Lada Ray Futurist Trendcast, 3-15-16… “The BRICS and the geopolitics of the Olympics”

lada_ray_photo_a_38This is yet another portion of Lada Ray’s Brazil color revolution post.

Highlights below.

“…most of the aware and awake people consider the big sport to be corrupt, designed to dupe and distract the sheeple. Another part of my readers may consider Olympics a colossal waste of resources that can be better used to feed the hungry and build something useful. They are all correct. Yet, I cannot impress enough on you all what an important part in today’s global geopolitical set up is assigned to sport. Sport’s influence and manipulation of human consciousness can never be underestimated.

“Once a country is in the process of preparation for the Olympics, World Cup or something else, the amount of pressure and expenditures naturally increase, the country’s power structures become increasingly vulnerable to protest, economic/financial/political manipulation and external pressure. Russia went through this with Sochi Winter Olympics; China went through this with Beijing 2008 Olympics;

“What we see here is an attempted attack on the BRICS. The West wants to try to break up this alliance. But in truth, this really is an attack against Russia and China. Brazil has proven a vulnerable brick, and easy enough to dislodge. The Olympics have shown its structural weakness.

“What happens next in Brazil depends purely on the people of Brazil. Dilma apparently saw the writing on the wall and tried to appease the US in 2015 by making up with Obama. Her goal was to survive somehow until after the Olympics.”


The BRICS and the geopolitics of the Olympics

New article: 3/12 – 3/15/2016

Why the Olympics?

I have tried to write several times on my blog about the connection between sport and geopolitics. Every time I do, I feel an unspoken resistance from my readers. I can understand why: most of the aware and awake people consider the big sport to be corrupt, designed to dupe and distract the sheeple. Another part of my readers may consider Olympics a colossal waste of resources that can be better used to feed the hungry and build something useful.

They are all correct. Yet, I cannot impress enough on you all what an important part in today’s global geopolitical set up is assigned to sport. Sport’s influence and manipulation of human consciousness can never be underestimated. ‘Bread and spectacles,’ as the ancient Romans would say, is what keeps the population at bay. Take that away and you will have riots on streets – exactly as happened in ancient Rome. Besides that, the big sport is responsible for the feeling of national pride and unity like almost nothing else. Due to all the above, sport is used routinely to manipulate the sheeple, whole countries and the entire world, according to someone’s clandestine agenda. We even know whose agenda…

Therefore, those who REALLY, TRULY want to understand what is going on in our world and how it works, those who want to truly get how geopolitics work, cannot ignore sport. Until human consciousness makes a leap from 3D into 5D, sport will remain a huge and inseparable part of the collective unconscious and of the global geopolitical structure.

Till then, read my posts that talk about the geopolitics of sport.

(Incidentally, read how 3D, 4D and 5D work on my new page: GUIDE TO MULTI-DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE.)

While there is a healthy element in the admiration and national pride based on your athletes’ achievements, the burning desire to host major global sporting events in order to boost national prestige has gotten many countries in trouble. Once a country is in the process of preparation for the Olympics, World Cup or something else, the amount of pressure and expenditures naturally increase, the country’s power structures become increasingly vulnerable to protest, economic/financial/political manipulation and external pressure.

Russia went through this with Sochi Winter Olympics; China went through this with Beijing 2008 Olympics; Moscow 1980 Olympics were boycotted by the West – ultimate sabotage; Los Angeles 1984 Olympics were boycotted back by the USSR and the Russian camp; Russia is still under pressure because it’s hosting World Cup in 2018.

But the above are the world’s strongest countries, the ones that are best equipped to withstand enormous pressure. As far as money goes, China has the world’s largest currency reserves and Russia has third largest currency reserves. These countries don’t need to go into debt and can weather a serious storm. It is not so with the majority of others.

Greek Olympics: how Greece really incurred its debt

No one ever talks about where Greece’s astronomical debt really came from, yet to me it’s obvious. Greece hosted the millennial 2000 Olympics in Athens. Greece is a small and relatively poor country, but the millennial Olympics were given to it in recognition of the fact that Olympics once started in ancient Greece. Some may remember that all kinds of terror threats were in the headlines for the year 2000. Greek officials grudgingly admitted before the Olympics that ‘the country spent more on security than it could afford.’

Recall what happened more recently: Greece went through a major scandal in which it was accused by the EU that it lied about the level of its debt and that it violated the EU law requiring to keep its debt below a certain level. What was never disclosed was how much of that debt went on the preparation, construction and security for the 2000 Athens Olympics. To this day Greek officials are ashamed to admit the country spent all that money and has nothing to show for it. Now the Athens Olympic stadium is used to house Middle East refugees and the country is saddled with enormous debt they owe to IMF, German and French banks; debt they will never be able to repay.

Every country wanting to host Olympics, which also is trying to be independent of the US/West, must keep this in mind. They will use the country’s vulnerability and any weaknesses in preparation for the Olympics or World Cup to attack and shift the balance back to their advantage.

Sitting on two chairs, or how Brazil grew too fast

Now the same is happening to Brazil. In the past twelve or so years Brazil grew too fast, helped by high commodities prices and influx of foreign capital. Lula and Dilma were allowed to lift the masses out of poverty, but the moment the going got tough the resistance began. Pride and resting on laurels, thinking that Lula’s achievements were due to his genius and not to the luck of the high commodity prices – that’s what got PT in trouble. Another thing that got Dilma, PT and Lula in trouble was the mediocre-to-poor understanding of the global geopolitical, financial and economic processes. Alas, they didn’t understand that our world is cyclical. Any cycle of boom would always be followed by a cycle of bust when Brazil’s economy will experience a downturn.

Russians spent the past 12 years, when oil prices were high, setting aside a nest egg and an emergency fund, which they can now afford to dip into. Brazilians did nothing of the sort. They extravagantly spent everything and went into debt on top of it.

Further, it was extremely naive for Dilma and Lula to think they could forever sit on two chairs. This naiveté got Ukraine’s Yanukovich and Party of the Regions in big trouble in 2014. While Brazil proclaims independence of the US, its financial system is closely linked to, and dependent on, the US; economy is, similarly, closely linked. The media and business people, educated and wealthy classes go to school in the US and/or do business with the US.

In fact, as Brazil grew exponentially in the past 12-15 years, its wealthy class and associated pro-US lobby grew as well. Brazil has accumulated a gigantic ‘fifth column’ to be turned on at the puppet master’s will. And this moment arrived when the country began experiencing economic difficulties.

The bricks of the BRICS

This demonstrates the relative strength of Brazil. Pride and passionate desire to get ahead played a bad joke on Brazilians.

We often talk about BRICS as a solid, monolith organization, which it is often perceived to be. It really is a beautiful dream. But the truth is that not all BRICS have been created equal. The real bricks of the BRICS are Russia and China. India is next on the list. Brazil isn’t nearly as strong of a member, and certainly neither is S. Africa.

It’s a good idea to continue developing the BRICS as a project. But will it bring real dividends? Some, but not so much.

What we see here is an attempted attack on the BRICS. The West wants to try to break up this alliance. But in truth, this really is an attack against Russia and China.

Brazil has proven a vulnerable brick, and easy enough to dislodge. The Olympics have shown its structural weakness.

This is why I see more of a future in Eurasian alliances. The golden triangle – Russia, China, India – has great potential for a stabilizing future. SCO has a big political future. Eurasian Union theoretically has a great future, but it is full of its own weak links, such as its prospective peripheral members. But these are topics for other articles and ESRs.

Probable outcomes for Dilma and Brazil

What happens next in Brazil depends purely on the people of Brazil. Dilma apparently saw the writing on the wall and tried to appease the US in 2015 by making up with Obama. Her goal was to survive somehow until after the Olympics.

The pressure will continue until one of the following happens:

1. Dilma is impeached and gone – this outcome has a risk of civil war and Ukraine-like scenario.

2. PT and Dilma cave in and become a complete puppet of the US, like Angela Merkel.

Both of the above outcomes are scary.

3. Dilma and PT find enough strength and dig deep to find true support of the population, support not based on bribes in the form of handouts and subsidies. This support will allow them to withstand all the attacks that have to be expected, emerging with flying colors after the Olympics. They better hold on – attacks and sabotage will be relentless: just remember how the anti-Russian Ukraine coup was timed to coincide with Sochi Olympics! (Striking Geopolitical Similarities: Georgian War – Beijing2008 and Ukraine – Sochi2014)

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