UPDATES to David Wilcock 11-12-17 article… “Something Very Big, Part III…”

I checked the original article this morning and found these updates. More fascinating additions, some of which were noted in other Kp blog posts.

“MORE CLUES TO Q ANON’S IDENTITY… Other clues to the number code being alphanumeric… Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 00:18:35 No.147588421 ViewReport 4,10,20

#22 Donna 2017-11-13 06:19… There was a picture that I ran across of Trump on AF1 with a group, all with their thumbs up, which made a perfect Q if you trace the thumbs. Interesting. I saw another post that ended with 4,10,20,10,18 which would be DJTJR… I can’t say this is a perfect Q, more of a flat one if you include both of Trump’s hands, but it is an interesting theory.

“UPDATE 10:28 AM: SUGGESTION OF EMP WEAPONS USED FOR MASS ARRESTS… TruthEarth had a very nice analysis of the 4Chan Q Anon disclosures that goes well beyond what I did here. Required reading… “VPU2 & VPU1 are satellete mounted EMP devices. They send EMP pulses at directed areas around the world. Anon, remember how today we were told about “Training” for EMP attack? That’s what this was for. In case of malfunction in the atmosphere. VPU-2 is being used to turn off electricity at the compounds the princes are in.

High security. We are nabbing pedophiles by using targeted EMP.”


Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?


Q Anon had indicated that a criminal case against Podesta would appear between November 3rd and 4th.

This again shows he has high-level intel, as we now know an actual lawsuit appeared only two days later.

The gap may be due to normal problems with the legal system filing exactly when you think they will.

This can be found on the official United States Courts website. Take a look:


This again greatly substantiates the idea that whomever Q Anon is, he has access to high-level information before the rest of us do.

UPDATE: The person who sent me this did not realize it was filed by the YouTuber and reporter George Webb. It is not a Federal case.

This does not change the fact that the Podesta Group is closing its doors permanently as of November 15th, suggesting other cases were filed.


Other clues to the number code being alphanumeric are the following post, also from the November 1st collection:

Also note this post in our comments section:

#22 Donna 2017-11-13 06:19
I have been following the Q post. There was a picture that I ran across of Trump on AF1 with a group, all with their thumbs up, which made a perfect Q if you trace the thumbs. Interesting.

I saw another post that ended with 4,10,20,10,18 which would be DJTJR.
This is all getting very exciting. Please help find that photo of the thumbs in the Q and we will put it in here.


Another well-timed event that just took place was a post from Ben Fulford, former East-West bureau chief for Forbes.

Ben has been leaking intel for about a decade now, and at least some of it has proven to be very accurate over time.

This particular quote mirrors certain things MegAnon was strongly alluding to, without actually saying it quite so specifically:


The great purge of Khazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals, and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictments against senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.


…These same NSA sources are now saying the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas on October 1 was an attempt by mercenaries working for the G4S security company http://www.g4s.com/ hired by George Bush Sr. to create a distraction

in order to kill U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan (MBS).

Trump and MBS were meeting in secret at the suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, owned by MBS, to discuss the mass arrest of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, these sources say.

Both Trump and MBS were evacuated safely and the arrests have now begun in a way that can no longer be denied by the corporate propaganda media, multiple sources confirm….

In any case, the Saudi purge has now taken in former Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. and close Bush family ally Bandar Bin Sultan.

Bandar and Crown Prince MBS “may be star witnesses that Israel did 9/11,” the Pentagon sources say.

Of course, the trail to Israel will then lead to the Rothschilds hiding in their complex in Zug, Switzerland.

For now, it is their U.S. operations that are being shut down.

On that front, NSA sources are saying that top Clinton/Bush bagman (and satan-worshipping child torturer) John Podesta was stopped from fleeing the U.S. by U.S. fighter planes and arrested.

The meltdown of the Bush/Clinton cabal is now publicly visible in even the corporate media in the form of news that the Podesta’s companies have shut down.


I doubt I will have time to do any more updates for the next few hours, but check back later tonight or tomorrow just in case.

Who knows what will happen next? It is quite an adventure. Make sure you have your two weeks of food and water.

I also recommend carrying cash, as wherever you are when this happens, you might be stuck there for a while with your cards not working.


Immediately after writing the above, the previous article was at 313137 views. A nice 333 nestled in with an 11, and also 1313. Very cool:

I have had so many briefings on this that I know it far predates Trump’s election, and is not at all a “fascist coup,” as some comments suggest.

Again, they are going to get this done for the greater good either way. What we learn about the Cabal will be very shocking to say the least.


As requested, here is an image that one commenter, Donna, suggested might make “a perfect Q if you trace the thumbs.”

I can’t say this is a perfect Q, more of a flat one if you include both of Trump’s hands, but it is an interesting theory.

The newspaper headline they are obviously responding to underlines their support of the Saudi mass arrests for sure:

This next image, if proven authentic, appears to be of Trump monitoring a 4Chan discussion board:

Indeed, a Reverse Image Search could not find any source image that this would have been manufactured out of with image processing:

Remember with food storage, simple things like rice and beans, and a set of 5-gallon jugs of drinking water, should be sufficient.

LOL… and of course, more 2’s in the hit counter right after I posted the above — 32272:

Then as soon as I re-loaded it for review, we had 3’s popping up at 32533 — with a nice harmonic 25 (5×5) in the middle:

I must say that I am very excited about all of this after leaking intel on these Alliance efforts ever since 2009.


Just before I have to leave here and end this for most of the day, I looked for new posts on the Reddit pages for Meg and Q .

This response to a particular question jumped out at me. I encourage you to look for others and let us know in the comments:


ID:gsyi7i0a No.148668395 Report
Quoted By: >>148668468 >>148668546 >>148668587 >>148668670 >>148668677 >>148668880

QUESTION: Please somebody notice this, vatican, the queen (head of illum), all of its coming down.

Ive been studying this! thats why q said EU last

ID:HDsgsPtl No.148668880 Report
Quoted By: >>148669020 >>148669151 >>148669243 >>148669342 >>148669632 >>148669637 >>148670338 >>148670656 >>148670983 >>148671636 >>148671751 >>148673389 >>148674613

This domino will come last.
The others will fall because of SA [Saudi Arabia] and NK, you only have to watch now.
We are safe.
China is on board.
The indictments are ready.

The Titanic LEAKs of all time are coming.
Nothing can stop this.

Extractions are complete.
God bless you and God bless the United States of America

Very fascinating indeed.


TruthEarth had a very nice analysis of the 4Chan Q Anon disclosures that goes well beyond what I did here. Required reading.

This excerpt is of particular significance:


ID:jf2qHqNL No.147992997 ViewReport

VPU2 & VPU1 are satellete mounted EMP devices.

They send EMP pulses at directed areas around the world.

Anon, remember how today we were told about “Training” for EMP attack?

That’s what this was for. In case of malfunction in the atmosphere.

VPU-2 is being used to turn off electricity at the compounds the princes are in.

High security. We are nabbing pedophiles by using targeted EMP.

Scotland yard tried to arrest pedophile ring — but they said targets were too high profile, no one can get to them.

Look at the logos. They are built to send “lightening bolts from the sky”.


The moderators notified me that the Podesta lawsuit included here was filed by the journalist George Webb. It was not Federal.

I had a lunch break and decided to pop in here and make that change.

Once I went to take a look at it, the hit counter had a three-digit synchronicity in it — 59929:

Then I decided to hit Refresh again — and WOW! I hit it at exactly 60,000. Very impressive:

There are apparently FAR more interesting things appearing in the Q Anon briefings. I may need to write another update very soon.

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