Two VTs 2-27-16 about Russia and Syria…

veterans_today_banner_NEW_239More results of the planetary corrections being brought in from Russia.

Russia suspends all Syria airstrikes on armed groups included in ceasefire

“Editor’s Note: The guns are falling silent in many parts of Syria, a blessing for those that live in those areas where 97 opposition groups have signed onto the ceasefire. We knew that ISIL and al-Nusra who were not included would make some show of force, hitting soft targets and they have.

“Next week we will see what kind of an offensive shift we will see onto al-Nusra and ISIL to free the territory they control so humanitarian aid can get into those critical areas. We will also begin to get a lot more stories about what it was like living under the US coalition terror brigades.

“Expect a steady stream of snide remarks coming out of the White house press conferences while the Russian coordination center is doing the heavy lifting with the continued air support for the SAA and also coordination relief supplies because it has the ability to do so.

“Recently, the Hmeimim ceasefire center received 169 phone calls and e-mails. Fighting has stopped in 34 residential areas, the Defense Ministry confirmed. The Russian Defense Ministry has also provided the US military with its current situation map in Syria.”

Breaking: Russian Military Intervention in Syria

“Editor’s note: We strongly suggest you sit through the video and make sure this article gets into the hands of as many Americans and British as possible. America’s adventures around the world invariably involve building a military force or rebuilding one America herself destroyed as in the case with Iraq.

“America has built armies for 4 dozen nations around the world at a cost of nearly $7 trillion with interest, making up the single biggest source for America’s national debt, money almost entirely stolen. We can judge Russia in Syria by the results, which thus far have been impressive… Gordon Duff

“Few would mention the quiet work behind the scenes that was performed by a large group of highly dedicated professionals who helped transform the Syrian military that was on the brink of defeat, into a force that could once again begin liberating Syria’s territory. Without denying the importance of the air campaign, the air strikes alone would not have turned the tide of the war.

“Since the training program was launched in October, it would appear that the training cycle lasts 3 months before the unit is sent into the front lines, and more such units have been joining the fray recently and turning the tide of the war. The opposition’s newly discovered willingness to negotiate is entirely due to their belated recognition that the balance of forces has been shifting against them.”

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