Some Do, Some Don’t… Some Will, Some Won’t… And I Say, “So What!!”

20140403-122702.jpgThe mocha (from Kona Coffee and Tea) is posted here just to draw people in… It was excellent.

Well some of you already have an email with an accidentally sent out post… via this iPhone WordPress app that has a “Publish” button that was asking to be hit. So no big deal.

Anyway, this post has been asking to be written for some time. And then after the “Zap, D, Zap, Me, Zap, D” Blog Star “Wars” series (and I say that “wars” part just so there’s a “Star Wars” in there), I got that THIS was the moment.

In my view, each of us who [posts, emails, blogs, writes, websites] stuff, about stuff, via their own channel(s), is DOing what they are “guided” to DO.

My deal is to simply observe what is put out there (some of it, at least), and occasionally add my own comment(s) to it…

No judgement added thereto.

Personally, I feel that I have my own tools, some of which are ones I’ve had for awhile, others I’ve acquired more recently. I value and use my tools. And basically keep my hands off of others’ tools. Those tools are theirs.

We are in a period of what I see as massive changes on this planet, and, for me, it serves no purpose to discredit anybody else’ tools, or the information they are putting out there, via their tools.

Today, this moment, I am deLighting in all of the “stuff” that’s coming out, and observing the waking up and the changes that are going on around this planet.

You know, I know that there is only the I AM that is really important for me, and how I get to that understanding is mine. Not necessarily someone else’ “how I”.

This “Ascension” thing, as I view it, is a planetary event. Not a “just me” event. How the “planetary Ascension” thing comes about may be different for each. But the process is planetary. Not “only for me”-etary.

Whatever is occurring now to bring about this “planetary Ascension”, in my mind, is a process. And it is a process for the planet as a whole.

Therefore, whether it includes any of the following for each individual human (or group of humans), is not for me to judge:

  • global currency revaluation
  • economic reset
  • prosperity package
  • arrests of “criminals”
  • meeting of ETs
  • going up to “the ships”
  • going to Inner Earth
  • going into a Light Chamber
  • the “Dragons” helping in this
  • the “Dragoons” helping in this
  • the Chinese helping in this
  • my Aunty Edna helping in this
  • Santa Claus helping in this

Well, that’s it for today.

Aloha to all, being “in the process”,

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