Neil Keenan Update 3-15-14… Ginger (and Friend’s) Perspective Thereon…

neil_keenan_3This is the second post I was talking about, with Ginger and friend’s information.

[Ginger] While I have only been subscribing to 2012 The Big Picture blog for a few weeks, I have come to love this woman blogger’s depth of knowledge & sleuthing so much so, that I just let go of the Stillness In The Storm blog. (I am keeping my info input down to only my favorites, as I do not have time to read or listen to them all)

But when I saw this post this morning, I immediately called my friend (who knows way too much and more than I do about the history of money since the time of Babylon!), because I had lots of questions. So I will attempt to share below what I learned that may interest some of you, into this Keenan report.

I have placed the information below each Video Highlight of interest text,
with this, “>”, [and in RED].



[BP of 2012thebigpicture] Thanks to CosmicVoice for the heads up.

Looks like Karen Hudes is in Keenan’s bad books. Not a good place to be.

OH—and he said there never WAS a Malaysian Flt 370! How about that? Ooops—I stand corrected. What he actually said was, some are saying there never was. Judging by the number of page views from Malaysia the past few days (over 2,000 yesterday) on this blog, I’d say there must have been a plane because they’re all scrambling for information, too.

Things are definitely moving along more quickly now. Soon, it will be a FRENZY with so many different things happening all at once. Strap yourselves in, my friends, we’re in for a wild ride.~ BP


March 16, 2014, Video Highlights [from Keenan’s post (Ginger’s friend’s comments in RED)]:

They got me again! But I’m already back and will be 100% soon, thanks to Dr. Group.
> Dr Group has found ways to assist those talking too much like Keenan, therefore targeted health-wise . . . Dr. Group knows what is going on and has found ways to assist us around health issues in ways, no one else has that I know of.

Karen Hudes – the jumping jack of the Asian cons.

> A few months ago when Heather put out her opinions around Karen Hudes not being in integrity, I had no idea what she was pointing to. But in reading about Hudes via a well sleuthed post . . . I began to realize and with help of my friend to validate it . . . Hudes is probably being used . . . and Heather was the first to pick it up and point to it, but never saying why.

> So to clarify, one of their strategies of control is to have someone inside who is very knowledgable like Hudes . . . to look like they are a “good guy” and something of a whistle blower. But in-fact they are being used to completely confuse everyone, putting out more mis-information that seems credible.

> So a big thanks to 2012 The Big Picture for uncovering all the whys around Hudes!

There is no financial reset of the West without the Dragon Family and Asia, because they own the only global assets that can finance a reset. I believe they are willing to finance Western assistance, but not until we move to get rid of the Nazi Zionists and Khazar bums killing us and the rest of the planet with their land, air, and sea poisons. Don’t worry. We’ll find a way to get rid of them.

> Who are the Khazars? Maybe some of you already knew, but I did not. Among all the most powerful mafia-like massive global warring factions . . . they sit at the very top of the controlling lunacy heap . . . both in physical and non-physical forms . . . and are essentially the off-world reptoids.

George Soros is crapping his pants because the EU is falling apart with England turning its back, and Ireland moving in the same direction thanks to the likes of Nigel Farage and Clare Daly.

> She has know who Nigel Farage is for years and so this is excellent info.
Soros threatens to take his corporate toys and go home. Good luck, George. Your time has come and gone. You’re becoming irrelevant and you’ve just exposed the cabal.

Jean – while mistakes were made, nobody has more integrity than you. But this isn’t about integrity; it’s about control.

> Small note . . . Jean Haines blog has recently decided to no longer post anything from Keenan, so this is a comment for Jean.

My criticisms of the militia was not directed at Rick Light, because he is not in charge of the militia. There are many militias. The Eastern US militia is ready. Some Western militias are not. If we are going to wait for laws to authorize, or worry about laws that violate, our natural rights, we would wait until hell freezes over.

Taking down the EU is easy. And we’re going to do it.

Bill Gates – soon you will be run down in the street and done unto, as you are doing unto others. No one will save you when the people come for you.

George Soros and the Rothschilds are stirring up trouble in Ukraine in hopes of raping and pillaging it. Putin is too strong and will not allow it.

Indonesia is standing its ground against the cabal. That’s why they have suffered the threats and the facts of cabal engineered disasters in that part of the world.

My historical meetings with the top six Global Account stakeholders have been underway for several days and are progressing well. We are at the precipice of opening the Global Accounts that have been diverted from helping the peoples of the world for the last eighty years. That is about to change soon. This will benefit Asia immediately. But the Global Accounts will not be used to help the cabal. Funding will not go to cabal controlled Western institutions. The Western secret societies are ruled out. We have to do our part in getting rid of our cabal leaders before Asia will do their part in financing a new era.


[Ginger] To sum it all up, between this blog’s wonderful sleuthing and my friend’s two to three decades of knowledge collected, this info Keenan is now putting out appears to the most credible at this time.

And to further sum up what we are both getting energetically is,
how Kauilapele’s energy update posting are spot on and the most recent one around “compression” . . . as we are fully within the nexus of a major vast shift of the ages . . . and where the blending of our old denser self with our already ascended self is happening now.

For me, it feels like I am a rubber band stretched to max that it is about to break. And since my mind is always the last to know what the heck is actually going on – lol – it is going a little crazy! So I am having to keep the humor around everything going strong.

Also, of great note worthiness is . . . it feels to me and my friend, that the Galactics are holding the airliner-disappearing thingy/opportunity . . . as a huge last chess leverage piece to be played with the Khazars now . . . AND that the Galactics are so close to us now. . . so it is all feeling VERY exciting now!

With much love, Ginger

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