6-7-18… “Benjamin Fulford Talks: The Rise of India and New Global Alliances: Interview…”

Some may be interested in this Benjamin Fulford interview. I’m listening to it now, and sometimes I find it helpful to hear this information directly from Benjamin.

Found this at RMN.


Benjamin Fulford Talks: The Rise of India and New Global Alliances: Interview June 7, 2018 with Prepare for Change had the pleasure of an interview with Benjamin Fulford on June 7, 2018.

In this interview, conducted by Richard and Meg, Benjamin lets us know about the rise of India, the shifting of world alliances, the decline of the influence of the petrodollar, and he reminds us of the upcoming Bilderberg and G7 meetings.

Benjamin continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity.

We hope you enjoy this third interview in our series of interviews with Benjamin Fulford.

This interview is about 60 minutes long.

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