Justin Deschamps, SITSHOW 6-6-17… “How Psychological Warfare Tactics are Used to “Take Down” Researchers, Whistleblowers, and Others — Informal Commentary by Justin”

This appeared to be an excellent overview of psych-warfare, and how it releates to what has been going on with the “attacks” on Corey and team.

“I wrote the following commentary in reference to one smear campaign currently being waged against an alleged secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. But to be sure, these methods are used at all levels of society, and my comments are applicable in a general fashion.

“I left the following as a comment on Facebook in the Stillness in the Storm Group, in reference to a Youtuber, Dark Journalist’s New Age Deep State series, which is one example of the smear campaign against Goode and others who work with him. I’ve seen Dark Journalist’s material before, and found it of high quality, thus I was curious as to what he was able to uncover in his research. But what I saw was disappointing, as the videos have, at present, amounted to what I would characterize as a smear campaign, using psychological warfare tactics.

“This campaign against Corey Goode uses the most shallow and inarticulate arguments, but it also uses some well-established mind control techniques, like NLP, subtle suggestion, emotional baiting, and so on… DJ… didn’t bother contacting the people involved to get their side of the story (I know because I’ve personally spoken to those involved), he just focuses on his claims as if they are unquestionably true, as if you are a fool if you don’t believe them.

“DJ’s “outing” of Roger Richards as a satanist was laughable and it used almost every fear tactic in the book to deceive his audience, who seemed to buy into it wholesale. But what’s unsettling is that this effort is successful to some degree, yet only on a certain demographic.”


How Psychological Warfare Tactics are Used to “Take Down” Researchers, Whistleblowers, and Others — Informal Commentary by Justin

by Justin Deschamps,

In the pursuit of truth, free thinkers and experiencers (divergents) often have to battle against the status quo. This can play out in the realms of academia, home life, and society at large. But there is often a more nefarious aim by those seeking to maintain established belief systems and accepted “facts.” Sometimes, in our effort to make sense of the world, we feel the need to attack others who don’t share our beliefs. It is my suspicion at this time that the powers that should not be have been using psychological warfare tactics for thousands of years, and these methods work on our emotions and beliefs. These methods have been infused into our culture, so much so that almost all of us have used or fallen victim to them at some point in our lives. I hope to draw awareness to this with the following.

I wrote the following commentary in reference to one smear campaign currently being waged against an alleged secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. But to be sure, these methods are used at all levels of society, and my comments are applicable in a general fashion.

As I have clearly stated many times on this site, I am not a “follower” of Goode. I don’t blindly believe his story nor do I try to convince others that he should be unquestionably believed. On the contrary, I strive to use his story, and the uncertainty surrounding it, as a venue to discuss how we, as individuals, come to know the truth, how we navigate our beliefs, and what we can do to better understand life experience in general. And I express these same sentiments in almost every other facet of my work, which has nothing to do with Corey’s story.

I left the following as a comment on Facebook in the Stillness in the Storm Group, in reference to a Youtuber, Dark Journalist’s New Age Deep State series, which is one example of the smear campaign against Goode and others who work with him. I’ve seen Dark Journalist’s material before, and found it of high quality, thus I was curious as to what he was able to uncover in his research. But what I saw was disappointing, as the videos have, at present, amounted to what I would characterize as a smear campaign, using psychological warfare tactics.

Now to be clear, I don’t know, nor do I suspect, that Dark Journalist is consciously using these methods, or that he is working as a government agent of some kind. That is possible, but I think what is more likely is that these techniques are so widely used in our world today, almost everyone has some proficiently in them, some more than others.

Without further ado, here is the comment.

Keep in mind that this is rather informal—and it is written in an Op-Ed style format. My opinions are my own, and as always, I encourage you to think carefully about the information, discerning what is offered at a personal level.

Psychological Warfare Tactics Used to Smear Corey Goode, and Others

This campaign against Corey Goode uses the most shallow and inarticulate arguments, but it also uses some well-established mind control techniques, like NLP, subtle suggestion, emotional baiting, and so on.

With all due respect to DJ, he didn’t bother contacting the people involved to get their side of the story (I know because I’ve personally spoken to those involved), he just focuses on his claims as if they are unquestionably true, as if you are a fool if you don’t believe them.

Is this objective journalism? Shouldn’t an argument stand on its own without using such tactics? 

DJ’s “outing” of Roger Richards as a satanist was laughable and it used almost every fear tactic in the book to deceive his audience, who seemed to buy into it wholesale. But what’s unsettling is that this effort is successful to some degree, yet only on a certain demographic. I want to take a moment to discuss these methods because I think we are being attacked on all sides, not just about Corey Goode.

It’s time to speak to the greater issue of how these methods work.

Psychologically, when we believe in something we don’t understand consciously, it tends to evoke a powerful emotional experience—faith-driven believers usually adhere to an ideology because it supports a worldview they agree with. The Blue Avian message and the SSP Alliance vision for the future is positive, uplifting, and empowering, hence people want to believe it’s true.

Here’s problem #1: there’s no direct evidence to confirm Corey’s story, which means it’s very difficult to substantiate our beliefs in his narrative. While we can’t prove his story we can prove the validity of the message, with great accuracy, as I’ve attempted to do in a lot of my writings about his testimony and what its greater message means. The philosophy of improving ourselves through high-quality diet, personal work, and striving for positive global change stands on its own without Goode’s backing, which has been the primary focus of my writings.

If you can comprehend the philosophy at a personal level, then you can substantiate the belief in the positive side of his story, and in doing so, turn your belief from blind faith into precise knowing. This has a direct psychological effect that translates into more coherent and balanced emotions surrounding this topic and mitigates any smear campaigns designed to attack our emotions. It moves your belief system from the realms of the unconscious, where alter personalities have control, to the realm of the conscious where you are in control.

For example, using another topic, it’s hard to know for sure if a cancer cure will benefit you if you don’t study it directly. But when you do, then you can know intrinsically what it can do, and this gives you emotional stability. Similarly, if we were accused of a crime we didn’t commit, it would be upsetting, but we’d have the strength of direct experience to draw upon—we couldn’t be deceived into thinking we did the crime because we know intrinsically this isn’t true.

Thus, intrinsic or personal verification—knowing why we believe what we do firsthand is always better than blind faith. But we have to do that work ourselves in order to develop this firsthand understanding. And when we don’t, our beliefs are on shaky ground, we can easily be deceived by smear campaigns, propaganda, and mind control tactics—which is precisely what these anti-Corey campaigns are doing (at least the ones I’ve reviewed).

Now since we can’t personally verify Corey’s direct experiences, we have to be OK with uncertainty in this regard. We shouldn’t try to smudge uncertainty with blind faith either. Instead, if we take the time to grapple with the fact we won’t be able to verify his experiences, this is a more honest stance, and it properly divorces the message he offers from his personal story. Let me say that again for emphasis, we may not ever be able to confirm that he meets with Blue Avians, and once we accept this fact, we won’t feel pressured to believe in it blindly. As a result, we won’t feel uncertain about the overall message he shares, which is arguably the most important. This is critical to come to terms with—what we don’t know for certain—so that we don’t accidentally fall prey to dogma. In other words, part of the inner work means recognizing what we don’t know for certain so we can expand our knowledge and understanding with honest research.

Problem #2: Based on what I can see, some followers of Corey didn’t substantiate their beliefs in the message, and as such, their discernment process is largely emotional and unconscious. It “feels right” to them (of course I’m over generalizing, but I’m sure you get the point). But the problem with only emotional discernment is that it can be attacked by propaganda designed to destabilize unconscious belief systems, especially those beliefs in the hands of our unconscious alters. What does that mean? It means that the introduction of doubt via sensational smear campaigns, like what Dark Journalist and others are doing, causes us to feel unsettled, destabilizing the emotional discernment many rely on to “feel that Corey is telling the truth.”

Now if you are someone who relies on emotional discernment, as many do, I’m not saying you are acting the fool or missing the mark. But I am saying that it is vitally important you become aware of how your emotions can be used against you, as this is a primary weapon used by the Cabal. One day, the emotional cues you use to discern could change, and this feeling might play havoc on your sense of well being—the powers that should not be are experts at attacking your emotional processes. So I would suggest training yourself on other methods of discernment, such as logical analysis, is very helpful. And of course, we aren’t alone in this process, we can help each other reinforce our understanding through discussion.

The topic of how emotions affect our understanding of the world is a large one. I want to highlight one dynamic I’ve come to understand over the years: unconscious alter personalities.

An alter is the part of us that manages things we haven’t made conscious yet or refuse to look at. An alter takes on the characteristics of a real personality, created by moments of trauma in our lives. The vast, vast, vast majority of people on Earth, due to how children are raised, have many alters. Some people have gotten control of their alters, and integrated them through holistic practices. Others have alters that are more in control and switch in and out of an altered state regularly. To a certain extent, we all switch in and out, as it’s a feature of the human condition at this time. A good way to tell when a part of your consciousness is in the hands of an alter is if you have an incoherent rationale about something you do or believe in. In other words, if you can’t precisely know why you do what you do or understand what you believe, the subconscious is in control to some degree, and therefore an alter is in control.

For more on alters, see The Origins of War in Child Abuse [WARNING: the material is somewhat unsettling.]

Some examples of altered consciousness are emotional reactivity and impulsiveness. That moment when you feel compelled to buy a product on impulse, without a logical reason for doing so, is an example of an alter’s influence. And a case can be made for positive alters or those parts of our personality influenced by spiritual forces, such as guides. But even in these cases, we should strive to integrate these into our conscious personality.

When you think carefully about why you do what you do and believe, this divests the alter of their power to control the data set, and integrates it back into the control of the overriding conscious personality—the soul. Given this dynamic, all forms of propaganda seek to manipulate the altars, which often control the conscious personality via powerful emotions, what are called over active “alarm centers” in the amygdala and hippocampus. When we feel “triggered” negatively, our brains produce a broth of powerful neurotransmitters that make us feel fearful, and this compels us to seek balance again by any means necessary, through seeking an explanation. For example, the fear people felt during the 9/11 attacks was “made sense of” by the media saying it was due the work of terrorists. This “understanding” changed the way we viewed the world—making some people seek for solutions such as a War on Terror.

The same fear tactics are being used by those attacking Goode. I suspect this is why some of Goode’s ardent supporters have flipped to attacking him, or at the very least, not believing the narrative in the same way they did before. The doubt and uncertainty people feel after seeing these smear campaigns, especially when there is no personal work to give their beliefs stability, quickly turns to anxiety. And no one likes to feel uneasy about their beliefs, so it’s much easier to abandon them, with prejudice.

I’ve spoken to several folks who said they found certain things suspicious about Goode, but when I asked why, they had nothing to offer except a “gut feeling”. To me, who has some psychological training, this reaction is likely due to the Neuro Linguistic Programming aspect of the smear campaigns—they use subtle forms of mind manipulation to distort the unconscious belief system to the hands of the alter, making you feel uncertain, but not sure why. Then, with this uncertain feeling now surrounding Corey, paranoia sets in, and people start to see red flags everywhere. One person even told me that Stacy Goode checking her notes during the interview she had with Teresa Yanaros recently was a “red flag” she is lying. But that isn’t a sound theory, it could mean a lot of different things, but to say it is definitely proof of deception isn’t an honest appraisal of the situation, and suggests a person is grasping to find something to bring stability to their emotional uncertainty.

When our unconscious beliefs are destabilized, emotional reactiveness spikes, and we tend to reach for anything we can to make sense of things. Combine this emotional instability with mounting group/peer pressure to stop believing in Corey, and it’s only a matter of time before someone submits and abandons their previous views. Of course, if there was a rational coherent argument for why Corey shouldn’t be believed, then abandoning belief would be a wise course of action. But this isn’t what is happening at all. People are effectively being held hostage by their emotions and this wears them down, eventually the desire to “fit in” is overwhelming.

In my estimation, the more we can personally sit down with our beliefs, and make them rationally coherent, the more emotional stability we gain. Emotional Discernment isn’t bad, it just can’t be the only thing we rely on because if we do, we leave ourselves open to manipulation from propagandists and social programming.

And to be clear, what’s important to me is discussing how these manipulation tactics affect us, and why we should learn how to gain more mastery within ourselves so that we aren’t so easily controlled by our emotions. I’m not trying to make people believe in Corey. But I am using this situation as a way to highlight the psychological warfare tactics the Cabal employs against us, the same techniques they’ve been using for thousands of years.

The preceding text is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely. 

About The Author

Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshowFacebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.

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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm

This article (How Psychological Warfare Tactics are Used to “Take Down” Researchers, Whistleblowers, and Others — Informal Commentary by Justin) by 
Justin Deschamps originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com are provided. If you spot a typo, email [email protected].

Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected] with the error, headline and urlThank you for reading.

June 6th, 2017: Minor grammar corrections were made to this article

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