“Thank You” Messages from GoodETxSG / Corey… He has been “Smacked by Gobs”…

GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_33I’ll post these as is, no highlights, they are self explanatory. Mahalo to all from the Kp blog readers who have helped Corey and his computer / router / whatever situation. Holy crap… now he’ll put out even more information!!


Forum Post #1321 (4-21-15, 1400)

Ummmm, WOW!

People… I just got my router configured (Almost done closing ports & making it more secure). I was about to finish it up but just saw all of the email notifications from all of your from PayPal Donations. We are absolutely “Gob Smacked”… (Not sure I am using that word correctly)…

You are a very generous and loving group of people who absolutely are Service To Others Oriented…

I and my wife are moved, shocked and very grateful. In just a few hours of working on my system and logging back on and seeing this I see that 2/3rd’s of the $ I expended today has been replenished… The way the Universe, STO People like yourselves and these “Beings” work never ceases to amaze me (Even with all I have seen/experienced)!

Thank each and everyone of you very dearly, I am very happy that I am going to be able to do my work and begin to keep up more with emails, reports and journals all of this data properly.
(Its just amazing)


Forum Post #1345 (4-22-15, 0711)

Thank you to all the TOT Members and KP Blog Members!!!

I am still beyond amazed at the response and honestly did not expect all of the help. There were some very generous donations of $100 or more that were amazing… And some very loving and meaningful “Numbers” like 3.33, 11.11, 33.33 etc as well as people that donated $1.

I know there are many who have sent emails saying they wish they could send $ but are in the same financial situation I am in at the moment. Their loving energy and kind words alone were extremely valuable. This show of love has been a very emotional experience for both my wife and myself.

For those who say there is no hope for humanity and there are very few “Service To Other” types of people out there… They are extremely misinformed!

Thank all of you again, This selfless assistance has now completely helped us with these technical HW expenses with some extra funds to put towards some SW (“Dragon Naturally Speaking” that will assist my work because of my typing limitations from recent Hand/Fore Arm & Shoulder Surgeries/Issues).


Now, I can get back to work and to provide some deeper disclosure details and focus on the “Message of Peace” from the Sphere Alliance… Stay tuned


Donate to GoodETxSG’s work (to cover travel expenses, etc.):please go to SphereBeingAlliance.com and click the “Donate” button on any page.

Website: SphereBeingAlliance.com
Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians)
GoodETxSG blog (note: there is one post per page; to view earlier posts, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click the “Older posts” link)
GoodETxSG TOT* Forum thread

David Wilcock: DivineCosmos.com
(Donate to David’s work)
[*Note: TOT = The One Truth]

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