Fireballs… Explosions… All Over the Place…

fireball_over_japan_130214[UPDATE, just after posting this: actually, these are from American Kabuki, in kind of a sideways kind of way (although not on his blog yet).] I’m not sure why I’m posting these, but they seemed to fit together. Maybe this is just more indication that the dark is being blown up by the Light, kind of like the lightning that struck the Vatican.

Esplode corpo celeste a Cuba [“Celestial body explodes in Cuba”]
Cuba, 15.02.2013

“Residents of a locality ‘in the central region of Cuba said they had seen an object that fell from the sky and exploded with a great noise, which shook the houses of the place: it is learned from testimonies collected by local television.

“In a report released this morning by Rodas, town in the province of Cienfuegos, witnesses described a very bright light that has come to have large size, comparable to that of a bus, before exploding in the sky.”

Enormous fireball seen from Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany, 13 February 2013
Huge Fireball Over Japan Caught on Camera Yesterday

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