The Only “Dependence”…

kauilapele_with_12-12-12_sun_P1000167_crop_10_6As I sit here at Java, listening to the waves, some kind of message is trying to come out. Let’s see what it is…

There is only one “dependence” that I go along with. That is, dependence on Higher Self. That’s it. I’m not going to try to define it, only that it IS within, and it IS Higher than ego small self (small “s”).

When I get Guidance, Higher Guidance, I DO often sense it is from my Galactic family, partners, crew. Rather than just “Higher Me”, or “Higher KP”.

And to me, that “Galactic Guidance” comes via “Higher Self”. It does not come through the intellect, or emotional body, or from other people, or whatever. It is NOT a calculation, or a fixed deal (where I make a plan, and feel like it MUST be adhered to… no matter what).

There are many groups I’ve associated with, and learned from, and practiced principles with. But always it has come back to this idea (for me, at least):

“Yea, though I walk through the land of reversible cups and sanitary pedestals, and dark seeming places, and Light Workers that say I have to do this or that or blah or blah, I will follow Mine Higher Self, and the Guidance therefrom. And yea, Higher Purpose will be fulfilled.”

So, there it is. And there it be. If that hits something within you, so it is.

Until we meet again. Aloha, KP.

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