Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast 12-28-16… “RAKETA NEWS: Russia in Syria, Turkey Accuses US of Aiding ISIL, Obama vs. Trump”

lada_ray_photo_a_63There’s a lot of pieces of news in this Lada Ray.

“This promises to be an unusually tumultuous and uncertain Holiday Season. In the US the accusations and attempts to overturn the election results will continue. In the following 2017 and 2018 the divisions and fights of global elites and within various countries promise to escalate, becoming more complex and confusing. Please hold on to your chair as the ongoing GREAT EARTH SHIFT gains its momentum during the rest of this decade.

“Not sooner I wrote this that the situation on various fronts of this complex global 4D hybrid war began branching out with new and more bizarre twists. ‘Hold on to your chair’ is exactly the right term to use… The assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, followed by a surreal incident in Siberia, where over 70 people died of fake alcohol poisoning. And now, the Tu-154 Black Sea catastrophe…

“UKRAINE: There is an avalanche of Ukraine developments as well. Many, many interesting and explosive developments. The situation, per above mini-forecast, is becoming more and more confusing. But for those who understand the logic of the events, it is going exactly as I predicted in 2014. The end of the junta is nearing, the people are awakening and US is preparing to drop Ukraine. Trump is already positioning himself to make it happen in 2017.

“SYRIA: Russian sappers sweep Aleppo for mines, discovering shells made in US, Germany… The Russian song flash mob has taken over the world and it shows no signs of abating… As part of the Russian World song global flashmob, Damascans are singing Katyusha. Damascus, Syria.

“My intel: last ditch effort by Obama admin and Congress to spoil relations with Russia. As predicted: Obama acts like a brat that he is, but it goes much deeper than that. He and his handlers go out of their way to make future Trump administration’s life as hard as possible.

“TURKEY: Erdogan: ‘Confirmed evidence’ US-led coalition supports ISIL & other terrorists in Syria.

“USA: Also this: US media acting as a mouthpiece for Al-Qaeda (Hard to believe – not! After all, it is the terrorist organization they once created to fight Russia.)”


RAKETA NEWS: Russia in Syria, Turkey Accuses US of Aiding ISIL, Obama vs. Trump

On December 18-19 I sent to many of you the email in which I wrote:


This promises to be an unusually tumultuous and uncertain Holiday Season. In the US the accusations and attempts to overturn the election results will continue. In the following 2017 and 2018 the divisions and fights of global elites and within various countries promise to escalate, becoming more complex and confusing. Please hold on to your chair as the ongoing GREAT EARTH SHIFT gains its momentum during the rest of this decade. 

These are the times when we all need a special infusion of light, peace and higher energy, as well as a reminder of our true mission on this planet. 

Not sooner I wrote this that the situation on various fronts of this complex global 4D hybrid war began branching out with new and more bizarre twists. ‘Hold on to your chair’ is exactly the right term to use. It is with great sorrow (and not intending any puns whatsoever), I can say that it will be very rocky.

The assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, followed by a surreal incident in Siberia, where over 70 people died of fake alcohol poisoning. And now, the Tu-154 Black Sea catastrophe , where there are only questions – and seemingly no answers. As I promised, I will have a separate analytical piece on the Tu-154.

After that, I would like to spend the New Year’s with something joyful and positive, despite all the disturbing events happening in the world at this time. We all need a break from all this madness. Unfortunately, those who plan these ugly and destructive events do not rest. They know that people are more relaxed during holidays and they try to strike at the tie when everyone’s not paying attention and when, therefore, we are more vulnerable.

So, my advice to you during this holiday season: be alert and pay attention. If you need to travel somewhere, do so carefully! Stay safe and stay warm!

I’ll be taking a couple of days off for the New Year’s. But I’ll be online and I’ll try to post something positive. I hope nothing truly crazy happens during the next week or so and we can celebrate in peace. I hope you join me for the virtual celebration here on FT and Lada Ray YT channel. I plan to post some of my favorite Russian holiday films and songs.



There is an avalanche of Ukraine developments as well. Many, many interesting and explosive developments. The situation, per above mini-forecast, is becoming more and more confusing. But for those who understand the logic of the events, it is going exactly as I predicted in 2014. The end of the junta is nearing, the people are awakening and US is preparing to drop Ukraine. Trump is already positioning himself to make it happen in 2017. Savchenko is in the news again. There are so many Ukraine news and events that I’ll have a separate, pretty long piece on that. Expect it in a few days.

I plan lots of things for January-February and for the entire 2017. Please stay tuned!


(aka, ROCKET NEWS, aka, fast news)

Now to the latest world events, in no particular order:


Russian sappers sweep Aleppo for mines, discovering shells made in US, Germany


Aid from ‘Russian Mother Theresa’ who died in Tu-154 crash reaches hospital in Syria

US law to arm Syrian rebels a hostile decision, directly threatens Russians in Syria – FM spox

My intel: last ditch effort by Obama admin and Congress to spoil relations with Russia. As predicted: Obama acts like a brat that he is, but it goes much deeper than that. He and his handlers go out of their way to make future Trump administration’s life as hard as possible. US tries to adopt new anti-Russian sanctions, Russia promises to respond in like, should that happen. Looks like they really, really never learn.

Losing the war and showing their true colors, US/EU supported ‘moderate opposition’ poisoned Damascus water supply.

And this is something positive from Syria. The Russian song flash mob has taken over the world and it shows no signs of abating. It travels from Russia and Ukraine, to Moldova, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Greece, Switzerland, Germany and Canada. As part of the Russian World song global flashmob, Damascans are singing Katyusha. Damascus, Syria.  Дамаск! СИРИЯ ПОЁТ ПО ПОЛНОЙ!!! – песенный флешмоб (24.12.2016) الروسية الغناء في دمشق.


Obama/US many failures in the Middle East and beyond


Erdogan: ‘Confirmed evidence’ US-led coalition supports ISIL & other terrorists in Syria.

This accusation comes shortly after FMs of Russia, Iran and Turkey met and agreed to join forces to fight terrorism. This alliance, absolutely impossible to imaging just a few short months ago, due to rivalry and animosity between Iran and Turkey, sent a clear signal that the previously indispensable US and EU have been sidetracked in the Middle East.


But that’s not all.

ISRAEL REBELLION – recall that I predicted this in ESR6!

Israel claims it has clear proof Obama pushed UN settlement vote. Netanyahu accuses US in ‘betraying Israel’ and promises to bring this up with Trump’s administration. Israelis have been generally complaining about US abandoning them in the past 5 years.

I know Israel in itself, and the true nature of Israel-US relations is confusing to many. There are lots of hoaxes floating around on that. But hang on to your chair. It’s about to get even more confusing and interesting. Trump will likely try to get relations with Israel back on track. But one can’t step twice into the same river. We are entering very different times.


Also this: US media acting as a mouthpiece for Al-Qaeda (Hard to believe – not! After all, it is the terrorist organization they once created to fight Russia.)

In closing: Obama has said something to the effect that if he ran against Trump, he would have won. Trump tweeted back something like ‘in your dreams.’ I agree.

A shout out to our supporter Christa from the Netherlands for the idea for this cool new banner!

Everyone, please let me know how you like it!

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