KP Message 6-9-15…

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_24I’m not going to write much. This is been a very long day and actually a long last couple of days.

We have done a lot on these islands or at least on this island. I am now resting at a peaceful place by the ocean in Wai’anae, and I feel that I must be in the quiet for now.

The mission has been completed and there will likely be much happening in the city of Honolulu. I feel that the work we have done has sent many government people scurrying for shelter. There is now a fire burning in the heart of the Island, meaning the heart of the old government system.

I can’t say what will happen now, but it will be fun to watch.

These old paradigm systems cannot exist in the current energetic environment. None of what we have done in the past three days supports any of the old systems at all.

Well, that’s all for now. I will be flying out tomorrow afternoon, back to Big Island.

All is well. Aloha, KP

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