Cobra Update 7-5-15… “Planetary Situation Update”

portal2012_logo_vertical135As mentioned in the prior post, the Greeks did indeed vote a resounding “No” in their referendum.

As far as “removing your money from the banks”, all I would say is to follow Inner Higher Discernment” on that one. Over the past several years I have continued what some might call a “Balanced Approach”, keeping modest amounts in “the bank” (for ease of purchasing “stuff” online, etc., an having enough “cash on hand” to deal with perhaps 1-2 months of “banks closed” scenario. Also keeping enough food, etc., to get through at least a few weeks, if necessary.

“On June 30th there was a strong energy alignment with a huge positive potential: a Venus-Jupiter conjunction. This is supposed to be one of the most positive energy alignments, but around that day the dark forces made many energy attacks to the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to suppress the positive timeline. Their attempts were not successful and in a strong counteraction by the Light forces, the positive timeline for the planet was strengthened and upgraded two days later. This will stabilize and harmonize the remaining process until the Event.

” The situation in Greece will most likely converge towards Greece strengthening the ties with the Eastern Alliance, adopting the Drachma and leaving the Eurozone, and the global process of financial meltdown towards the Reset being gradual and not so shocking.”


Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remains the plasma accretion vortex around planet Earth, full of strangelet and toplet bombs. This vortex looks like an octopus with its plasma tentacles extending into the interplanetary space, strangelet bombs being cancer cells in its body. This vortex is not a dead plasma field, it is actually a living entity of a negative nature. One of the main purposes of MOSS is to dissolve that entity, take it into the Galactic Central Sun and transform it there into a pure positive plasma elemental essence.

On June 30th there was a strong energy alignment with a huge positive potential: a Venus-Jupiter conjunction. This is supposed to be one of the most positive energy alignments, but around that day the dark forces made many energy attacks to the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to suppress the positive timeline. Their attempts were not successful and in a strong counteraction by the Light forces, the positive timeline for the planet was strengthened and upgraded two days later. This will stabilize and harmonize the remaining process until the Event.

I took this picture of the Venus-Jupiter alignment on July 1st. You can see the bright Venus crescent in the lower left and a dim Jupiter globe in the upper right of the picture:

Dragon sources have communicated to me that the Eastern Alliance will support Greece in its fight for freedom and financial independence from the Cabal. And sure enough, news about that support are already in the media:

It is interesting to note that the BRICS New Development Bank will start functioning on July 7th, two days after the Greek referendum:

Although the Jesuits have infiltrated deep into the infrastructure of the BRICS alliance, their plans to hijack the liberation process will NOT be successful:

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 51-53 – Guess who’s running the new BRICS Bank & Happy ISIS Weekend? (+ a P.S.)

The Resistance is taking certain steps today to minimize the risk that the Greek referendum will be rigged. It is very likely that their actions to prevent the Cabal from interfering will be successful.

It appears that the result of the Greek vote is No:

The situation in Greece will most likely converge towards Greece strengthening the ties with the Eastern Alliance, adopting the Drachma and leaving the Eurozone, and the global process of financial meltdown towards the Reset being gradual and not so shocking.

Still, it may be time soon to take your money out of the banks:

Very few people understand that the current financial system is actually a fuzzy logic artificial intelligence computer program with algorithms that at least in the last few years have no correlation with the real world of trade, stock market or even with derivatives or high speed trading. It is totally independent from real market, and its algorithms were designed by JP Morgan IT specialists. Many of them could not bear the fact that they have created a global financial monster (and yes-it is connected with the plasma octopus entity) that is eating up the wealth of all humanity:

Those information technology specialists and computer programmers of JP Morgan that wanted to spill the beans were methodically removed from the planet by the Cabal:

JPMorgan Tech Workers Have New Conspiracy Theories

As we are getting closer to the Event, the Cabal is getting afraid, very afraid:

At the same time, the Light forces are preparing:

Media Action Plan for the Event

The level of coordination of Event Support Groups in German speaking countries is simply amazing and is an example of what you can do also in your country:

Vernetzung im deutschsprachigen Raum

You can also join the Gaia Confederation, a global network of positive groups joining forces towards the planetary liberation:

Or meditate for the Compression Breakthrough:

If you have time, you can watch hundreds of Cobra videos in 30 different languages, all conveniently published here:

Or read more about the positive Agartha network in English:

Or French:

The Breakthrough is near!

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