The Last “Pope Post” for Now… “Why the Pope Really Resigned”… then, I Say, “Pope Out”

colbert_with_pope_outI’m just putting here a few links to articles I found about what was “really going on” with the Pope resignation. So feel free to check them out.

“The Pope resigned because he has been fingered as a mastermind of 911, 311 and the wars in the Middle East by both George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair, according to P2 lodge sources.”

Colbert Report: “Pope’s Resignation & Papal Speculatron 7500

Daily Show: “Holy Quit! – How’s It Going With That Popey Changey Thing?

Daily Show: “Holy Quit! – How’s It Going With That Popey Changey Thing? – Tuiasosopo’d

Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter – Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation

Pope Benedict is leaving the papacy because….” (Removing the Shackles post)

And now…


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