ExoNews.TV VIDEOs… William Tompkins, the US Navy, and ET Technology (and a reptilian or two)

michael_salla_william_tompkins_video_1_snipmichael_salla_william_tompkins_video_2_snipOkay, the title is mine. I decided to just post the two latest videos from ExoNews.TV, both of which discuss William Tompkins work, and an interview with him by Drs. Robert Wood and Michael Salla.

Video 1: Navy Disseminated Nazi Antigravity Secrets to Leading U.S. Companies & Think Tanks
Video 2: US Navy Spies Learned of Nazi Alliance with Reptilian Extraterrestrials (S4E2)

Two articles that are related to this:
US Navy Spies Learned of Nazi Alliance with Reptilian Extraterrestrials during WWII
Interview Transcript – US Navy Spies Learned of Nazi Alliance with Reptilian Extraterrestrials


Published on Mar 29, 2016
In this exclusive interview series, William Tompkins’ discusses his work for U.S. Naval Intelligence during the Second World War. He reveals that he was directly involved in debriefings by Navy Spies embedded in Nazi Germany’s most advanced aerospace projects. Some of these projects involved antigravity flying saucers that were capable of space flight.

Tompkins job was to design intelligence briefing packets based on the Navy spies debriefings, and to then deliver these packages to leading U.S. aerospace corporations, think tanks and universities for study and evaluation.

The following interview extract features Tompkins answering questions from Dr. Robert Wood and Dr. Michael Salla on the information he gained from the Navy operatives, the different corporations, universities and thinks tanks he traveled to, and some of the aerospace technologies that were being secretly developed by the Nazis during World War II .

William Tompkin’s autobiography. Selected by Extraterrestrials is available at: http://tinyurl.com/gtke7qt
Related Article is here: Transcript is available here: [links are at beginning of post]

Published on Apr 4, 2016

In this exclusive interview with William Tompkins, he reveals how U.S. Navy spies reported that Nazi Germany had reached secret agreements with Reptilian extraterrestrials. The Reptilians acted as ‘consultants’ for the Nazis’ advanced aerospace technologies.

The interview was conducted in San Diego on February 25. The following extract features Tompkins answering questions from Dr. Robert Wood and Dr. Michael Salla.
For related article, go to: [links are at beginning of post]

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