Tiffany Fontenot 1-7-17… “Reverse Speech Analysis of WORLD’S-WORST-CRISIS-ACTORS” (or, “Sometimes you have to ‘Throw it in Reverse’ to get the truth!”)

tiffany_fontenot_headshot_1You know, I’ve been getting an occasional message or two (e.g., from Corey Goode and couple others) about this “Reverse Speech Analysis” of various people’s speech. And I must say, it is fascinating! Tiffany’s audioBoom homepage has a number of analyses which she and her team have done. I’m posting this one here as sort of an introduction.

This has a video which demonstrates the effects, and I found this most unveiling about these two (extremely not-so-effective) crisis actors (hey… we can still hold them in the Light!). Wow! The included video containing the analysis is amazing.

And then there’s this one she references, which I suggest watching the whole thing (hey, it’s only a minute!) through the BeeGees “Tragedy” music. Hilarious!!

[from Istanbul tragedy actor, Raak] [Forward speech] “Awesome tragedies. This is um very unfortunate.

[Reverse speech]: Man this rope, Mayor. Musses it. Leaves his Auschwitz out.

– This crisis actor is talking to himself through internal dialogue in the metaphorical language we all use when we speak in reverse. He’s telling himself to get ahold of himself because he is messing up by not including a sense of tragedy in his acting.

[from (??) tragedy actor, Swan] [Forward speech] “It’s, uh anyone gets a, it’s just tragedy.

[Reverse speech]: Heat is there. Search sick. Get sick. You mean it! (Gasp) Sick!

– Here, Swan is coaching herself on her acting. She is telling herself that the intensity she needs is there just like the Oakland fire she is supposed to be reacting to, but she’s telling herself to dig deeper to really appear sick with tragedy in order to look like she means it, and it is very sick.

“These two people, James Raak and Swan Vega are indeed crisis actors, and very bad ones at that. In my humble opinion, they should be spending time in jail for assisting in a very dangerous con of the surface population of Earth along with those that hired and planned these events and sold these events to the public as real in order to forward their hidden agendas.”


Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot of WORLD’S – WORST – CRISIS – ACTORS

[Kp note: to view the included video with Reverse Speech Analysis,
please go to Tiffany’s article

–This analysis will just be a quick one of two crises actors that are held by many to be the worst actors in the world. James Raak from the Istanbul, Turkey Nightclub Shooting New Years Eve going into 2017, and Swan Vega from the Oakland, California Warehouse Fire, December 2, 2016.

–“…a crisis actor is an actor who participates in a false flag event such as a bombing or mass shooting simulated by the conspirators—usually government or corporate forces—in order to achieve some goal such as justifying increased government surveillance, disarmament of the population, or military action against blamed nations or groups. Crisis actors are claimed in this context to play the part of bystanders or witnesses, emergency response personnel, and (with the aid of stage makeup) wounded victims of the attack.” Wikipedia

*If you are not familiar with what Reverse Speech is, please scroll to the bottom and read: What is Reverse Speech???????

**The best way to listen to the recording and read the transcript is to put up this webpage in two tabs on your browser. Then you can go back and forth from the transcript on one page, to the recording on the other tab, pausing the recording as needed.

***Check My Work!

Please feel free to download the IPhone Reverse Speech app by typing in “ireversespeech” in the Iphone app store, the Android Virtual Recorder app in the Play Store, or use ANY other device that records and will play both forward and backward, to check my work if you like! Go to the video I used on Youtube, record the forward speech of the reversal you’d like to check, then play it backward so that you will hear what I heard. 😀

Videos Used for this Analysis:

1. [this is the one I mentioned in the intro]

2. [the “Istanbul-shit” one]

****How to read the transcript:

F = What was said forward. R = What was said in reverse. [Brackets are around the exact words in the forward speech where I found the reversal.] Then there will be an interpretation for the reversal unless it is self-explanatory, or is unknown. Time indices are indicated for where the forward speech and reversal occurred in the recording.

*****JR = James Raak; and SV = Swan Vega

And now, the transcript:

F1:JR: [Awesome tragedies. This is um very unfortunate.]

R1: Man this rope, Mayor. Musses it. Leaves his Auschwitz out.

F = 0:00:08 to 0:00:13, R = 0:00:08 to 0:00:13

– This crisis actor is talking to himself through internal dialogue in the metaphorical language we all use when we speak in reverse. He’s telling himself to get ahold of himself because he is messing up by not including a sense of tragedy in his acting.

F2:JR: [Is.]

R2: Sick.

F = 0:00:14 to 0:00:15, R = 0:00:14 to 0:00:15

– Commenting on behavior involved in this event. The forward and backward make a full statement that this “Is sick.”

F3:JR: I don’t want to talk about what happened [inside the club.]

R3: Muck with arson.

F = 0:00:18 to 0:00:21, R = 0:00:20 to 0:00:21

– Raak has already told himself that his acting is not good in his previous Reverse Speech. He knows he’s not a good actor. Muck with arson is metaphorical speech for playing with fire. He is worried that if he talks about details of what happened inside that he will make mistakes.

F4: SV: [It’s, uh anyone gets a, it’s just tragedy.]

R4: Heat is there. Search sick. Get sick. You mean it! (Gasp) Sick!

F = 0:00:32 to 0:00:38, R = 0:00:32 to 0:00:38

– Here, Swan is coaching herself on her acting. She is telling herself that the intensity she needs is there just like the Oakland fire she is supposed to be reacting to, but she’s telling herself to dig deeper to really appear sick with tragedy in order to look like she means it, and it is very sick.

F5/6/7:JR: I don’t [know. I saw one] [person there] shooting and [hiding there I saw him.]

R5: No one saw him.

F = 0:01:26 to 0:01:32, R = 0:01:27 to 0:01:28

R6: Train the soul.

F = 0:01:26 to 0:01:32, R = 0:01:28 to 0:01:29

R7: Poison is here.

F = 0:01:26 to 0:01:32, R = 0:01:29 to 0:01:31

– “No one saw him” is an INcongruent statement meaning he is lying/acting. He did NOT see a person shooting. He is going to have to learn from the poisonous false flag event he has chosen to participate in.

F8:JR: I will fuck that dude up if I see him.

R8: Sell with my mood.

F = 0:01:33 to 0:01:36, R = 0:01:34 to 0:01:35

– Raak is trying to act as if he is angry at a man whom he NEVER saw that was supposed to have shot him in the leg, and he is telling himself to sell that to the audience.


These two people, James Raak and Swan Vega are indeed crisis actors, and very bad ones at that. In my humble opinion, they should be spending time in jail for assisting in a very dangerous con of the surface population of Earth along with those that hired and planned these events and sold these events to the public as real in order to forward their hidden agendas. Can anyone say RICO? I knew you could. 😀

“The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering, and it allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes which they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing, closing a perceived loophole that allowed a person who instructed someone else to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because he did not actually commit the crime personally.[1]” Wikipedia

What is Reverse Speech???????

Reverse Speech comes from the same place our dreams come from. It is natural to humans and was discovered by David Oates over thirty years ago. In his research, David found out that we actually learn to speak in reverse before we learn to speak forward. We start speaking in reverse at the age of about 4 months old.

Here is a Youtube video from David’s Youtube channel showing reverse speech in children. There’s even one handicapped child who cannot speak forward, but can be heard in reverse telling her mother that she loves her:

Our Reverse Speech is always true. It comes from what is programmed into our subconscious and also comes from higher self, and above. Because of this, it’s a very useful tool to be able to use on people as a lie detector.

David used it at the request of the police in one case. He analyzed a police interrogation with a suspect. They asked him where he hid the weapon, and the suspect claimed to be innocent, but in reverse, he said the weapon was in the basement, and that is right where the police found it. Many police are using this now in the U.S.

Some other things he has found recently have been that Hillary Clinton as said twice now in reversals that David has found that she does have and illness and when Bill was on Charlie Rose the other night saying that she’s healthy and that she only gets dehydrated, in reverse he said, “She’s toast.”

David even found the code word from Desert Storm back in the 80s that Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld and that bunch kept saying that was showing up in their Reverse Speech about 3 months BEFORE they told the public about Desert Storm.

Here is the confession in reverse of the guy who claimed he was innocent of killing Natalie Holloway. I don’t know if y’all remember that case or not, but here it is:

So, you can see that it will get right to the truth of what is going on with individual people…

Ok, now for the therapeutic use of Reverse Speech… If you know about Swiss Psychiatrist, Carl Jung, he discovered that our dreams are metaphors and that one of the ways we create our reality is to use these metaphors that have been passed down to us historically and individually.

Jung said that we would not exist without these metaphors. And, it just so happens that the same metaphors found in our dreams show up around the world in peoples’ Reverse Speech regardless of what language they speak.

So, when we do a Reverse Speech session, we find out by talking forward about the things we are concerned about and how they feel and what we think is going on, then we analyze them in reverse to find out what metaphors are being given to us about those things that are troubling to us.

Normally, during the session, we will find one or more unhealthy metaphors in our subconscious that we can then restructure into HEALTHY metaphors by a process of guided visualization/hypnosis to retrain the subconscious to dismantle the unhealthy metaphor and replace it with the healthy one.

Once this is done, that person’s personal reality starts to conform to the new healthy metaphor in building his or her reality. Here is a lady who went through a Reverse Speech session giving her testimonial about it:…/Alexander's%20Testimonial.m4v

“What Is Reverse Speech & Where Does It Come From?”

By Tiffany Fontenot

Our Universal and higher selves, our subconscious and unconscious minds are speaking to us all the time in synchronicities, telepathic phrases we hear in our heads, being energetically pulled to put our attention on something important… They speak to us when we are in altered states such as being under hypnosis, or in our dreams. They speak to us in symbols and metaphors, and many other ways that we are only just beginning to understand.

One other way this is done is within the context of Reverse Speech. Before being born here, we may exist outside of time. If true, one would not be surprised to find that humans naturally speak forward and backward at the same time from different levels of consciousness in order to both communicate and provide guidance and/or information to ourselves and others in a beautiful display of our true multidimensional nature that reflects how we ACTUALLY exist unbeknownst to us before.

Now that is multitasking that is really impressive, and I DO love it because it begs the question, “Who and what must we really be in order to be able to do all of that fancy footwork?” This is the most exciting question I think I’ve ever thought about and for me is full with emotion because it seems we are finally moving into a phase of being able to answer this question properly for once, meaning humanity has the opportunity now to tangibly FEEL our human potential unlocking that before seemed so far away and impossible to reach.

One thing that now appears innate to human beings due to the discovery and decades of study of reverse speech by David Oates is that we learn to speak backward long before we ever learn to speak forward.

We can hear Reverse Speech phenomena by recording the forward, more overt, conscious speech, then play the recording backward in order to be able to hear the more covert, unconscious reverse speech that comments on what is being said forward. These speech reversals are received and understood on a subtle, unconscious level during normal conversation.

The left brain creates linear forward verbal speech while reversals will tend to come from the relaxed, emotional speech that emanates from the more artistic, metaphorical, enigmatic right side of the brain.

How exciting to get to explore our natural, human, multidimensional nature through Reverse Speech as an avenue that leads us back to discover who we really are!

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8 Responses to Tiffany Fontenot 1-7-17… “Reverse Speech Analysis of WORLD’S-WORST-CRISIS-ACTORS” (or, “Sometimes you have to ‘Throw it in Reverse’ to get the truth!”)

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