BEing in Non-Stability…

This is part of the view this morning. These have been coming in over here for a couple days.

They come in this form because the ocean pulses (swells) which form them become non-stable as they get close to shore. So they rise up, and then, being non-stable, they fall over to make these beautiful beings, called "waves".

That’s the same for the Self. And most reading this I’m sure have already "got" the same thing. And that’s what the last four posts were about… BEing in this non-stable place.

I’m about to make a move to a small place. I mean, really small. Yet it is very large in space. Outer space. With papayas and fruit and ulu (breadfruit) and (probably) avocados… and even internet trees.

Even that place, I know, will be non-stable. And non-"permanent". Allowing for change. Allowing for growth. And allowing the space for the Light to perform its magic…

All because of embracing…

…the art, and joy, of BEing non-stable.

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