

When the indictments unseal, and the arrests finally happen, everyone will then look back to the Q Anon posts and see how accurate they were.

They are extremely complex, and the amount of information that has already been conveyed is truly staggering.


Now that Q Anon has said that we are not alone, and that secret space programs exist “outside of public domain,” we have a great opportunity.

In the post-mass-arrests world, we can have a mass call to action to alert people to these statements of September 19th, and hold the Alliance accountable for them.

This may have been by design. The Alliance has given us a great tool that we can use to ensure that disclosure happens even faster.

If enough people call attention to those posts, and insist that answers be provided, we can get the truth much faster.

We can ask what the “Space Force” was all about, and why we were told we would be going to Mars “Very Soon.”

The future is quite exciting, and exactly how or when this will happen is anybody’s guess.

Either way, there is a tremendous feeling of excitement brewing.

And in case you are already a victim of de-platforming, just remember: your life has value regardless of whether you are on Facebook or not.

Many whose voices were suppressed and silenced will become publicly-recognized heroes in the post-Disclosure society.

We will not let the deaths of Jim Marrs, John DeCamp, William Tompkins, Preston Nichols, Karl Wolfe, Bob Dean and other brave heroes be forgotten.


Brad Kauilapele sent me this link, ironically at exactly 4:20 AM, to an article on Neon Revolt.

I had earlier feared this was another Cabal “fake news” channel like Neon Nettle, but I have since realized this guy is very real.

He is in that phase that all of us go through at some point where you are constantly pumping out content as it catches on.

He makes a very good point — namely that the Hatch Act (5 USC 7321-26) prohibits the timing of arrests to affect an election.

This means the Cabal might be able get off entirely, on a technicality, if significant Q posts were put out prior to November 7th.

Thankfully, we only have a week and a half left to wait. It’s a very short article, unlike yours truly, but worth reading:

#QAnon’s Extended Silence is Well-Founded – #QDay is Coming – #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT

This certainly strikes me as a plausible explanation for the otherwise very peculiar silence we are now seeing.

With this in mind, we can expect some serious fireworks to occur after the election — and in the meantime we have Above Majestic coming out, which will definitely help.

Stay tuned.


While making the above update, I had two more examples of repeating number patterns in the hit counter, as follows:

Notice also that they both had similar patterns… 22’s and 33’s.

To me, this just shows that we are on the right track… and the fun has just begun.


Many of you were asking for links to where you can buy the movie. I am happy to report that the official Itunes link is already up and running:


As with any film, you can buy the movie to watch it as many times as you want, in this case for 14.99, or rent it to see it once.

I am not sure what the rental price will be yet, but it should be comparable to any other normal film.

The film is already available for pre-order, and given the circumstances, this might be one movie you actually want to own.

It is so jam-packed with amazing info that it will likely take a few different viewings, in different states of consciousness, to really take it all in.

Pre-Order Above Majestic now!
Purchase URL: http://radi.al/AboveMajestic
Get 4 hours of bonus material with purchase
on iTunes and Vimeo!

Vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/abovemajestic

Here is a letter from Orchard: “Of the three bonus features, we have a three-hour interview of you which is unreleased and absolutely amazing material!

The interview is cut into part 1 and part 2. I would think your fans would be thrilled to have this interview.”

Thank you for supporting this work and those of us who are still alive to carry it on.


One of the things we discussed in the previous article was the idea that the Emergency Messaging System would be used to announce the Mass Arrests.

This appears to be the only system that the Alliance can use to bypass Deep State corporate media censorship.

They did, in fact, run the test at 2:18 PM Eastern time on October 3rd. My phone went off and I was absolutely stunned.

This was just an initial test to confirm that the messages can be conveyed — but it was very real.

Here is a very troubled Electronic Privacy Information Center update about this:

10/1: Intrusive Presidential Emergency Alert Scheduled for October 3 at 2:18 PM EDT

The Department of Homeland Security and FCC have rescheduled a controversial test that allows the President to suspend cell phone service and communicate directly with cell phone subscribers in the United States.

The test message header is labelled “Presidential Alert” and will include the following text “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

Cell phone users cannot opt out of the test. The President has sole authority to determine when the alert will be activated.

The test will use the same special tone and vibration as with alerts for Tornado Warnings and AMBER Alerts.

It is unclear why the alert is designated a “Presidential Alert” or when it may be issued.

Now, as a result of reading these articles and studying all of this, you may have a better idea of what this is going to be used for.

I say “Bring it on.”


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