France Shootings 11-13-15 (Friday the 13th)… Three VT Articles…

veterans_today_banner_NEW_161I’m calling “false flag” on this one. Undoubtedly another in a series of desperation moves of the cabal to try to stop the incoming Light. This, like all others, will not succeed, and will be exposed as quickly as the others were.

I suggest sending Light and Love and Peace to all those affected by this.

Below are titles and a highlight from each.

Another French false flag? (Kevin Barrett)

“11th month, 11th District, Friday the 13th… It happened on Friday the 13th (commemorating the massacre of the proto-illuminati Templars) in the 11th month, in Paris’s 11th district. It’s going to be remembered as “11/13” or “Friday the 13th.” Illuminati numerology or coincidence?

“…can we safely make the same [this was a false flag] assumption about these new Friday the 13th Paris atrocities?… I think we can. Almost every really big, spectacular terror attack turns out, after extensive critical examination, to have been the usual state-sponsored false-flag stuff. There is no reason to think this one will be any different.

…the order-out-of-chaos thing is going into overdrive.… let’s not forget that the EU just instituted mandatory labeling of products from the Occupied Territories; the Zionists are throwing a gargantuan hissy-fit…just like right before the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Beware of Zionists throwing hissy-fits.”

Who was killing Paris tonight…the usual suspects or someone new? (Jim Dean)

“A series of coordinated terror attacks in the heart of Paris have left as many as 142 dead and paralysed the French capital with fear… French President Francoise Hollande declared a national state of emergency following what he called ‘unprecedented terror attacks’, shut its borders and deployed 1,500 extra troops to the capital.

“Update one 11:00pm EST: There is some early confusion on the number of dead terrorists, 5 or 7, and possibly one in custody. The restaurant bombers were suicide vest guys, just like in Beirut yesterday. Hollande is promising revenge, but what is he going to do, attack Saudi Arabia and Israel?”

We Have Almost Nothing on the Paris Attacks (Gordon Duff)

“As to Paris, first stories, long confirmed, tell of ISIS cells in Paris and a “declared war on France” by ISIS. Layer two says the money supporting them comes from Qatar. This is where we begin, following this where it goes or watching it evaporate into space.

“We await identification of the terrorists but we also, to a greater extent, wait for the disinformation and obfuscation that would lead us to who is responsible. There is no greater form of confession nowadays than the Al Jazeera confession on “Sinai.””

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