Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org 8-26-15… “Sun is a Portal for Hyperdimensional Space Travel based on Sacred Geometry”

michael_salla_fb_head_21Another excellent summary and analysis of the latest Corey Goode “Cosmic Disclosure” episode.

Posting ~20% here, the rest may be read at the original article.


Sun is a Portal for Hyperdimensional Space Travel based on Sacred Geometry

Sun a portal for space travelThe sun is a portal for spacefaring civilizations using a form of hyperdimensional mathematics based on sacred geometry, according to the latest testimony from secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode. He says that while serving for six years on a scientific research vessel belonging to the Solar Warden Space Program, he witnessed probes being launched into sunspots to study the sun’s composition and behavior. What was discovered would shock the mainstream scientific community that believes the sun is a giant nuclear fusion generator. Instead, the sun was confirmed to be electrical in nature whose plasma outbursts acted as portals for space faring civilizations to move into and out of our solar system.

Goode’s revelation was presented in today’s episode of Cosmic Disclosure, where he is being interviewed on Gaiam TV by David Wilcock. Goode’s revelation supports the electric universe model proposed by a number of alternative scientists that includes Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott, authors of The Electric Universe.

The “electric universe” model is an astronomical model in which the sun and planets are electrically charged celestial objects, which exist in an electric field that is generated by the sun in a radial direction (like the spokes on a bicycle wheel) throughout the solar system. Furthermore, the sun is part of a vast galactic scale electrical grid generated by the Galactic Center, again in a radial direction. Charges flow through these solar and galactic scale electric fields by virtue of the plasma particles that are constantly being released by the sun and the galactic core. Plasma is the fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, and gas being the first three) and comprises free protons, neutrons, electrons and ions. Plasma is not electrically neutral, but is a superconductor that can carry electrical charges throughout the solar system, and into interstellar and intergalactic space.

Read more at Exopolitics.org…

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