Disclosure Data from Corey 8-16-15… Facebook Comment… “Cobra Attacked, Someone has ‘Gone Rogue’, Reactionaries are ‘in Vogue'” (and “NOW IS THE TIME”)

sphere_being_alliance_logo_7I noticed this Corey comment today, on one of his FB postings. As many of us have experienced within our own lives, there is a lot of “reactionary” stuff going on right now. Fascinating reading.

Please use one’s own discernment always when reading any of the postings I make here, about this or anything else. You will know what fits for you.

[SSP = Secret Space Program; ICC = Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate; LOC = Lunar Operations Command; IE = Intuitive Empath; AI = Artificial Intelligence]


Facebook post comment

Cobra was attacked in one of the same blogs that I was. Alfred Webre has gone rogue in a major way. You should see the emails that he is sending to people who support myself or Cobra that are being forwarded to me. He is VERY nasty to them (Reactionary behavior once again) and always pushes his new book that has some conflicting info but also quite a lot of info to support both myself and Cobra… I am really spending a lot of time sitting back letting these people hang themselves.

David Sweet/Earth Sheriff has been taunting me in emails (Kept them all, he looks insane in them) while I have also been contacted by a couple people who he has trolled/stalked and they have given me the few aliases he uses (Sweet is not his real name) as well as his criminal and psychiatric records (Much of which are public and are shocking)…

I have received quite a lot of information on another blogger who “Loves” to attack me. Their information is also quite shocking and will quickly cause the people they have been working with to distance themselves from them… The list of communications/paper trails is vast and very ugly (Not to mention a mind control expert who is a “Former Illuminati” disinfo agent that Bill Ryan is calling an “Illuminati White Hat” who is the most mind controlled and mind controlling of them all, and soon to be given a larger stage by K.C. who has also been duped). There are two Private Investigators that I think will be distancing themselves from this situation as well that were talked into taking a case against me based on lies (Right Todd?).

When ever have you seen so many people so reactionary on such a large scale? There are dozens of people out there who claim to have been involved in the SSP’s and in contact with multiple ET’s… Why is this information being attacked so strongly? The AI Prophets and Cabal are very upset that is why!

As stated prior, much of this was info that was NEVER supposed to make it into the public mind. The cabal had done a good job of controlling researchers and those being interviewed up until this point… It is now time for some of those who know these same details to come forward, including former Camelot and other whistleblowers who walked right up to the line but didn’t cross it when it came to disclosing this info to humanity.



Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): http://www.gaiamtv.com/?cid=aff%3Aamb%3Acg%3Aal000

Corey’s Sphere Being Alliance Store: http://spherebeingalliance.com/store

Donate to GoodETxSG’s work (to cover travel expenses, etc.); click the “Donate” button on any page. Website: SphereBeingAlliance.com

Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians) Corey’s TOT Forum Thread (now closed)

Questions for Corey: http://spherebeingalliance.com/faqs. Click the “Ask Question” button at the top of the page.

David Wilcock: DivineCosmos.com (Donate to David’s work)

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