False Flag Weekly News 11-19-15 (with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer)


I’m posting this one, and, separately, a video interview of Kevin and Jim by Don Grahn and Activist Angel on Truth vs. News, about the Paris False Flag on 11-13-15 which was recorded a two (three?) days after the events.

Thanks to Kevin and Jim who are now archiving their shows, with links for all articles mentioned in the show. This week’s is here: http://noliesradio.org/archives/106504

This is a 60-minute show.

Jim Fetzer’s articles are now posted at two locations, JamesFetzer.blogspot.com and VeteransTruthNetwork.com.

Kevin’s primary websites, besides VT, are TruthJihad.com and NoLiesRadio.org.

[Kp note: My personal view of these shows is this… “I allow to come in, the news, but “dark” views of them I refuse.” In other words, I always send Light and Higher Energy to pervade the entire watching of these. In their own way, these two are shining their Light, in their own way, on many of the “events” occurring around this planet. We’re all on the same “Planet Earth” team.”]

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