131220 Kalalau Pre-Final-Ceremony Message…

As I stood before Kalalau Valley tonight, a partial rainbow had formed overhead. To me, that represented a reward, of sorts. Perhaps an indication of completion.

After a few minutes, every other human had left. I was standing alone, at the top of Kalalau Valley, watching the large waves breaking, and a few seconds later, hearing the crashing wave sounds. Other than that, there were only sounds of birds, and a distant goat or two.

This, I knew, was “The Journey’s” gift… To me.

And that was all I wanted. Being there… At peace… In solitude… With Kalalau… And with the Planet.

So tomorrow morning‘s celebration ceremony, at 0711 HST, will be almost an after-echo of that gift.

It is important to me, and to all of us who have been on this ad-venture together. Just as important is it to those who may have been “rescued” from timeline discrepancies, and all that, namely, those Native Ancestrals, whoever and wherever and however many you may be…

I will post this prior to posting the ceremony video, along with a video that, I hope, captured a bit of the “Peace in Solitude” gift I experienced, this evening at (and from) Kalalau.

Later PM drive to Kalalau: for the first time ever, I saw a deer… which came onto the road right in front of my vehicle. It stood there several seconds, then I spoke to it and it walked back into the forest.

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