Futurist Trendcast 3-15-15… "Rumors of Putin’s Death are Grossly Exaggerated"

lada_ray_photo_a_24If anyone has a grasp of what’s been going on with Vladimir Putin, it would be Lada Ray.

“In 2014, Putin, with his careful and measured actions, managed to prevent World War III… During this period, Putin also managed to change the long-term outlook of the EU from that of being solidly anti-Russian to a more balanced view… Putin initiated a number of important strategic projects inside Russia.
“…the official President of Russia site in English… On it you can see pictures of Putin meeting with Chairman of Vnesheconombank on 3/6 and with President of the Supreme Court on 3/13. Putin is also scheduled to meet with President of Kyrgyzstan on 3/16 and President of South Ossetia on 3/18.
“From my own experience: the energy of mankind as a whole has been extremely difficult to take since last year. There is so much happening in the world: wars, animosity, anger, revolutions, false flags, attempts to start WWIII. People everywhere are confused and angry…
“If Putin is taking a few days off and is staying away from cameras, he is absolutely right to do so…. Putin still has a lot to accomplish; his important contribution is needed for the ongoing EARTH SHIFT. After a little tune up, I expect he will be back stronger and healthier than ever by March 16th.”


Rumors of Putin’s Death are Grossly Exaggerated
To paraphrase Mark Twain, rumors of Putin’s death are grossly exaggerated.
I got a number of panicked emails, tweets and blog comments from friends and followers, asking me where is Mr. Putin. I am flattered by everyone’s trust in my ability to see through walls and know exactly what is happening in the Kremlin. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t have a direct line to Vladimir Vladimirovich… and if I did, I wouldn’t be writing this post.
Here is what I can tell you today:
I can certainly see how Western governments, MSM and russophobes of all kinds would love for their wet dream of Putin being dead to materialize. After all, the Russian President is so incredibly inconvenient for some in the West. Nemtsov’s false flag murder literally next to the Kremlin Wall was targeting all of Russians and Putin personally. If they can’t kill Putin, why not compromise him. Read: Lada’s Investigation: Who Benefits from the Death of the Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov?

The unfortunate truth about our human world is that, while some work hard to build and unite, others aim to divide, provoke and destroy.
In 2014, Putin, with his careful and measured actions, managed to prevent World War III (see PREDICTIONS). Putin tirelessly  jetsetted the world for most of the past and the beginning of this year, building a formidable network of alliances, friendships and connections, which will eventually shift the world into the new era. Putin signed multi-billion deals with China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, Turkey, Egypt, and other countries. Eurasian Union was officially formed.
During this period, Putin also managed to change the long-term outlook of the EU from that of being solidly anti-Russian to a more balanced view. Europe, led by Greece, and later by Germany and France, finally started expressing a more independent from the US position regarding relations with Russia, Ukraine crisis, NATO expansion and EU development.
In addition, Putin initiated a number of important strategic projects inside Russia. With the massive shift we are experiencing in so many areas of life, most people may have already forgotten that Sochi Olympics also took place in 2014 (it seems so long ago). Sochi was a massive, one of a kind project, and the athletic achievements of the Russian team were simply stellar. Russian President was hands on with the Olympics as well.
You can read a lot more about what Putin was up to in 2014 – beginning of 2015 in past articles on this blog. I have also talked about that on Lada Ray YT channel.
Putin always amazed people with his productivity. But the amount of important, ground-breaking and Earth-Shifting work Putin managed to accomplish in 2014 and the beginning of 2015 is truly out of this world. I often caught myself thinking during this period that he needed a rest. No matter how strong one’s spirit is, a human physical body has its limitations. If I were his advisor, I’d certainly advise him to take a few days off and kick back at his Novo-Ogarevo residence.
As to Putin not appearing on TV since March 5. Well…
Here is the official President of Russia site in English, which you can also find on my Resources page. On it you can see pictures of Putin meeting with Chairman of Vnesheconombank on 3/6 and with President of the Supreme Court on 3/13. Putin is also scheduled to meet with President of Kyrgyzstan on 3/16 and President of South Ossetia on 3/18. (Here you can also find a related video commentary from RT.)
From my own experience: the energy of mankind as a whole has been extremely difficult to take since last year. There is so much happening in the world: wars, animosity, anger, revolutions, false flags, attempts to start WWIII. People everywhere are confused and angry. We live through a volatile and revolutionary time and it is taxing on the system, especially for those of us who are Earth Keepers and Earth Shifters. These are the people who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and are also trying to shift the world into a new, higher dimension.
I have written about that in my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER, and partially, in GOLD TRAIN. I also talked about Earth Keepers and Earth Shifters in this interview. It is the most difficult place to be and one has to be a supremely strong soul to be able to withstand the brunt of the negativity emanating from most humans and so many countries, and still be able to do their job of holding the world together, keeping balance and shifting the world into a better future.
Trust me, I know. As a powerful empath, I am extremely sensitive to energy, and for me the entire 2014 was hard. But the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 was especially difficult health-wise. Many people who are highly evolved souls, especially those who are Earth Keepers, have been ill during this period, from colds/inflammations and broken ankles to tooth or back problems, to name a few. This is natural as someone has to carry the load, and those who do, pay the price with their health. It would have been easier if more humans helped out with this load, instead of making it more difficult.
If Putin is taking a few days off and is staying away from cameras, he is absolutely right to do so.
Putin still has a lot to accomplish; his important contribution is needed for the ongoing EARTH SHIFT. After a little tune up, I expect he will be back stronger and healthier than ever by March 16th.
Nemtsov murder exposed some long-brewing differences within Russian government. I would say that changes on many levels, including nationalization of the ruble and creating a more patriotic government (without pro-West liberals), are needed. Some want those changes faster than cautious Putin is ready to deliver them.
Soon, there may be certain changes in the Kremlin and Russian government, but I wouldn’t expect them to be too big at this point. Medvedev will stay as PM, despite many forces wanting him out. But those in the West who are longing to see the cracks in the Russian government – this won’t happen. Just the opposite: I expect further consolidation of the government and people around Putin.
I will write about the special relationship between Putin and Medvedev, and its significance, in the upcoming EARTH SHIFT REPORT: THE PUTIN ENIGMA. Stay tuned for it!
P.S. Incidentally, I am taking a few days off to celebrate hubby’s and my birthdays. I’ll be checking my blog and email. NO rumors please. Despite taking a break, I can assure you, I am also alive and well. 😉
For more read Predictions
Books that take place in RussiaThe Earth Shifter and Gold Train
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Putin 3

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