Gordon Duff VT 1-15-15… "Video: Rich Man’s Trick"

veterans_today_banner_NEW_31I’m feeling a little reluctant to post this, but I was very “drawn in” by a portion of this 3 hour long video (I viewed 25-45 minutes; particularly interested in that section, as it has more about General Smedley Butler (War is a Racket) and the massive takeover of the US which he helped prevent).
There is also quite an exploration of how “All Wars are Bankers Wars“, illustrating how both the Axis and the West were funded and built by the same people and corporations. Why? More profit.
So I’m posting it. There.


Video: Rich Man’s Trick
Dr. Preston James often takes issue with America being ruled by satanic child killers. Many read what he writes. Some believe, many do not. I can state with moderate certainty that, if anything, Preston James understates. Here, however, is a different version, one well written and presented.
Alex Powers asked me to put this up today. I am in about 20 minutes watching it and have learned two things, one about the Dulles brothers. Thus far I see this as a “cheap and lazy” chance to get something akin to a quality education in 20th century history with more than a smattering of economics.
Noted thus far is a version of the holocaust now questioned and many “facts” that are not in evidence.
Far more serious is the attempt in this video to show the Rothschild backing of the robber barons and how the “City of London” backed Hitler and yet lying about the Bank of English being Rothschild controlled.
Is the video propaganda? Yes. What is it hiding? The same Americans who financed Hitler financed Lenin. In fact, Lenin was sent to Russia by the Rothschilds. One longstanding question has been the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Suppressing this document has been the dominating force leading to control of western press for over a hundred years and yet, in Paris just last week, we saw an operation right out of the Protocols, so clear only the most mentally infirm couldn’t see it.
I suggest watching what you can and starting an active comment and question board below.

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