From Steve Beckow 7-23-12…”First the Dark Attacks the President. Now Lightworkers”… (and My Comments on Those Comments)

Well, I just ran across this article by Steve. This is mainly in response to this article on AMN (Drake’s site).

Now, first off, according to the AMN webpage, although Drake posted this, the author was one Douglas (Doug) Hagmann. I did a small amount of internet checking, and found a few articles about, by, for him. Also, here is a link to an Alex Jones show (May 9, 2012) on YouTube with Mr. Hagmann, who appears in the second half of the show. He appears to be somewhat similar to Alex Jones, an exposer of wrongs, and so forth. Until today, I had not heard of him.

Now as far as Drake is concerned (and all of these “workers” who have appeared on our scenes recently), I like to “take the best, and leave the rest”. There is more to Drake’s site and his shows than “Obama smashing”, and “gun rights” talk (which do not interest me). There are other articles and posts (like the Neil Keenan ones) which do interest me. Maybe other folks are the same way (I also don’t always care for all the articles on RMN or NesaraNews; but I still read them for the occasional “gem” that I find).

Here’s the deal, personally, and this is me (Kp) writing.

I do not care at all what any of these people say, write, have said, or have written about President Obama. I only care about what I know.

I will not spend a moment on trying to convince anyone of anything about him. I will simply state what I know and have known about him since before he was elected (as President of the USA (Corporation, of course)):

He is a Light Worker.
He is working for the release of this Planet from the chains of the past, the cabal, the dark ones (whatever you want to call it).
He is not here to be just the President of a single country.
He is here to be a President for the World.
He is for all peoples of the World (not just USA-icans (USA Americans))
He is from another star system (Sirius, I believe), and his body may or may not have been born on this planet. It does not matter.
He is here to help elevate human consciousness to the point where we, as a planet, may ascend.

Much of this I learned from my association with Mark H and his crew of Galactics (Mahalo, Rama, Tara, Beth, Ashtar (and the Road he often is on!)) back in 2008-9.

I will not try to figure out everything President Obama has done. I will neither defend nor criticize any action he has taken, because I do not know all of the reasons behind each one.

So now, and I believe one of the most important pieces from this article, I learned that there actually IS this book… “The Obama Factor: How Barack Obama Elevated Human Consciousness” (published May 18, 2012).


First the Dark Attacks the President. Now Lightworkers
by Steve Beckow, 7-23-12

No sooner have the dark been thwarted than lightworkers are now picking up where the dark left off in casting every kind of aspersion at the President that one could think of. (Thanks to Kathy.)

A post on Drake’s AN Militia rakes President Obama over the coals on matters relating to the birth certificate and accuses him of furthering the economic collapse of the world, taking God away from America, courage, guns, etc. Here are two central passages. Notice the rhetoric, the slogans, the lack of proof.

“He’s been instructed to fully remove ‘God, guns and guts’ from America and Americans, to neuter our military, bankrupt our country, and force everyone into dependency through a well-planned economic disaster that was crafted long before he stepped foot into the Oval Office. The financial crash of September 2008 was one such well planned economic terrorist attack. It had the blessing of many bankers and politicians in the U.S. and now I’m finding, some overseas. It was an important part of the framework given to Obama to ‘grease the wheels’ for a complete financial collapse. …”

“’Enough,’ [my informant] stated and apologized for his previous outburst. ‘We both know the guy is a an imposter, a “Manchurian Candidate,” and he’s there to do a job, implement a very specific agenda. And he’s not planning to leave until that job is done, the agenda completed,’ stated my source. ‘It’s no accident, his lack of history, lack of bona fides. It’s all about his lack of allegiance to our country and the Constitution that ‘43’ called just a ‘G-d damned piece of paper. And Bush was an American President, at least on paper. Where does Obama call home?’ Where does his allegiance lie?” (1)

Folks, none of this is true according to the Company of Heaven. I’ve written on the matter many times. (2) The entire collection of evidence from the Company of Heaven can be found here:

Perhaps I can post some quotes from the Company of Heaven to give you the flavor of that support:

SaLuSa: “You will have so much to enjoy in the near future, as you realize that you are being freed from the clutches of the dark Ones. With the governmental changes there will again be some surprises in store for you, as you will see those who are of the Light take positions of power and authority.

“The US Government will still have Barack Obama amongst those retained because, as we have stressed many times, he is a great soul of the Light. He is already taking actions that will aid our allies in bringing the Cabal to answer for their crimes.” (3)

SaLuSa: “You have been informed from a number sources already that President Obama is the one chosen to lead you through the coming period.

“His work cannot fully commence until the restraints upon him are removed so bear in mind that he is under much pressure to follow the advice he is being given.

“You will see the real man and exalted soul that he is come to the fore when he is able to fully express himself as a Being of Light”. (4).

Matthew Ward: “Some doubt that Barack Obama is the highly evolved light being that we and other messengers in high stations have told you he is, and he is perceived as following in the footsteps of the Illuminati. You will see for yourselves the truth of what we have said, but because his role in your world is of paramount importance, we shall speak about his position vs the Illuminati agenda. …

“Without the power of any Illuminati behind him, Obama could not have risen to become the Democratic party’s nominee, the essential first step to his election as president, and this was known to the master planners of Earth’s Golden Age. The soul who embodied as Barack Obama, the souls who would back him many years later, and all of you who clamored to participate in Earth’s ascension process knew that too, but none remembers.” (5)

Arcturian Group: “Your president is an evolved being, but he is not being allowed to bring through many of his enlightened ideas at this time, but he will. Send him Light dear ones, for he is now facing so many obstacles to his way of seeing and doing.” (6)

Traditionally the President’s detractors have taken what the cabal has done and laid it at the feet of those they wish to bring down. The dark did it and now lightworkers are doing it. And we are being as uncritical in our acceptance of the allegations as any darkworkers have been.

For instance, on the issue of not being born in America, notice that the topmost cabalist in America, in my eyes – George Bush Sr. – was not born in America. The cabal points a finger at Obama but nowhere do you hear a hue and cry that Bush Sr. was German-born, or that John McCain was born in Panama (if one wants to be legalistic).

The cabal hurls these charges at others. At no time do they apply the same principles to themselves.

Being born outside the country isn’t the issue. The issue is simply to bring down Obama.

Americans and Russians used these propaganda techniques against each other in the Cold War, which sociologists called the “mirror effect.” Mirror back your opponent’s charges to him. What they say of you, say of them.

The same with all the charges hurled against Obama in this latest lightworker article. Barack Obama did not “grease the wheel” for an economic collapse. In fact if the truth be told, the opposition to President Obama has been so complete and overwhelming that he hasn’t really been able to get much of anything done. He’s been met since his election by a solid wall of allegations and rhetoric from all cabal members – Republican and Democrat – as soon as they saw they could not control him.

And we as lightworkers having seen there is smoke assumed there was fire. Please don’t be drawn into the well-ramified opposition to the President that stems from the dark and has persuaded so many lightworkers to abandon the President. Just a short time now before they’re gone and Obama will stand forth in his true character. I personally want to be able to say of myself at that time that I stood by him through the whole sorry assault on his character. You’re certainly welcome to join me.

(Douglas Thomas, Ph.D., brings to our attention the fact that he has published the following book on the President, available on Amazon: The Obama Factor: How Barack Obama Elevated Human Consciousness.)

(1) Doug Hagmann, “Military Cue + Militias + We The People … and ‘They’ Lose,” AN Militia, July 21, 2012, at
(2) See “This Site is Pro-Obama” at
(3) SaLuSa, May 11, 2012, at
(4) SaLuSa responding to allegations made by James Rinks that the President had stolen $400 billion, from The 2012 Scenario, June 28, 2011, at
(5) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012, at
(6) Arcturian Group, March 19, 2011, at

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