Carl Boudreau 9-5-14… “Astrology Status for September 5th – Major Energy Shift Ahead and September’s Forecast”

carl_boudreau_fb_header_1Many of the things I (and others) have been “sensing” about “The Energies” is validated (explained?) by what Carl writes in this post.

Originally found this at Jean Haines site (Mahalo, Jean!).

“I view September’s chart as both preparation for and a preview of what we can expect as Saturn moves into square relation with Neptune. It will initiate a thorough and fairly rigorous review of all the ideas we use to understand our lives.

“On the macro-level, the real battle in September will be between people fighting to preserve the gross inequality of the old status quo (Uranus conjunct the South Node in the 8th) and those committed to genuine economic reform (Mercury conjunct the North Node in the 2nd)… The debate could be strident, rancorous and confusing.

“September’s composite chart is a full, slowly boiling cauldron of transformational and disruptive energies. Try to imagine what it would be like to immerse your mind and your emotions in this cauldron.

“September’s chart will send continuing swarms of mental and emotional shocks, large and small, through our lives – at home, at work, at play, on individual and group levels. These numberless shocks will open cracks between ourselves and our most important friends and allies.

“Long-standing political and economic loyalties will come apart, slowly but surely reshaping the political and economic landscape. This will be its own source of excitement and stress for anyone caught up in these events. And to some extent, we are all caught up in these events.

“Finally, as Saturn moves into Sagittarius, we will benefit from a broad (Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter) trine in fire signs. This broad trine is especially favorable for large, complex changes that require wide-ranging coordination and cooperation. It will begin in December when Saturn enters Sagittarius and fade when Jupiter leaves Leo in August 2015.

Beneath the turbulence, hidden behind the clouds of turmoil and the din of public debate, good things will be happening. We must not allow ourselves to be so overwhelmed by the stress of these changes that we lose sight of the good stuff – the reasons for hope and confidence in the future.”


Astrology Status for September 5th – Major Energy Shift Ahead and September’s Forecast* [chart attached]

A Big Energy Shift Ahead*
The Long Term Perspective
A worldview, or a belief system, is a carefully chosen set of ideas that explains who we are, how the world works and how we can best fit into it.

There are numerous religious worldviews. There is a single, more unified and consistent scientific worldview. There are numerous political worldviews, etc., Many mix and match worldviews. Almost everyone has a worldview, or belief system, and relies on it to navigate their life.

In addition to everything else they did, the last 6 or 7 years adversely affected our worldview. So much changed so dramatically, most worldviews are now badly out of date and generally inadequate to our present needs.

We cannot single-handedly create-or update – a worldview. Creating, maintaining and changing worldviews is a complex group phenomenon. And the planetary help we would need to accomplish such a group upgrade is just around the corner.

The bottom line is that we’re all standing at a crucial life crossroad without a road map. The good news is that, although our worldviews are still in flux, the planets are are about to bring them into much closer alignment with reality.

Neptune and Saturn are absolutely crucial to the birth, growth and evolution of ideas, including the ideas that make up our worldviews. Neptune makes ideas flexible and expansive. Saturn keeps ideas logical.

Saturn and Neptune often work at cross purposes, but between them, they help us keep our ideas about the world real, relevant and reasonable.

Presently, Neptune is in Pisces. Saturn will soon be in Sagittarius (December 2014).  As Saturn moves into Sagittarius, we approach a pivotal moment in the evolution of the ideas that largely determine the nature of our world, the flow of events, and guide our lives.

Saturn and Neptune will be in broad square relationship from the moment Saturn enters Sagittarius. There will be three exact Saturn/Neptune squares between November 2015 and September 2016.

As Saturn squares Neptune, rigid, fixed ideas will become more flexible; unrealistic, inaccurate ideas will become more realistic and accurate. We will take more time to arrive at an opinion, on the one hand, and be less likely to cling to outdated opinions on the other.

Our ideas will tend to mesh slowly into a more solid, stable and reliable picture of the world. This will happen on a large enough scale to bring all our idea, and our worldviews into better alignment with reality globally.

This process might be of little help to those with grossly unreasonable, irrational worldviews. But for those whose worldviews are basically reasonable and just need an upgrade, these four squares will be a blessing. Their worldview will come into closer alignment with the truth of our situation and, thus, become more empowering and effective.

It should also be noted that the coming Saturn/Neptune square marks a major energetic shift, away from the strictly physical and material world to the mental, emotional and spiritual realms.

September’s Chart

I know this talk of worldviews and their effect on our lives can seem impersonal and abstract. But September’s composite chart gives us an idea of just how personal and concrete the transformation of a worldview can be.

I view September’s chart as both preparation for and a preview of what we can expect as Saturn moves into square relation with Neptune. It will initiate a thorough and fairly rigorous review of all the ideas we use to understand our lives.
September will show us how such a process looks and feels on the micro- and macro- levels. (The reassuring bits come at the end.)
September’s T-Square
The most important and indicative aspect in September’s chart, in my opinion, is a T-Square. This T-Square involves the Moon’s Nodes, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto, Capricorn, Pisces and Leo, and the 2nd, 5th and 8th houses.

In effect, it involves all the major spiritual evolutionary forces in the chart. It will affect the totality of our finances and all of our personal relationships – romantic, social, professional and otherwise. This T-Square leaves very little untouched.
The T-Square’s Effects on the Macro-Level
On the macro-level, the real battle in September will be between people fighting to preserve the gross inequality of the old status quo (Uranus conjunct the South Node in the 8th) and those committed to genuine economic reform (Mercury conjunct the North Node in the 2nd).
The debate could be strident, rancorous and confusing. At bottom, though, the forces of spiritual evolution (North Node), will support those fighting for genuine change, as proposed by the grassroots. False arguments in support of injustice and inequality will finally be understood to be untrue.
September’s Relationship Yod
The Yod in September’s chart indicates that we could all experience this confusion and conflict in an intense and deeply personal way. The mental and emotional turbulence of August is probably not over.
The Yod involves Pluto, Chiron and Jupiter, the 5th, 7th and 12th houses, and Capricorn, Pisces and Leo, respectively.
Generally, this Yod will produce persistent, rapid, see-saw tensions over spiritual, moral, social, cultural and relationship issues in general and romantic issues in particular. These tensions will push us persistently and repeatedly to spiritualize all our relationships.
It could also compel us to modify or end relationships that do not work for us on a spiritual level. Alternatively, the Yod will push us to change relationships so that they do support our efforts to spiritualize our lives.
Deeply Destabilizing September Overall

September’s composite chart is a full, slowly boiling cauldron of transformational and disruptive energies. Try to imagine what it would be like to immerse your mind and your emotions in this cauldron.
September’s chart will send continuing swarms of mental and emotional shocks, large and small, through our lives – at home, at work, at play, on individual and group levels. These numberless shocks will open cracks between ourselves and our most important friends and allies.
Disillusionment and realization will alternate in close, rapid succession. That, in turn, could subtly undermine our social and professional lives as well as give us room to maneuver.
The same basic process will occur on the macro-level. This effect will be pervasive and global.
Long-standing political and economic loyalties will come apart, slowly but surely reshaping the political and economic landscape. This will be its own source of excitement and stress for anyone caught up in these events. And to some extent, we are all caught up in these events.
All of this can cause persistent, low-grade stress that, over time, will undermine our sense of mental and emotional well-being. This, in turn, could undermine our physical health. By the same token, it will undermine peace and stability at the community, state, regional and national levels.
But that is not the last word. The last word is an encouraging one.
Subtle But Pervasive Moderating Influences – An Encouraging Note

We must not be disheartened at the thought of so much instability. Underlying harmonies in September’s chart tell us that a new consensus is already taking shape, a solid foundation is forming in the deeper levels of our minds. We are already creating the foundation for a new stability.
Unlike the seemingly open-ended stresses and strains of recent years, these stresses and strains will come with an end in sight.
There is, for example, a subtle form of reciprocity between the chief planetary players in September’s chart.  Aquarius is the natural house of Uranus. Aquarius occupies the 6th house, the natural house of Mercury. Hence, we find a degree of reciprocity that will help moderate the high voltage Mercury/Uranus opposition and help us find resolution. There are other such factors at work in this chart.
Also, despite what is sure to be a strident and rancorous debate, the sheer power of this Yod will work in favor of compromise. It  is powerful enough to force genuine and lasting changes on all levels.
The Yod is driven hard by Pluto and, with Chiron, will produce pressures uncomfortable or painful and urgent enough to force accommodation. The sheer strength and relentlessness of this dynamic Yod will push people toward compromise and consensus.
Those ceaseless little shocks to the system that drive things apart will also be providing the flexibility we need to form new, more productive alliances.
The subtle, pervasive destabilization caused by this Yod will also open us to deep, subtle forms of inspiration and guidance and give us the freedom and the motivation to act on that guidance.

Finally, as Saturn moves into Sagittarius, we will benefit from a broad (Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter) trine in fire signs. This broad trine is especially favorable for large, complex changes that require wide-ranging coordination and cooperation. It will begin in December when Saturn enters Sagittarius and fade when Jupiter leaves Leo in August 2015.

Beneath the turbulence, hidden behind the clouds of turmoil and the din of public debate, good things will be happening. We must not allow ourselves to be so overwhelmed by the stress of these changes that we lose sight of the good stuff – the reasons for hope and confidence in the future.

[We should also be mindful that September’s pressures are driving us toward October’s eclipses. Eclipses always mark turning points and deadlines, foreseen and unforeseen. These eclipses will reset everyone’s expectations and accelerate forward motion. Keep that in mind, too.]

*This analysis is based on a composite chart, combining information for the new and full moons of September 2014.

September’s Composite Chart

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