SitsShow 8-2-16… “Boeing’s “You Just Wait” Ad Reveals 100 Year Partial Disclosure Timeline — Analysis | Disproving Partial Disclosure, Insider Testimony, and Steering Collective Consciousness Toward the Full Disclosure Timeline”

sitsshow_header_240_6[Kp update: here is a direct link to the Boeing ad video.]

A few of you have pointed this one out. It is a very long article by Justin, so I’m going to post a bit of it and point you to the original link to finish. In the meantime I place highlights from the entire article.

I feel it is important to be aware of this, and to stay “focussed” on the “full disclosure” scenario (in contrast to the “half-ass disclosure” version!).

” A campaign was launched in late 2015 along with a 30-second advertisement that debuted in early 2016 with the title You just wait. It features interplanetary spacecraft, solar energy technology, colonies on Mars, and claims to have taken the world “across the universe and beyond.” For those who may not be aware, the narrative presented in the commercial sounds glaringly similar to the testimony of secret space program (SSP) insider and whistleblower Corey Goode… The following article provides an overview of the insider testimony that correlates with the Boeing advertisement as well as the partial disclosure agenda currently rolling out to the public.

“This full disclosure scenario, as proposed by the SSP Alliance, and their allies, calls for a complete end to slavery in all its forms (the Babylonian money-magic system), the release of all hidden information and suppressed technology, and a truth and reconciliation style tribunal of the Cabal and their underlings.

“…the partial disclosure initiative will sound like a saving grace; because that’s what it’s designed to do. It’s designed to pacify the people who are the most aware… Under this limited disclosure agenda, only some of the truth will be revealed to the public and even that will take 100 years. According to Goode and his contacts in the SSP Alliance, the Cabal-run groups, and their allies, have brokered an agreement with certain Earth-based alliances to begin this partial disclosure effort.

“What Will Partial Disclosure Look Like? When the big push starts—which we are in the early stages of now—it will seem like the truth has finally been revealed: decades worth of banker fraud will be exposed, war criminals will be arrested, the 9/11 conspiracy will be unveiled, UFOs will be connected to black budget government projects (USAPs), and a financial reset or debt forgiveness will take place. And for those unaware of the greater truths—especially those related to higher level SSP activity—this will seem like our prayers have finally been answered.

Click to enlarge

“‘Trancelike wonder’ girl”… Click to enlarge

“…the “money shot.” This scene is where all the previous ground work culminates in a completed thought form, the suggestion or command to just wait. They finally reveal the face of the young girl from the beginning. Notice the same calm trancelike wonder and amazement from the earlier scenes. This girl represents the inner child of the audience, that part of us that seeks novelty and the fantastic. The audience will take all the previous suggestions of enticement and solidify them into their consciousness, by identifying with the little girl.”


Boeing’s “You Just Wait” Ad Reveals 100 Year Partial Disclosure Timeline — Analysis | Disproving Partial Disclosure, Insider Testimony, and Steering Collective Consciousness Toward the Full Disclosure Timeline
by Justin Deschamps

The Aerospace technology giant Boeing is celebrating their centennial or 100-year anniversary in 2016.

A campaign was launched in late 2015 along with a 30-second advertisement that debuted in early 2016 with the title You just wait. 

It features interplanetary spacecraft, solar energy technology, colonies on Mars, and claims to have taken the world “across the universe and beyond.” For those who may not be aware, the narrative presented in the commercial sounds glaringly similar to the testimony of secret space program (SSP) insider and whistleblower Corey Goode. The researcher, writer, and presenter David Wilcock also brings forth information that lends credence to this narrative, but there are many others.

The following article provides an overview of the insider testimony that correlates with the Boeing advertisement as well as the partial disclosure agenda currently rolling out to the public. In addition, an analysis of the ad and its subtle influencing methods will be conducted suggesting that it is an effort to steer the collective consciousness of humanity into accepting a limited disclosure scenario.

Goode became aware of this deceptive disclosure effort as a result of his contacts in the SSP Alliance and is doing everything he can to alert the public. This is because an alliance within the higher level SSP—whom he is connected to—is seeking full disclosure.

Full Disclosure vs. Partial Disclosure

This full disclosure scenario, as proposed by the SSP Alliance, and their allies, calls for a complete end to slavery in all its forms (the Babylonian money-magic system), the release of all hidden information and suppressed technology, and a truth and reconciliation style tribunal of the Cabal and their underlings. If the SSP Alliance gets their way, so much of the truth will be made public that attempting to institute a new form of slavery will be almost impossible. Clearly, the criminal syndicates operating on Earth and beyond want to do everything they can to stop this effort, including releasing advertisements that entice the public to accept a partial disclosure narrative.

But for those unaware of the insidious machinations of the Cabal (also known as the Illuminati, the New World Order, and so on)—those in power who have shaped the planet into a glorified form of modern day feudalism or slavery—the partial disclosure initiative will sound like a saving grace; because that’s what it’s designed to do. It’s designed to pacify the people who are the most aware while selling the unaware masses on a space-age style form of neo-enslavement.

Under this limited disclosure agenda, only some of the truth will be revealed to the public and even that will take 100 years. According to Goode and his contacts in the SSP Alliance, the Cabal-run groups, and their allies, have brokered an agreement with certain Earth-based alliances to begin this partial disclosure effort. Apparently, this agreement was made in late 2015 and bolstered in 2016, but this plan was most likely developed much earlier.

In a report issued in June of 2015, Goode stated that he attended a Super-Federation Council meeting wherein the first public allusion of a limited disclosure plan was mentioned:

The person at the podium then asked that there be no more Alliance Disclosures through myself or the people I am talking to including David Wilcock until after an agreed upon date in late November of 2015. They said that a well-known public servant would be sacrificed in the operation to implement their plan for an incremental disclosure. (Source)

Whether or not the “well-known public servant” was sacrificed remains unclear. On the other hand, partial disclosure efforts have continued to pour out into the public domain. These take on the form of entertainment media, such as films, television shows, and video games, as well as innuendo from science related propaganda outlets, like NASA.


For example, the initial discovery of exoplanets several years ago was a complete paradigm shift in the way science deals with the search for extraterrestrial life. Prior to this development, it was widely accepted in academia that humanity would most likely never find extraterrestrials—at least not anytime soon. Anyone searching for ETs with seriousness was quietly ridiculed and maligned—but not anymore. This is in part due to the discoveries of the Kepler Mission focusing on the search for habitable exoplanets.

Revised Drake Equation

To exemplify this shift, consider that the Drake Equation was “updated” recently.

This mathematical model from the mid 20th century was a boon for those unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of life evolving elsewhere in the cosmos. In its original form, the equation asserted that it was a statistical certainty that life doesn’t exist in the cosmos. But for those in the know, clearly, this isn’t true. Earlier this year, a team of scientists proposed changes that completely shifted how we look at the universe.

Adam Frank is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester who helped co-author a paper proposing changes to the Drake Equation, which incorporate Kepler’s exoplanet observations. The team revised the framework of several factors so that instead of asking how likely is it that ET civilizations exist, it instead asks how likely is it that our civilization is the only one to have existed. (Source)

The new form of the Drake Equation suggests that it is now a mathematical certainty that ancient ET cultures evolved and then went extinct many times over. Isn’t it interesting what changing some of the factors can do to shift the results? This new conclusion is an almost an 180º shift from the previous view. Take a moment to appreciate that within 10 years time, humanity went from “we are totally alone in the universe” to “extinct ancient ET cultures probably existed everywhere.”

And it just so happens that in the partial disclosure plan put forth by the Cabal, a central part is the admission of ancient ruins from ET cultures being found throughout the solar system and beyond. This item of information was supplied by Goode and Wilcock during their weekly online series Cosmic Disclosure

Related Drake Equation Updated with Kepler Exoplanet Data | Scientists Say ET Life Probably Exists, but it’s All Extinct – Matches Partial Disclosure Narrative Discussed by Corey Goode

To be clear, Goode and other insiders have confirmed that it is true ancient ruins have been found all throughout the solar system and local star cluster. However, there are also countless extraterrestrial civilizations that have made contact with humanity in the relatively short time the SSP has been active, within the past 100 years. Goode states that there are at 40 to 60 extraterrestrial groups with longstanding outposts within the solar system, which have maintained a Super Federation alliance to ensure their agendas come to fruition. This federation has been actively conducting 22 genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth for thousands of years.

The point being that the partial disclosure narrative only reveals extinct ancient ET cultures and makes no mention of contemporaneous non-terrestrial activities—a half-truth with the power to espouse many false impressions in the minds of the unaware masses.

Ceres Bright Spot

The Ceres bright spot is another point of soft disclosure laying the foundations for a limited disclosure event, as presented by David Wilcock. The planetoid captivated extraterrestrial enthusiasts when, in 2015, the Dawn spacecraft captured images of incredibly bright objects in one of the craters on the desolate surface.

Image Source. Ceres Bright Spot.
Image Source. Ceres Bright Spot seen as it moves from the sun-facing side. Here the luminosity doesn’t appear to be reduced as one would expect if it was reflecting sunlight off a surface, leading some to conclude these lights are artificial in nature.

Although mainstream science tells us these bright spots are nothing but reflective ice fields, certain analysts have suggested that the luminosity is too great to be a natural reflection.

Related Ceres’ Bright Spot Is Composed Of Many Smaller Spots | Closest look yet at Ceres’ bright spots

The discovery of thousands of exoplanets, the revising of the Drake Equation, and the Ceres bright spot are each playing a part in preparing humanity for disclosure.

And while these items will certainly be a part of a disclosure event, without the whole truth, it may not be the full disclosure experience many have been waiting for. These the points alone provide a basis for the Cabal-run media to push the limited disclosure plan, and as was mentioned earlier, involves the devulgence of ancient ruins left by ET races. Another element involves a narrative in which human beings were created from an ancient race of ET giants, known in the SSP as the progenitors or the Ancient Builder race.

To be clear, these elements are a part of the story, but not the whole truth. As such, gaining an understanding of what the whole picture looks like is essential to discerning the limited disclosure effort from the complete or full one.

What Will Partial Disclosure Look Like?

When the big push starts—which we are in the early stages of now—it will seem like the truth has finally been revealed: decades worth of banker fraud will be exposed, war criminals will be arrested, the 9/11 conspiracy will be unveiled, UFOs will be connected to black budget government projects (USAPs), and a financial reset or debt forgiveness will take place. And for those unaware of the greater truths—especially those related to higher level SSP activity—this will seem like our prayers have finally been answered. And again, all these things will probably be part of a full disclosure event, and as such, the Cabal needs certain features to be present within the limited disclosure plan in order to gain support from the public.

Read more at SitsShow…

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