Lada Ray 9-16-16 Interview by James Bartley: “Russia The Great Balancer & Earth Shift” (#Hillaryshealth)


I’ve just learned about this from a Lada email, and see that she has also posted it here on her blog. The video as I’ve posted it above, starts at 1:15, where the interview starts (the preceding 1:15 is an intro to James show, but the intro volume is so much louder than the interview volume, I thought I’d link to the interview start).

Russia The Great Balancer & Earth Shift” (#Hillaryshealth)

On September 16, James Bartley, host of  The Cosmic Switchboard Show, and I had a fantastic interview about: USA, unipolar vs. multipolar world, #NWO and its end, Yugoslavia bombings, Putin and Russia’s turnaround, Ukraine, #Hillaryshealth, #EarthShift and Russia as The Great Balancer, consciousness and multidimensional universe.


  1. Russia – The Great Balancer and Stabilizer
  2. USA/West – The Great Agitator, Aggressor and Energizer
  3. Matriarchy vs. patriarchy; women vs. men; East vs. West. How our polarized yin-yang world works, why it’s severely out of balance, how Russia will rebalance it and why this time is unlike any other in human history
  4. Hillary Clinton’s health problems explained on the soul level
  5. NWO and Bilderberg
  6. September 18, 2016 Russian Duma Elections predictions 
  7. How the shift began and how Vladimir Putin came to power (USSR, Ukraine, etc.)
  8. Unipolar World & US: What is really the Great Earth Shift and how it works
  9. Lada Ray’s higher consciousness multidimensional perspective
  10. The thinning of veils between cultures and dimensions; blending and convergence of spirituality and cosmic consciousness with geopolitics

All this and more is discussed in this very interesting radio interview!

  (Please note: James requires a subscription to listen to part 2. Please go to The Cosmic Switchboard Show and follow instructions, or follow links under this YT video!)

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