Kp Message 4-15-16… “Following one’s own Higher-type Guidance” (and being “Bourne” again…)

150731_kp_mauna_kea_sun_P1010142_crop_150_55There are times when I could do a Kp radio show type message thing, but the flow just isn’t there. Like right now… at 0055 HST in the AM.

I guarantee, there’s a lot going on right now, for the beneficial “up-rising” of this planet, and all inhabitants, human and otherwise. But sometimes I feel I’m just not here on this planet to “know about” all those things.

I’m here to follow my own Higher-type Guidance, and (dammit) tough noogies to anyone who says I have to “know why” I’m following that Guidance, going here or there and not having the faintest idea what it’s all about.

I must say that it is very focusing. And it’s about “not ‘wasting’ time” on figuring it all out… or talking on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about all these “reasons” for doing something. I have to say, from my view, that’s for someone else… not me.

So here’s one for you. I had a very strong inner “urging” to get the three Matt Damon “Bourne” movies (“Bourne Identity”, “…Supremacy”, “…Ultimatum”) and watch them all in one night, one after the other. Why? I’m not exactly sure, but it felt that it had something to do with watching them and sending Light to them as I watched, and clearing all the old-paradigm “here’s how all the secret crappificators operate in your world”… clearing ALL of that… completely.

So starting at 10 PM, going until about 3:30 AM, it was done. Then put all the DVDs away, and returned them to the library… total cost, $3.

Did this “mission” “Save the Planet”? Perhaps.
Did it “change the world”? Perhaps.
Did it fulfill my personal “mission”? YES.

It was my “Higher Inner Guidance” that encouraged me to do this, and I did it (So there!).

Anyway, follow the Higher Innards, and know that you will be on your Higher Path as well (So there!).

Aloha, Kp

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