From “The Office of Poofness”, 6-9-13…”An Historic Week”

poofness_office_of_2Quite a bit of uplifting news here. I can only say that there is truly a lot happening behind the “to the 3D eyes visible” scenes.


Poofness 6-9-13…”An Historic Week”

Greetings and Salutations,

Seems things have come full circle with President Xi visiting President Obama in California at Sunnylands, “Camp David of the West.” One of President Reagan’s favorite spots. As it was President Reagan who gave the go ahead the Connecticut Trustee and his team for all of this to start for the US many years ago. The news reports Obama is pressing Xi on the Cyber Attacks issue and both men are getting to know one another which was mostly fluff for the public’s consumption. The first 15 minutes of their meeting was really the historic part of the visit with agreements and document signings pertaining to our programs and the RV which put the payout phase into OVERDRIVE! Now you know why this meeting wasn’t a formal head of state meeting at the White House, important world changing events needed to be done, no time for all the fancy stuff.

From ZAP…………….

Hi all

A very interesting week has gone by with many events converging to the final result: peace and prosperity for our humanity.

Last week, the family allowed the first downloads to occur on the historic asset redemptions. Everybody celebrated. When monday came and everybody was over the hangovers, they went to the bank to direct the payments to the people that submitted their historic assets for redemption and.….NO Money in the account. Where did it go?

Well, this time, the shrubs did not steal the money, they just held it back from distribution. A bit miffed, the family pulled every last cent out, and did the distribution themselves leaving the shrubs with their jaws hitting the floor.

The Bilderbergers assembled an emergency meeting. They discussed this. They yelled. They cried. They drank fine wine. But waging a war with the universe and all of god’s works is kinda useless to begin with, but thinking that any wrongdoing can be fixed with a trillion or ten just does not work anymore. So they sorta slunk back under their various rocks they call home.

In the meantime, humanity moved forward. The last detail of that sequence was the tax ramifications, and the satisfaction of the outstretched palms of the various governments involved. Now with the agreements in place, inclusive of the dinar/dong revaluation, all can move forward to the next stage of the releases.

This coming week and next, will see massive funds going out to trusts, foundations, and others that have subscribed to the redemption processes, and project funding will abound for all our benefit.

It is not about the money anymore, but the nice blue ball we call home, and her kids.

Obama, dear fellow, signed off. Good. That means that uncle sam can get the #####, shower and shave and a new suit, and once again become the shining beacon to the world he is supposed to be.

The us dollar will strengthen, as well as provide for the foundation for stability long sought. The agencies (alphabets) that have worked and died for us all are to be commended and cherished in our thoughts for all the work they have done to help this come about. Without their help, the dark forces stood a chance of winning.

There is so much i wish i could say, but not yet – we are in the middle of a delicate process right now, and confidentiality is a must. I can say things that will give you a clear idea of the landscape we have in front of us, but the details thereof are still not to be divulged until after the fact, so next week will have further clarification of what is said here

Know that the forces of the federation and humanity are combined in this effort, and the protection of key individuals is in place in preparation of the changeover to the new system. So any attempts to kill the process will be met with a “return to sender” force.

Basil iii will be installed shortly, and although the internal systems have already changed to be in compliance to the new rules, it has not been formally announced. It will be shortly, and so will the dinar/dong rv. That one is pegged at about $3.40+ when announced, and china will benefit greatly in the purchase of oil from iraq. One would think this will have a significant impact on the dollar and perpetuate the currency aggression, but on the contrary, it will not do much to impact because of the underlying stability to the whole new system and the installation of the Basil III. So that one is pretty well taken care of in terms of shock factor (you do not want to upset the balances…too much).

Much fun ahead as we move forward into the light of truth and transparency. Many will step forward now and help with the tasks at hand, and give a helping hand to others in need. This is the time when humanity joins hands around the pool, and on the signal, jump in and enjoy themselves.

The family is grinning now as all of the major parts of the process have been worked out and implemented (despite the attempts at sabotage), and money movements initiated. The various trusts, foundations, banks, and platforms can already see the money in the accounts, and they are to be released in the next days.

Stay happy and full of the knowledge that humanity has indeed triumphed with the help of the chinese family that has looked after our best interests for so long. This also applies to the other members of that “family” in other countries, and they are white, black, pink, green, and sometimes purple (depends how long you can hold your breath).

God bless.

In love and light in our service


Poof said, “I’m ready, are you? All things end and begin, in this world. The lid has already been partially, lifted as I told you last week, now the total reset approaches, don’t be surprised at How things get done…….The truth is stranger than fiction. So stay loose. Your personal business is yours so, watch the ‘sharing’. The folks in charge, know where you are and what you’re doing not necessary to get on somebody’s’ list to get an invite to the party. That’s work that’s already been done by the right people.”

Thank you for your prayers and condolences. Consultations upon request until the doorbell rings.

Love and Kisses,

Susan & Staff

From the Office of Poofness

P.S. You can not, not be okay!…………….Susan

[to see the initial music video and lyrics, go here]

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