Benjamin Fulford 2-26-13… “Is March going to be the month of the final breakthrough?”

benjamin_fulford_popple_120911_snip16Ben is suggesting here that the “major changes”, world governmentally speaking, will come in the month of March. This somehow lines up with what Tolec said on his home page, as posted here recently,

“These vibrational changes, and continued geophysical changes, earthquakes, volcanoes going off, wave events, these will all continue to happen throughout the last months of 2012, into March 2013 [and beyond] when the final rotation of the 90 degree shift of Earth’s crust begins to happen with the present day East/West orientation of the continents moving into their new North/South orientation.”

So perhaps this all goes together. We know “the dark ones” cannot continue to to exist, as they have been, in the Higher vibrations that are present now, so something has to happen (and is happening).

Here is one short piece from the non-public section.

“The momentum is with the 180 nation BRICS alliance. They wish to improve the environment and living standards of the planet. Their motto is simple: ‘make love, not war.'”


Is March going to be the month of the final breakthrough?
Benjamin Fulford, February 26, 2013

High level geopolitical horse trading going on around right now appears to be headed towards historical changes in how the world is managed will become visible in March. Big diplomatic moves have been seen with Japan, Russia, Europe, South America, Africa and the US during the past week, although with few public announcements. These talks are in preparation for big moves expected after a new Pope and a new Chinese government, formally take the reins of power in March.

As the horse trading continues, the following potential geopolitical chess moves have been hinted at by the various factions: the Pentagon would seize Nigeria’s oil fields, North Korea would attack Beijing and Shanghai with nukes, China would start a war with India, Japan would team up with Russia, the US and India to tame China, South America would link itself to Africa etc. etc.

What all this really amounts to is the various factions showing their strengths in preparations for replacing the Western dominated world system of governance with something more representative of the actual people of the planet.

There were also responses last week from MI5 and from the Vatican P2 about the attacks on the Queen and the papacy….

[Kp note: I am no longer publishing the full article. To get the full article, see below.]


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