Cubs win! Cubs win!!

cobs_logo_240_1This is likely the only sports type post I’ll ever make here, but I felt it had to be done.

Many in my family comes from there (Chicago region), and I have seen a couple games at Wrigley Field… even one where we sat in the left field bleachers. Absolutely the best place to watch a baseball game (in my view).

Now what are the consequences of this Cubs World Series win (first one since early 1900s):

1. Cubs fans can finally stop saying, “Maybe next year”.
2. Large eye frame Harry Carey glasses will now come back in style.
3. People will finally learn there is a town called “Chicago”.
4. The RV can happen.
5. The US Republic can be restored.
6. The “Second Coming of Christ” can finally happen.
7. (Some) People (at least in Chicago) will finally get that sports are not the most important thing in the world.

…And probably a few more things.

Aloha, Kp

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