A Bit of a Light-Storm has Ensued…

firestorm_topptWell, I’m not sure what anyone else has seen, but I’ve been noting a lot of posts and emails and Skype messages, that tell me that the release of the TOPPT Discussion/Conversation VIDEO & MP3s (and now, Transcript) has created quite a Light storm (as I like to call it). Several of the group involved with this have been “gloriously swamped” with emails (and if you want to be a part of this “glorious swamping”, you may email, [email protected]). We’ve been seeing it in our SMS communications, and from sources I would never have suspected were interested in this.

Here are a couple new blog sites that someone has just created for this, in Canada.



And check out this link to see a letter D (at Removing the Shackles) received about all this.


Finally, a note I received from someone in Australia.

“I have to tell you that the people’s trust and the conversation with heather and all it’s implications has been the only topic of conversation for me all day with a group of people from around australia.”

Apparently, that conversation struck a definite sweet spot on the planet.

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