Monthly Archives: March 2017

Notes and comments related to the last Kp message, “Energies Being ‘Sensed'”

Mahalo to everyone who sent emails, and/or FB comments about the last post. I wanted to share a few of them here. SJ: Thanks ~ apparently coming March 20th spring equinox. GS: Resonates Kauilapele <3 Day '3' of a powerful … Continue reading

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Kp Note 3-5-17 0100 HST… “Energies Being ‘Sensed'”

Haven’t written many of these recently, but this one bumped its way into my consciousness. I’m seeing a smooth ocean right now, but way out there is a massive wall of energetic water (tsunami) that is coming quickly. This is … Continue reading

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Holy Crap!! What was this???!!! “Breathtaking UFO Footage 2017 | UFO colliding To the Mountain”

[youtube=] [BTW the craft in the video looks nothing like the illustration in the YouTube video thumbnail.] This looks to me that the craft either crashed and exploded, or perhaps blasted something away on the other side of the … Continue reading

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A Reverse Speech of a segment of Kp Radio Hawaii 3-3-17… (“Staying Aligned with that ‘Light Essence’ thing”)

Well, I had a bit of fun with last night’s Kp Radio Hawai’i show, and downloaded and reversed the audio. At about 8:30 I was talking about the Democrat Congresswomen in the audience at the Trump 2-28-17 address. I was … Continue reading

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David Oates… Three Reverse Speeches for your consideration…

Okay… I’m fascinated by the data that reverse speech (RS) provides. I’ve posted a couple of these before, from Tiffany Fontenot (also and David Oates (also These are from David Oates. The first two are quite short, and … Continue reading

More Galleries | 12 Comments 3-4-17… “March 4 Reading: Today’s Messages”

This is from Tracy. I just listened to these videos and felt the “sense” others would benefit from this. Tracy is a Shaman herself, and like many of us, she does very strange and wonderful energetic things. And recall that, … Continue reading

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Victurus Libertas 3-2-17… “More EXCLUSIVE Information From DHS Insider!”

In this prior post, VL adds more information from their supposed “DHS insider”. As I mentioned in the earlier VL, the information here is consistent with what I have heard/read from some other places. And with what I “sense” within. … Continue reading

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Kp Radio Hawaii 3-3-17… “Staying Aligned with that ‘Light Essence’ thing”

Show link: Talked about (among other things): Felt it was important to do this show on the 3-3-17. Higher D perspective, and living in the Higher D, is very important. Current planetary Energies are exposing whole picture… everywhere. Trump … Continue reading

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Three RT’s about the current political/MSM “Full Court Press” using “The Russia Card” (from 3-2-17, 3-3-17)

There is definitely a full court press* going on around anything Trump, administration, policies, cabinet appointments, etc. Although this game has been played for decades, apparently now it is being “ramped up” to new levels, even as “attacks” (restrictions, etc.) … Continue reading

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RT 3-2-17… “‘Stop spreading lies & fake news,’ Russian FM spokeswoman [Maria Zakharova] tells CNN reporter” (aka, Russia is still awake to MSM BS!)

Well, it’s great to see that the Russia FM spokesperson is still understanding what the US MSM (many of them) is about. There is a full court press, apparently, to get everyone on Trump’s team negatively connected to Russia. Sorry… … Continue reading

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Message from Mike Quinsey 3-3-17…

A new Mike Quinsey. Particularly I use caution and discernment regarding all data about “deliveries”, “packages”, “resets”, “RVs”, and all that. I like to remember that everything we need is within ourselves, and whatever we need is supplied as we … Continue reading

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Jordan Sather, Full Disclosure Now 2-21-17… “Antarctica – FDN Community Intel Report by Jordan Sather”

Some may be interested in this video from Jordan (Jay) Sather. I have had this “mind movement” for a few days that it was time to post this. I feel Jordan is one of those who have come to this … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-2-17… “Remove the Labels”

This is partially a personal type post. I only can speak from what comes from within me. And what I know, for myself, is that I do not align with “Labels”… or “Labelers”. So many throw labels onto things, people, … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 3-2-17… “Etheric Liberation Report”

This is an update of the initial blast of good news from Cobra, posted here. Sounds as if all is proceeding well towards the Event. ” Our meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the … Continue reading

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My project for this afternoon… A Work of Palm Art!!

. This was my project for today. Put palm fronds and big leaves on the metal roof to help keep it cool in the sun. I love living simply and with what the land provides. (btw my hand is in … Continue reading

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David Oates on “The Edge Radio” 1-29-17… “Reverse Speech Analysis of Lots of people, including Trump, Hillary, et al”

[Kp note: personally, I do not align with the apparent attitudes of the interviewer, who seems to have a fairly strong “Christian oriented” and sometimes, to my view, very staid attitudes about certain things (like sexual expression, etc., etc.). “The … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-27-17… “Battle to free humanity accelerates in US Japan Israel Korea and elsewhere”

Full weekly report from Ben. “The world-wide takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with arrests, assassinations, information warfare, financial warfare and more esoteric forms of combat, according to multiple sources. “Top US and Russian generals Joseph Dunford and Valery … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-1-17… New Video and Social Media sites…

I’ve been “playing” with a few alternative media and social media sites, and I’m still figuring out which I might regularly use. I also wanted to have some alternatives in case the “standard” ones (FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube) get overbearingly advertised, … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 3-1-17… “Mid-week Report”

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. There is another post, regarding RV/GCR, and assistance needed, from yesterday some may wish to read. “…ON THE GLOBAL SCENE, I CAN FAITHFULLY REPORT THAT ONE OF MY DEAR SISTERS, A ROYAL IN ASIA, HAS … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 3-1-17… “Storms of compliance awaken the hu-beings”

My sense is that the “Storms of compliance” has something to do with beings learning that sticking to old paradigms takes one into “stormy” regions, and encourages stepping out of those. “Flashes of constructives” perhaps are things that are suddenly … Continue reading

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