SerialBrain2, (10-24-18)… “Trump told us where to find Q’s intel about the Caravan”

Another one from SerialBrain2 that “caravaned” its way into my reading. Many fascinating links, videos, and points made about “the caravan(s)” and why they were organized pre-Kavanaugh confirmation. It appears “the caravan(s)” are the latest “weapons of choice” for the deep state.

This video about Senator Obama’s views on immigration goes along with this, and a sheepy and duck-filled and humorous iPOT video talks about “the caravan(s)”.

“…how to start this post, the Maestro tweeted this: tweet [also this video]. This tweet is 31 second of pure beauty where Hussein is contradicting all the current talking points of the left regarding the way Trump is handling the caravan and immigration in general… This Trump tweet reveals the hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to immigration and shows they are not serious about solving its related issues.

“Citizenship? Democrats do not want that for “their” immigrants. What they want is a portfolio of people in precarious status so they can control them and tell them how to vote. A border wall? Democrats do not want that either: the existing portfolio needs to be updated with new surviving, hungry and vulnerable arrivals. This is the pinnacle of human trafficking, folks: the merchandise is not sex but votes.

“[in this video, from 9:37 to until 11:50 New Day Oct 19.] From this exchange and Camerota’s mistake, we gather the Hidden Masters’ strategy is to use Immigration to try to distance Trump from his base. This explains why Chuck and Nancy could not make a deal with Trump in January: they could not afford to lose a card they wanted to play for the mid-terms. But then, how do you play the immigration card when you do not have a clear policy? You Kavanaugh the issue: you bring a Blasey Ford caravan from Honduras who will accuse Trump of being heartless… The problem is Trump already knows your playbook and has found the antidote. He knows how to nullify your emotional scams and find the right responses.

“Bingo. Our excellent Vice President Pence informs [video] us the caravan was organized by leftist organizations and financed by Venezuela. And his source is no other than the President of Honduras himself. Then we learn that as the caravan is moving towards our border, it’s being infiltrated by all types of people, including possible terrorists from the Middle East, ISIS, MS-13…

“As early as 2015, we knew Latin America smuggling networks used by drugs, human trafficking and MS-13 were targeted to facilitate ISIS entrance into the US… Now you understand why Trump picked General Kelly to become his first Secretary for Homeland Security…

“As you can see, the Fake News Mockingbird Media is playing dumb with Trump’s claim. They know very well what he’s talking about… The caravan is an operation the Dems had ready to go in case Kavanaugh was confirmed.

Their strategy has always been to import black ops in[to] the US using the illegal immigrant stream as a cover and Latin America as the training and launching platform. ISIS was the main instrument for implementation. This is why Hussein never addressed the ISIS issue seriously and looked the other way while Generals like Flynn and Kelly were preaching in the desert.”


Trump told us where to find Q’s intel about the Caravan
Posted 10-24-18, by SerialBrain2

As I was debating on where and how to start this post, the Maestro tweeted this: tweet [also this video]. This tweet is 31 second of pure beauty where Hussein is contradicting all the current talking points of the left regarding the way Trump is handling the caravan and immigration in general. One thing I like to do after reading the Maestro’s tweets, especially when they are this savage, is to laugh at the haters, the chills, the trolls and the mob responding to a devastating Stealth B2 heavy carpet bombing on their village with what they have left from their stone, egg and broken arrow supplies. Then, I go through the MAGA replies and man! Some of them are priceless. Look at these responses to the Maestro’s tweet:

This Trump tweet reveals the hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to immigration and shows they are not serious about solving its related issues. When Trump asks Chuck and Nancy to call him in this tweet, he knows they never will because, for them, immigration is a weapon to be used to gain political positions while deceptively playing with the public’s emotions. Why would they call him now when they refused his Jan 2018 offer to grant citizenship to 1.8 million dreamers in exchange of the border wall? vid1. Citizenship? Democrats do not want that for “their” immigrants. What they want is a portfolio of people in precarious status so they can control them and tell them how to vote. A border wall? Democrats do not want that either: the existing portfolio needs to be updated with new surviving, hungry and vulnerable arrivals. This is the pinnacle of human trafficking, folks: the merchandise is not sex but votes. Prostitution through IMmigration Politics…

One of the reasons why I like watching CNN is the same reason I liked watching snakes at the zoo when I was a kid: the cages they were put in gave me all I needed to coldly analyze them. Knowing CNN is Fake News from the get-go allows me to scrutinize their reporters’ every word to understand or detect their Hidden Masters’ moves and strategies. When Trump stated that Dems were behind the caravan, CNN invited Van Jones in a useless effort to debunk him (as shown later) but the interesting part was when Alisyn Camerota tried to raise real questions and share a theory. Let’s listen to her from 9:37 to until 11:50 New Day Oct 19.

Did you catch all the awkward moments in this exchange? Img1 Camerota said illegal border crossing numbers went up in 2018 and that this fact could be used against Trump to show his immigration policy was not working. Look at Jones’ face as she is outlining her theory. He is like: “wait Camerota, are you crazy? You are giving away our strategy. Yes, all this is about distancing Trump from his base but we are not supposed to say it. If people were to hear what you’ve just said about border crossings, there is no way we’ll be able to still fight against funding the wall”. He tries to help her walk back with: “wow, and you are sticking with that?”, but she does not get it. Instead, we get the fake smiles, the fake laughs and everybody feeling uncomfortable. Except Camerota. She probably took an honesty pill by mistake in the morning. Then, when Jones starts lying and deflecting, she hits him with “the republicans weren’t the government”. That’s when the other guest weighs in to save a now drowning Van Jones with a surreal CNN-this-is-a-banana moment: “Alisyn, stop with your facts!” Amazing stuff. Then, at 11:09 did you catch John Berman receiving a message in his earpiece while Camerota is realizing her huge mistake? At 11:37, we get to know what was told to Berman in his earpiece: he corrects Camerota with a laconic: “illegal border crossings are historically at a very low point”. He then tries to quickly switch to the prepared White House gossips before Camerota recovers from the blow she has just received from the Hidden Masters. In vain. She had enough time to swiftly insert her glass of cold water joke. My guess is she’ll be gone soon…

From this exchange and Camerota’s mistake, we gather the Hidden Masters’ strategy is to use Immigration to try to distance Trump from his base. This explains why Chuck and Nancy could not make a deal with Trump in January: they could not afford to lose a card they wanted to play for the mid-terms. But then, how do you play the immigration card when you do not have a clear policy? You Kavanaugh the issue: you bring a Blasey Ford caravan from Honduras who will accuse Trump of being heartless. Then, to give weight to this accusation and gain public opinion’s support, you add some Flake-elevator-spice by making sure it coincides with the murder of the Saudi reporter Kashoggi. Then, you fake your outrage when Trump does not consider cancelling the arms deal with the Saudis. Pretty cool right?

The problem is Trump already knows your playbook and has found the antidote. He knows how to nullify your emotional scams and find the right responses. Do you remember this episode: vid2

Same principle. To the Saudi reporter setup, here’s Trump’s Covfefe flavored response: vid3

And to the Blasey Ford caravan from Honduras, have fun with this: vid4

Bingo. Our excellent Vice President Pence informs us the caravan was organized by leftist organizations and financed by Venezuela. And his source is no other than the President of Honduras himself. Then we learn that as the caravan is moving towards our border, it’s being infiltrated by all types of people, including possible terrorists from the Middle East, ISIS, MS-13… Did you hear the journalist’s insisting question about terrorists being in the caravan? It sounded like Jim Acosta. This is Mockingbird Media preparing their talking points: they know Trump cannot disclose classified information, so they ask him a question he will not answer to, then, they accuse him of making claims without evidence. The problem is these claims are not new and the Fake News knows it very well. Latin America being infiltrated by ISIS, border trafficking routes being used to import terrorists in the US and terrorists posing as refugees is a claim Homeland Security made when Hussein was still President. It’s right here, in this ABC 2013 article.

As early as 2015, we knew Latin America smuggling networks used by drugs, human trafficking and MS-13 were targeted to facilitate ISIS entrance into the US. Watch this: vid5 and this vid6. Now you understand why Trump picked General Kelly to become his first Secretary for Homeland Security…

You want more? Sure. June 2016, Admiral Kurt Tidd also expressed his concern about ISIS spreading in Latin America in an effort to enter the US using refugee streams through our then porous borders: vid7

As you can see, the Fake News Mockingbird Media is playing dumb with Trump’s claim. They know very well what he’s talking about, it was covered in the past. Extensively: Img2

The caravan is an operation the Dems had ready to go in case Kavanaugh was confirmed. It’s right here, in Q2289. Img3

Q128 Moves and countermoves.

Trump’s views getting stronger in the Supreme Court and Kavanaugh brilliantly sharing with us the beauty of Military Law was enough for Dems to have to win the Midterms. At all cost.

Getting illegals to vote is one way to cheat; the other is to force Trump to focus his attention on the caravan while conducting voter fraud activities. Sorry. Not gonna’ work. This is the very reason Trump tweeted this in the middle of the caravan crisis.

Then, to give us an idea of what is really going on behind the scenes and where to look on Q board, the Maestro posted a challenging tweet: Img4.

Look at the time stamp of the tweet: 10:04. Let’s go to Q1004. We find a random B. B like border… Next step? Img5 We look for all the instances where B for “border” is unduly capitalized. We find the only post is Q1009. 1009? October 09. This is the day Q went silent with Q2381. And there you have it. The Maestro’s tweet led us to Q1009 where we learn Q already had the intel as early as in April 2018 that there was an operation financed by private funds, gathering Clown Black Ops at the border, using the MS13/drugs/human trafficking lanes and that the Dems were involved. Future proves past: now we understand why Q concluded this post with:

Q1009 The WALL means more than you know. The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more. Q

Do you see it? Their strategy has always been to import black ops in the US using the illegal immigrant stream as a cover and Latin America as the training and launching platform. ISIS was the main instrument for implementation. This is why Hussein never addressed the ISIS issue seriously and looked the other way while Generals like Flynn and Kelly were preaching in the desert. Watch very carefully: video.

As you can see, it’s not complicated. It’s very simple.

Q570 [The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Q2086 They never thought she would lose. Q

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