Kp Message (really early morning of) 12-10-14… "The 'Appalling' Vog of Fear Porn News"

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_32I’m using the word, “appalling”, since it’s certainly not “appealing”… to me, at least. And that’s “The News” sites I just visited. These include:

  • Veterans Today
  • Russia Today
  • PressTV
  • New Eastern Outlook
  • Sputnik
  • Rumor Mill News

I mean… Come On!!!
Every single one of these is full of “Who killed who today”, or “This person/ official/ or ‘who the h knows who this person is’ just did this terrible thing” so be afraid be very afraid… we’re going into WWIII (or WWIV or WWVIIIIIIIII) or nuclear holocaust or watch out if you eat any of this non-organic or GMO’d or non-gluten-free stuff you will die… now.
Yes, I tend to try to view some reports for the news that indicates we are indeed “ascending” as a planet. But as I just looked at all of the ones above, they all seems to be saying “The world is ass-ending.” Or maybe, “falling on is ass-end.”
If I did not know otherwise, I might just let go of all this “blogging business” and get on a canoe and paddle out toward the sunset and never return to this “ass-ended” world.
And then, I remember, “Oh, it’s all just fear porn”. No matter how much I might “respect” any of the above news sources, I realize that ANY site can be a purveyor of “fear porn”. And so it is tonight (rather, this morning).
So all I will say is, and remind myself about is, “That is NOT my path.” The path of “Vog” (volcanic fog).
And I may allow my lower mind to be “in the vog” of feeling “appalled”, but I also remember that I am of the Light, and am on a path of Light.
And in the end (even my own “ass-end”), that’s all that matters.
Aloha, Kp
[PS update: perhaps I should consider taking a vacation to Hawai’i!]

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