“More JFK Jr. Intrigue” 7-22-18… Four Videos by @Cordicon [plus an update video from Mile High Podcast]

[Kp update: some might also enjoy this short video analysis by Mile High Podcast. The information is similar, but mainly I pass it along because of his high energy.]

Found this originally on Operation Disclosure, and watched all four of Cordicon’s video analyses of the JFK, Jr. possible connections. I’d say the first one and the last one were most illuminating for me, but they all have information I’d never considered before.

Some of what Cordicon presents here may be a bit unordered, but he appears to be a “regular guy” doing his analysis. He makes a lot of fascinating connections. I especially liked his finding of connections between the Q tripcodes and what shows up when you place them in a Google search (video 4). There are sure a lot of synchronicities flying around, that’s for sure!

Cordicon YouTube channel
Cordicon Twitter account


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