Disclosure Data from GoodETxSG/Corey 7-4-15… “‘Disturbances’ in the Force”

GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_69This is an update from Corey’s FaceBook page.

Apparently the family has been through some intense events, and he describes some of it here. There is another FB posting that describes more details, but Corey requested that not be reblogged.


FaceBook post July 4 at 5:00am

I have been held back on releasing recent reports and completing a Q&A for Dr. Salla because of some recent and disturbing incidents that I was under the impression we were shielded from.

I am awaiting a meeting with Gonzales and the SSP Alliance Council in relation to some of these matters.

These are incidents that have my wife and I extremely upset. Because of the nature of what opposition groups have done I am not sure yet if we will be publicising the details yet.

This certainly seems inline with the threat that Gonzales received in his recent meeting with the Draco Federation Alliance and Committee of 200 “Chairmen”.

I can say this was crossing the line in my book and only angers us and makes us more determined to push forward with disclosures and future work.

Speaking of a part of that work, I received an update from Gaiam TV. The first episode will air on 7/14 and the first 2 episodes will be free. They have received a lot of emails from people confused about the sign up process and how to make sure we receive credit for their membership. I appreciate people being conscientious of this.

They stated that all memberships that are signed up via the link on the banner advertisement on our website or the link below will be credited to “Corey/GoodETxSG”.

Thank you all…



Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): http://www.gaiamtv.com/?cid=aff%3Aamb%3Acg%3Aal000
Donate to GoodETxSG’s work (to cover travel expenses, etc.); click the “Donate” button on any page.
Website: SphereBeingAlliance.com
Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians)
Corey’s TOT Forum Thread (now closed)
Questions for Corey: http://spherebeingalliance.com/faqs. Click the “Ask Question” button at the top of the page.

David Wilcock: DivineCosmos.com
(Donate to David’s work)

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