Regarding the Drake Recommendations in the Last Show… use DISCERNMENT and Follow Higher Guidance… "KP Rant for the Night"

So here I am, at 1:49 AM HST, writing.
In this (yesterday’s) radio show, Drake mentioned a few items to keep on hand in case of an emergency, or extended changeover of bank systems, etc., as the cabal systems are replaced.
At one point, he mentioned (recommended, suggested) buying a gun. All I can say about that is, for myself….. NO. I will NOT be buying a gun. Unless I hear directly from my Higher Guidance to do that, I will NOT. That may be fine for him and his people and probably a lot of people who feel they should do that, but for myself, NO. I will NOT be buying a gun. (or any other thing like that).
As far as I’m concerned, as with any post I read or see or and post I put up here, I use the Higher Discernment within me to tell if something is “for me”.
As far as the Drake goes, and those he brings on the radio shows, I am drawn to much of what he says, but I do not agree with all of his viewpoints (or recommended actions, or what he chooses to do in his life), whether economic or political or protection-al.

I do not agree that “Obama is a dark one”. Not that Drake has said exactly that. But implications have come out to that effect. [I sense that the actions Obama has had to take are such that he has had to play multiple roles, for multiple groups. And he has had to take numerous actions that seem in concert with a “dark agenda”, in order to appease the cabal, or (very likely) to prevent the destruction of himself and his family (and who knows who and what else) (see also this Bill Wood show, earlier in May (mp3s here))].
To me, it is not useful or helpful to debate any of this. That is intellectual bullsh!+, in my mind. The only time we will know the entire truth about these political and other “world soap opera” matters, is after the demise of the cabal.
Regarding preparation for the changes, well, all I can say is that, for myself, I use the Higher Discernment within me. I have always kept about a month or two edibles on hand, and was “moved” to buy 2 five-gallon gas cans, and fill with premium gas, so all of us at the household would have emergency gas, if needed. That’s it.
In all of the “stuff” that has happened in my life, recently, during the past 2.5 years, I have NEVER been drawn to buying anything to “protect” myself. Gun, bow and arrow, knife, stick, rock, sharp blade of grass… NEVER. I’ve been in forests at 2 AM, slept overnight in my car in remote parts of the Big Island, Oahu, Kauai, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Taos, NM, and other places. “Alone”. I have walked the streets of Peru (Cusco) and Cairo (Egypt) at all hours of the day and night. “Alone”. I’ve been through many airports overnight, for days at a time, slept there. “Alone”. Never has there been a problem. Never.
Why? Because for the past several years, I go places “when called” to go. When I am there, I follow the Guidance of something Higher than myself. I listen. If the Higher Voice says, “Stay”, I stay. If the Higher Voice says, “Go”, I go. If the Higher Voice says, “Get the Hell out of here, NOW!”, I “Get the Hell out of there, NOW!” “Alone?” I have NEVER been, “Alone”. I AM NEVER “Alone”. And I know it.
We can go, be, do, whatever, wherever, we “are called” to go. IF we are listening to that Higher Voice. IF we have released that small ego voice, and stopped listening to that voice and stopped trying to feed it’s insatiable hunger for “on the surface”, petty, “bullsh!+”. “Bullsh!+” is for the bulls to walk in. Not Hue-mans. Not Hue-Women. (“Hue”, meaning, like a “Rainbow”).
I recall one “A Course in Miracles” daily lesson, that said, “If I defend, I am attacked”. Well, I do not “defend” myself anymore.
I DO call in some special friends, if I feel the need to be with them. Like AA Michael. Now HE’s got a nice sword. A Light Sword. And I allow Him to be with me. Any time. Any place.
I know that if I am listening to and following the guidance of my Higher Discernment, my Higher Guides, my Higher Self, I will always be in good hands.
I am protected. I am protected. I am protected. I am protected. I am protected. I am protected. I am protected. I am protected. I am protected.
And so it is.

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