KP Message 4-8-16… “Follow the Path… Your Path…

150731_kp_mauna_kea_sun_P1010142_crop_150_35[Update: this note from LIVING LIGHT CONNECTIONS (Mahalo) is very synchronistically connected. And some may relate:

very true…:) your own path is the only thing that matters – who compares dispairs like one of my teachers used to say… I got a lot of messages all week to not get distracted by any 3D stuff – to be the highest / best i can be and to let go of any future worries – the energies now are supporting this shift and it’s important to just remind ourselves when we leave that place of peace and confidence in the now moment to get back into it asap. So KP’s post today completely resonates with all of that… Read on…]

After about 48 hours (aka 2 days) of #PanamaPapers, #DavidWilcock updates, #BenjaminFulford, and other things, I’m feeling a bit drained… but drained “of what”, I’m not yet sure.

So much is appearing now. So much is “apocalyps-ing”. Without and within.

One of the things I’m continually reminding myself, is that I am here to follow my path. Not anyone else’. And when I start to compare myself with anyone (blogger, author, etc., etc., etc.) I immediately feel “lost”, and off the path. My path.

Paths do change. They curve in one direction and another. But if it is my path, my straight lines, my curves, my ups and downs, I am on the “right” path.

Currently I love the reporting, the blogging, the sharing information. But, as I’ve mentioned before, my primary path is working with energy (energies) of the planet, and helping to shift and/or alter vortexes, stargates, eliminate old paradigm structures. And when the “Energy work” calls, that is prime. Everything else is dropped.

I feel something like that may be approaching… soon. And it could be that a couple of 3D “appointments” (Western medicine, and like that) will be dropped or changed. I do not get along comfortably with “appointments” or anything to do with the “time domain” deal. It’s rare that I consciously agree to such things. “Time” things mean nothing to me. “Appointments” (unless consciously agreed to) are distractions, in the energy realm. And they must be flexible.

It’s the energy we are flowing with, not the “time stamps”. That’s why “missions” are actually a great joy for me, as I simply “follow the Energies” and “follow the Guidance” and live “one moment at a time”.

That’s why I’m here. What about you? What’s your Path?

Aloha, Kp

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