GaiaPortal 7-2-17… “Nova Gaia telomers connect the Light-guideds”

This GaiaPortal update came out yesterday. A Telomer is a short polymer chain composed of a small group of monomers. I have a sense that “Nova Gaia telomers connect the Light-guideds” may mean that various smaller groups working for the New Earth are acting as connectors for those who are guided by the Light, but may be somewhat isolated in purpose.

And I’m wondering if the phrase “Franciscans are replaced” is pointing to things like Cardinal Pell (and others in the religious realms) being charged with abuses.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Nova Gaia telomers connect the Light-guideds

Nova Gaia telomers connect the Light-guideds.

Franciscans are replaced.

Status markers are removed from all upward-boundeds.

Primaries are recognized and followed.

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