Gordon Duff 12-1-14 "Keynote Speach, Damascus Terror Conference"

Gordon lays everything out for those at the conference in this snippet from his talks in Syria.
Published on Dec 9, 2014
Reality check on criminal control of US government
Note: another version is here, http://youtu.be/8hh-1V4nvGg, with these added comments:
Published on Dec 10, 2014
Incredible speech by Gordon Duff at the Syrian International Conference to Combat Terrorism. Gordon led a group that represented the United States at the conference!
Gordon discusses who really runs the United States from the shadows! He names the US Generals and a Senator who runs ISIS! Never in history have the people of Syria been told the truth to this extent! I urge patriots worldwide to share this video and keep sharing all articles from VeteransToday.com Take over the comments for all controlled opposition in alternative media that censor VT! Take over comments and pages for all fake mainstream news! Patriots aroudn the world are now uniting behind our veterans putting out the truth! Never stop sharing VT and bringing more patriots to our team! VT for VICTORY!

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