The Dove… and the Ceremony…

121227_1013_dove_eating_off_fingerI_MG_4574_35This bird often comes to eat with me (a local dove… it is NOT a pigeon and it does not SPEAK ‘Pidgin‘). I bring walnuts (the favorite of the doves) and break them up to feed them. And now they are eating off my finger, most of the time. When I am in the midst of doing this, it is all that matters. At that moment. In that moment.

I often speak with them, and tell them how sweet they are and how much I appreciate them. Many of them have differently formed feet (club feet). And this particular dove has a thread of some kind that’s wrapped around both legs. Yet he/she still walks, and flies, and eats walnuts. One day I’ll figure out how to clip off that thread that’s restricting its movement.

Today I felt I HAD to come down here to Java. I had a release ceremony that I felt MUST be done today. Water from Anahola Bay (Kauai), where an important part of the 9-9-12 mission was perform, was released into the ocean in the vortex here at Kailua Bay.

This closed a cycle that had been operating since 1987 (Harmonic Convergence, anyone?). At the Anahola Bay, a necklace had been released, in the bay, a necklace that had safeguarded the Higher Light Essence which was carried from ancient Lemuria. I returned from that part of the mission with water from Anahola Bay, which was today released into the vortex at Kailua Bay.

From the Light of Lemuria, into necklace form, into Anahola Bay, turned to water essence, and today, released into Kailua Bay vortex, and back to the Light… The Higher Vibrating Light of the Ascending Gaia.

No mistake that I was closely connected to this dove, today. “Dove of Peace”, one could say. “Dove of Harmony”, one could say. “Dove of Ascending Gaia”, one could say.

So there.

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