GaiaPortal 1-15-17… “Light BEings are strengthened as closures are finished”

gaiaportal_logo289[Kp update (via FB): Now I realize that “closures are finished” follows right after David Wilcock spoke on C2C about the military taking our those who have been opposing humanity. They are “closing out” the dark ones.]

Cryptic as often the case with these, my view of this one is that certain pathways are closed… “Closures are finished”. We are indeed in a period of erupting “volcanics” (exposures, call-outs of the dark, etc.), which to me implies spectacular exposures of hidden volcanoes.

There’s more to this, I’m sure, but those are major points, from my end.


Light BEings are strengthened as closures are finished

Light BEings are strengthened as closures are finished.

Handles are removed.

Flares of assistance are launched.

Cosmics come to the rescue for the I AM willing.

Spectaculars from Volcanics surface.

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