Three VTs 3-25-16… “‘Strange’ Things going on in Turkey”

veterans_today_banner_NEW_257turkey_from_google_maps_4These three seem to be connected… closely. I’m not sure about all of the details, but I highlight a point or two from each that indicate some kind(s) of “outside influence” (NATO, USA CORP?) with attempts to “continue the ‘terror'” (and give Kevin Barrett and Tony Hall more to talk about on their weekly show!). And if you do not know King Abdullah II, he is the King of Jordan.

King Abdullah: Erdogan’s Agenda is European Terrorism

“According to a leaked memo written by King Abdullah II, Jordanian troops have operated alongside UK Special Air Service troops in Libya since January. The memo was sent to US lawmakers by King Abdullah to brief them of Jordan’s plans to embed special forces “with British SAS” in Libya.

““[Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan] believes in a radical Islamic solution to the problems in the region,” it reads, adding that the “fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy, and Turkey keeps getting a slap on the hand, but they get off the hook.””

Blackwater head trips to Turkey

“Erik Prince, the chairman of the American Black Water company, also known as paid killers, visited Turkey under media silence… the Turkish government tried to conceal the media reflection of this trip… Immediately after entering Ankara, Prince held meetings with senior Turkish officials, including intelligence and security services managers and mayors.

“They [some analysts] say after the Turkish government recent secret agreements with Israel, the AK Party government has been advised to use Black Water security capability to make terrorist groups in Turkey. Analysts believe the group known as Asadullah, that has recently showed in Kurdish areas is a state-sponsored group working in line with this strategy to crush all the opponents.”

Breaking/Exclusive: Erdogan to Belgium, Screw you, we will do it again! (Gordon Duff, Jim Dean)

“Turkey boasts of “deporting” Barkouri, a known terrorist to Belgium… deporting, dont you mean SENDING?

“Editor’s Note: We have the confirmed story with multiple sources, Brussels airport bomber Bakraoui was recruited while an ISIS jihadi in Syria, because of his Belgian passport… according to airline security sources, Bakraoui, as with other terrorists as well, was walked around security by employees of Israeli ICTS, the same company that aided “crotch bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab… on Christmas Day 2009 without a passport or ticket, placing him in First Class.

“…Bakraoui was arrested as a known terrorist by Turkey and not imprisoned or turned over to Belgian authorities but “allowed” to return…

“Yesterday, Turkish President Erdogan bragged about sending a terror bomber to Belgium. According to Erdogan, Bakraoui was arrested inside Turkey, in Gaziantep province as a terrorist. Rather than jail Bakraoui, as Erdogan does with his personal detractors, “tweeters” and journalists, the terrorist was somehow “sent” to Belgium, where is has been identified as responsible for the deaths of 32 and wounding of 300.”

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