KP Message 4-21-15… “Release the Fears” (and their “pornography”)

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_24There is a point about fear. There is a point about fear porn. There is a point in the development and evolution of humanity at this particular moment, that tells elements of the dark that their time is done.

The lashing of the tale of the injured beast that is called the cabal, is all that is occurring right now. That is why we can observe and recognize those that are called trolls and disinformation experts on many many information venues.

To me, the most important thing at this time is to stay free of fear. And to release any items which contribute to what we would call, “fear pornography”…in our minds.

Remember, we all have charge of our minds and our hearts. We all have a choice to remain in the Higher Light… The Higher Vibration.

And in my view, that eliminates any and all “effects” of the”fear porn” and/or disinformation put “out there”. And prohibits the entry of those things to the “in here”.

Aloha to all, KP

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