Kp Comment on the "Hawai'ian Kingdom Series"… (and two videos)

hawaiian_kingdom_shield_2bI’m not going to mince any words about the posts in this series, or pretend like I know all what’s going on in them.
Basically, I don’t know exactly what I am doing with all of it, and all the reasons why I’m doing it. I’m just going one moment at a time with it.
But, I do know that I got that it was mine to do, and no one else’. And I do know that it is somehow extremely important for Humanity’s evolution, in ways I likely do not completely understand.
I can tell you that I do not know everything and/or all things about Hawai’ian history, or the Hawai’ian language, or Hawai’ian Kings and Queens and all the “kapu systems” and all the “royalty” business that has gone on here before.
Yes, I have lived here before, loved here before, died here before. And since moving here, I have felt (intensely) the pain and sadness of many of the native people of Hawai’i, that has come about as a result of occupations, and subsequent desecrations and dis-honorings, and non-honorings, of these lands, their inhabitants, and the Spirits of these Lands.
I do not believe that any one of us needs a king, or queen, or “royalty” or “monarch” or anything like that to proceed in our individual Spiritual experience. I know that the only true “Royalty” is within… within each one of us… individually and collectively. We each have our own Inner King/ Queen/ Monarch/ President/ Higher Being (whatever you want to call it) we can call on at any time.
I do feel, and know, that many people have much to learn about communicating with this Land, and living in harmony with it. How many people (tourists, transplants, even people born here) talk and listen to the land, the ocean, the animals, and LIVE that way? That’s what (I understand) original Hawai’ian (Lemurian?) people and communities did.
Maybe not so many who come to Hawai’i do live that way. But more and more, possibly, are.
Now, all that being said, I do know that there are indeed individuals who are coming forth at these times to assist Humanity in awakening, and releasing the past whatevers (hurts, pains, injustices, mis-justices, and plain old “crap”), helping to make the corrections… and moving on. And up.
I do sense very strongly, that Ali’i Nui Mo’i Edmund K. Silva, Jr. (aka, Keli’i), King of Hawai’i, is one of those individuals. I’ve felt very attuned to and aligned with the message he has, and the BEing that he is. I have spoken with him, and I know he knows what he is doing here.


All right then, I also wanted to include here two videos that might help some understand more about the Hawai’ian situation, The first is Dr. Keanu Sai, Ph.D., from the University of Hawai’i. He has studied the “Hawai’ian Sovereignty”, “Hawai’ian Kingdom” situation.
The second video (thx Tracy) is a 90 minute program that appeared on History Channel, “Conquest of Hawai’i“. Several of the people in this documentary have been/are involved with bringing Hawai’i back to it’s (never relinquished) Kingdom state.


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