Let me make one thing perfectly clear… “#Q #QAnon NEVER ‘called out’ Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, or anyone else, by name, about ‘profiting off the #Q movement'”

[Kp update and correction: Q does mention a ref. to “Corsi, et al.”, in post 1438, where an anon says, “air force one pics from same set as Nov 2017 Q tripcode = Proof that Q = Same Q as always. Direct sot @ corsi et al.“; and in 1341, where an anon wrote, “We’ve all been blinded for too long. Alex Jones is NOT alt media, he is a traitor. He makes us all look crazy.“; although it was not Q itself that stated that. Bottom line, from what I have seen, Q itself did NOT bring up ANY names. Oh well, I’m not going to get that picky about it.]

As a preface to this, please recall that several “big names” started falling away from the Q posts at one point earlier this month. As I recall, both Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi began to report that #Q had “changed tone” or was “compromised”, or something like that (the only Kp blog post I could find about this was this one).

Anyway, “they” appeared to include Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, David Seaman, and quite a few others, I’m sure. I was not swayed away from the #Q #QAnon, clearly, as Q has continually re-validated itself in recent posts (see these Kp blog posts: post 1, post 2, post 3). And besides, I’m finding it more fun to play the “Q is real info” game, than the other one!

So, I just saw this recently produced video (from Divine Truth, thank you!), which is a selection of snippets from David Wilcock’s interview with Jimmy Church (related Kp blog post). In it he discusses #QAnon, and at 6:22, David states that #QAnon had called out Alex Jones by name:

“…QAnon came out and said that Alex Jones is talking to people who are purporting to be insiders but that they’re really not. And so they attacked him very frontally. They named him.”

Sorry David, this appears to be, “incorrect-a-mundo”. I did a search of the #QAnon collection boards, https://qanon.pub. There’s a little search box in the upper left corner of the page, and here is what I searched for: Alex, Jones, AJ, Jerome, Corsi, JC

I found NO occurrences of any of them (except for 7 occurrences of “JC”, which, in those Q posts, appear to refer to James Comey (see Q posts 436, 551, 559, 645, 675)). My conclusion: There are no Q posts which refer to Alex Jones (and/or Jerome Corsi), by name.

Now, the rest of what David spoke about, Q and the AJ relationship and possible AJ motives for “getting upset”, were right on. It’s only the point about “Q mentioned AJ by name” that I did not find.

So I searched for the word, “profit“. Here is what Q did say in posts containing that word (I’m highlighting portions I felt were relevant, and place the full posts below that) (note: all boldings are mine):

[1295] “Be careful who you are following. Some are profiting off this movement. Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream… Patriots are SELFLESS… To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
You decide.

[1328] “They want you DIVIDED. DIVIDED you are WEAK. TOGETHER you are STRONG. There was no attempt to DIVIDE. There was however a strategic move to REVEALNo names mentioned. They revealed themselves.

[1339] “Why are we being attacked? Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS? Do we have a face? Do we have a name? Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers? Selfless. Zero vanity… They all claim to be insiders. They all claim to have insider contacts. They do not… We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs
Control the information (THEY). Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).

[1343] “They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own. Profit-vehicle. Destroy through [misinformation]. Absorb the ‘confused’. Re-route traffic to other platforms…
Message sent. Message received. Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably)… Exposed. Attempts to divide. We responded. House cleaning.”

I believe that this was an attempt, by the #Q #QAnon team, to allow the “guilty ones” to call themselves out… which they did. By “ranting and raving” (each in their own way) about how they are not guilty of “profiting off the #Q movement”, and then subsequently denigrating and/or “body slamming” anything to do with Q (each in their own way, of course).

That’s my analysis, and my conclusion (now, let’s go to the beach!!).


FULL Q POSTS (that contain the search query, “profit”)

1295 (Apr 29 2018 10:11:22 (EST))
Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.
Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?
Think logically.
To some, it’s only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
You decide.
This is not a game.
The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
God bless you all.

1328 (May 10 2018 15:02:52 (EST))
1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
They want you DIVIDED.
There was no attempt to DIVIDE.
There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.
[Be careful who you follow]
Incorrect message translated [past] autists.
Correction made.
No names mentioned.
They revealed themselves.
Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.
Fake & False claims of an ‘unknown’ allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.
Do not fall victim to con artists.
Stay on point.
This is NOT about a single person.
This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.
We, the PEOPLE.
We, the PEOPLE.
We, the PEOPLE.
We will not be held hostage.

1339 (May 11 2018 12:12:38 (EST))
Expand your thinking.
Why are we being attacked?
Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?
Do we have a face?
Do we have a name?
Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?
Zero vanity.
Why are we here?
Why do we ask questions?
The choice has always been yours.
Use logic.
Free information.
What draws people here?
Expanding exponentially?
They all claim to be insiders.
They all claim to have insider contacts.
They do not.
Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.
Why do we communicate this way?
Think for yourself.
We are a threat to profiteering.
Information should flow freely w/o costs.
We established a series of ‘proofs’ for this specific reason.
Coincidence after Coincidence.
Growth due to confirmations.
Real source(s) communicating w/ the people.
Control the information (THEY).
Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).
Define Media.
Primary goal of the Media?
To Sell (each selling a dif narrative – set of targets).
Selling makes money.
Be careful who you follow.
Define ‘Patriot’.
They want you DIVIDED.
Attacks will only get worse.

1343 (May 12 2018 17:16:10 (EST))
They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.
Destroy through [misinformation].
Absorb the ‘confused’.
Re-route traffic to other platforms.
Action was needed [2].
1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation
2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion
Simple ‘non-direct’ statements made.
“Be careful who you follow.”
“Some are profiting off this movement.”
Message sent.
Message received.
Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).
Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).
Attempts to divide.
We responded.
House cleaning.
Heal [core].
Important to clean prior to next events.
The choice has always been yours.
The choice will always be yours.
This is not a game.
This is not a popularity contest.
This is LIFE.
We, the PEOPLE.
[Time to move on]
Dark to LIGHT.
Attacks will only get worse.
Truth is Freedom.
Truth is logic.
Stay the course.

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8 Responses to Let me make one thing perfectly clear… “#Q #QAnon NEVER ‘called out’ Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, or anyone else, by name, about ‘profiting off the #Q movement'”

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