One More Point from the Drake Message Today…

Perhaps some of you are “full of Drake”, as it were, after all these Drake and Drake-related posts today.
But I wanted to “point out” one of the key “points” he made today. From a couple of his sources (“Preacher”, Minuteman, et al.), he stated that there was an “indication” that “You’ll start seeing some crazy things happening” within a window of 2 weeks.
He also said that the Pentagon, DoD, had been rather “deluged” with calls, and implied (from what I heard) that they had got the message. He emphasized that a wise step for now would be to back off of making those calls, presumably so those people can get to the business at hand (namely, “Start those crazy things happening”).
So for what that is all worth, I’m just pointing these things out, for your Higher Awareness and Discernment. And this is from what I recall from the call (what I wrote may not be the exact words).
I sense that we are indeed very near to the end. The end, before the New Beginning.

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